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Everything posted by beatabeta
  1. In my opinion the 280 is more 'specialist' rider suited. When I've ridden them they seem more fiery and snappy than the 300 and generally (from what I've seen) it's only good expert standard riders buy and own them. I find the 300 ticks every box - lovely and smooth, great low down torque, awesome power when needed. The 300 seems to ridden by and liked by a huge cross section from decent clubmen up to top top level stars. However, as above will be down to your preference.
  2. Simple answer - no bloody idea Your right though the sport isn't particularly rich. I know the top boys earn a large chunk of their money from ITWC (now X-Trial) where they get good appearance fee and I expect finish position bonuses. This ties up with what Shirty says about top 5 earning decent money I would expect that they factories only pay them a fairly low wage but with bonuses etc. The rest of their money would come from sponsorship (Red Bull, Monster etc) and display and publicity events. Outside of this its easy to see why the rest of the riders cant earn big (or any) money from trials. I expect that X-trials will help generate more spectators and revenue if they are linked with other events like enduro was in Italy. However the problem is that again this will only benefit the best of the best.
  3. Jeez.... The guy was onto something BIG. Has Doug secretly been working for GG for all this time?
  4. Maybe a Lampkin replica enduro but not trials bike. When did you last see a manufacturer make Lampkin replica's? Not sure if I agree re: coaching Raga or not. Raga already has Tarres - IMO the greatest ever and founder of modern trials as most of us know it (till Bou made modern trials old and out of date with cycle trials ability on a motorbike) so will having Doug about help Raga?? without question, yes. Doug has been there, done that and won everything BUT Bou has moved trials to a planet that neither Tarres nor Lampkin can help Raga with. I think the only person that can help Raga is Bou. Raga will surely be watching and trying everything in the same style that Bou does - especially indoors. Will be interesting to also see how having a more experienced head around Gas Gas calms Raga. He's mentally looked defeated over the past few seasons and could well be looking over his shoulder at Fajardo and Ossa as well as looking at Bou. This is where I think he will benefit from having an older more experienced team mate who can help clear his head and focus on winning again. No one is better than Doug at pushing on despite injury, age, bike performance etc. On the flip side he might have b*gger all to do with Raga, ride whatever trials he's contracted too and spend most of his focus on developing Enduro for Gas Gas. A good move for Doug either way.
  5. First round of indoor WTC or x bikes whatever it is now is on Eurosport 2 (sky 411) TONIGHT at 21:00 UK time.
  6. There is always the chance that 'if' Dibs stays at GG it may be on a factory basis rather than GGUK. Obviously just speculating here and a Beta return seems most logical but it might just be that Gas Gas feel a 2 pronged attack will reap certain rewards.
  7. The new wulf sport (diadoras with a different badge on) ones are incredibly comfy but possibly a touch soft around the ankles. Alpinestars have too thick sole for my liking, can't feel footpegs as well as with others. Sidi Trials Zero are my choice. Last well, very comfy, good support.
  8. beatabeta


    Best advise is- They're all good, ride all different makes see which suits you best. Go for a 250 though, most bigger engines, although gentle on the bottom of the revs, will be less forgiving further up. At your budget I'd say Gas Gas 250, Beta Rev3 250 or Scorpa 250
  9. I'd say NO based on a) budget and bike seemingly being awful.
  10. OK I'm blaming my phone for this as I was meant to post in 'general forums' Sorry : )
  11. Wow.... How's this for a scoop of breaking news! Apparently Dougie rode a Gasser many years ago and no one knew!!!!! Well, that's according to the guy selling a Gasser on eBay (sorry can't link it as viewed using eBay app on phone) It's advertised as a 99-2000 and the guy he bought it from said it was Dougs bike... Innocent and naive or just a little dumb? PS: bike looks in good nick based on small pics on phone
  12. There is another good game for the iPhone on the app store : 'Unreal Trial'. There is free version and an upgrade version. I've only got the freebie buts it pretty good once you get the hang of it
  13. How do you change your name?? I have the opposite of Ben.... Beta in my name but no ride Gas Gas! Ta
  14. Hi, Does anyone know whats on at the show demo wise etc? I went a few years ago and it was a truly awful show with only about 5% trials coverage. I had a look on the website and saw a few trials stands/inporters etc there but does anyone know whether Ossa etc may have a bike there or if there is anything trials related other than a few stands? It is not too far fromme but dont want to drive there and spend
  15. You'd hope not. Its been developed and built in Spain so you'd think its been well tested in hot conditions over extended runs. It's easy enough to protect with heat shields etc.
  16. Jeez really? bad times! If it looks, sounds and goes like the one on the video thats gotta be the worlds worst buy.
  17. Is James Dabill to Beta confirmed? Seen it banded about but nothing concrete. Needs a new minder too.
  18. Just seen that Bou has resigned with Montesa for 2 more years. Does this mean they will be making a new bike? 2 stroke?? Or will they simply think 'he's winning on this, let's leave it'
  19. Probably the easiest and cheapest thing to soften the power initially is 1: flywheel weight (might already have one) 2: head spacer 3: have the head ground out a bit (poss best to have done professionally depending on your skills/knowledge) this will make a huge difference. then I'd maybe look at getting a 250cc kit and finally if you're still not happy swap the Keihin for a Dellorto. Personally I dont think the carb will help in softening the power noticably The Keihin is a great carb and I personally would keep it. Luckily for you the Dellorto also works perfectly on Gas Gas. Good luck
  20. Awful looking, awful sounding, awful set set up, hard to ride...
  21. That will be fine. I used to use comp 2 fully synthetic @ 80:1 and the bike ran fine
  22. beatabeta

    2011 250 GG

    Yea, that was my thoughts when I read that. Heavy at the front? Gas Gas? no way! I was Gas Gas for years then changed to a Beta Rev3, one of the main reasons for me selling and going back to Gas Gas was the heavy front end on the Rev3.
  23. The main phrase you need to focus on will always be 'fit for purpose' if you can argue that the item or bike is not 'fit for purpose' you are entitled to a replacement part (or bike if you have a strong enough arguement)within the first year. There are even discussions in Europe that ALL motor vehicles will come with a 2 year warranty, however there will be exceptions allowed in this and I wont be surprised that if this does happen trials bikes (MX / enduro etc) will be exempt. Again to Slapshot 3 - I've spoken to riders of 3 year old Beta's who have had stators (a known fault part) replaced FOC by Lampkins. Gas Gas had a known fault issue with the internals of the kickstart mechanism breaking (sorry cant recall the part name) and Shirty wanted to charge
  24. Cheers Andy. Does this mean (apologies if this has already been communicated on TC) that as there is no Cabestany it is NOT a world championship round? ta
  25. To Slapshot3 : If you've used them both it is fair to criticise IF the criticism is FAIR I've dealt with both Gas Gas UK and Beta UK and they are chalk and cheese - honestly they COULD NOT be more different. Shirty is awful, expensive, un co-operative and generally rubbish Lampkin is FANTASTIC, there is no other word I would or could use. Inside or outside of warranty he bends over backwards to help you. If someone asked me to recommend either of the above bikes based on back up and support I would say Beta with zero hesitation. To GasGas Ben : too late now BUT, by E.U law ALL 'motorised vehicles' MUST come with AT LEAST 12 month warranty. I know of riders who have threatened GasGas UK with legal action based on his illegal warranty and quel surpris, shock of shocks he backed down instantly and covered all the work and parts
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