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  1. maximus

    Cold Starting

    Neonsurge, if you are getting fed up of kicking the Beta over, take the ultra reliable Gas Gas out, that you have got sitting in your garage!
  2. Just recently changed the pistons on my rear brakes. I am having a lot of trouble getting the brake fluid back into the brake line. I have tried injecting the fluid into the reservoir, but it just flows back out. Has anyone any tips or can anybody tell me the sequence of moves I have to take, to get this bleedin' fluid back into the bleedin' brakes"!!!!!
  3. Thanks for your ideas, much appreciated. Do you know any other training DVDs that are in ENGLISH!!, its like having a german, teaching you how to drive,watching the spanish ones.
  4. Recently watched Ryan Young's trials training techniques, and I loved it! Does anyone know or can recommend any other similar DVDs? If so where would I get them from?
  5. Got ya ishy, i've got a gas gas tx 270. When starting the bike from cold it goes fine with full choke. When the choke is knocked off the bike just dies, after 1/2 minutes. I then turn the idle screw and it runs too much, however it does not maintain those revs for very long and once again the bike stalls. This scenario carries on for an hour until I eventually get a perfect idling speed and then it only cuts out occasionally! Any ideas?
  6. Just recently i have been experiencing problems with the engine cutting out. I have tried adjusting the idling speed, but this is very hit and miss. The problem only gets better after 2/3 hours of riding. Could there be a blockage anywhere? Any ideas would be fantastic!
  7. maximus

    Fork Seals

    Can't you get any anonymity round here?
  8. maximus

    Fork Seals

    Does anyone know any worthwhile tips for changing the fork seals on a gas gas tx 270?
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