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  1. I guarantee that this subject will come to life again now its January. What a stupid system it is. Already I'm hearing of issues including my own. I am just going to ride non ACU events and practice midweek. Sport 80, its the future. Lord help us
  2. I have also been struggling with a 2022 clutch after seven years on a 2015!! I've now tried all three settings with four oils to no avail. Clutch is perfect for first 20 mins then becomes more aggressive. I'm now going to try atf this week. Still unsure what crosses on plates are for.
  3. Also try with you throttle hand further back before you start then you cant rev as much. Clutch should also be in after back wheel has gone over ledge. Then its gentle brakes to control.
  4. It works so get ready to go over the bars !!!!
  5. Must be soon as beta and vertigo have released new models. I hope its orange when it comes
  6. I find the best way to date a gasgas is to buy it some flowers and a bottle of oil. Then just ask it out. Simple and ever fails !!
  7. Thanks all. now ordered the RRG
  8. A general question really for many bike variants. Sometimes the pots in the caliper don't move outwards at the same rate. Obviously its either muck or dry seals etc that's causing friction.I can work them free using little clamps on opposing pots but once done what oil if any would you try to use on the seal area?
  9. I use Castrol A747 at 100 to 1. 50ml in 5 ltres of fuel in the Gas Gas. Been doing this for 5 years and no top end issues. It also smells fantastic
  10. Castrol A747 50ml to 5 litres thats 100 to 1 for the last 4 years no issues. Any thin oil including ATF
  11. If it's carbon airbox you shouldn't have the usual water mud issues. Linkage needs maintenance but most bikes do. Kickstart is prone to shedding teeth if not used properly. Kehien carb needs a fiddle to get it how you like it but apart from those easy fixes can't think of anything else.
  12. Nice tip for any bike forum
  13. Thanks all esp trialman. Does it go in backwards or forewards
  14. Tempted to get one of the wheelchair adapted vehicles for trials transport. They're probably better looked after than vans.Does anyone use one. This may be more practical for me than a van. All comments welcome. Picture would be great.
  15. Id say get some trials boots to aid leg and foot movement. That could help you lots.
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