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Posts posted by anotherfive
  1. Another tip put the taper seatings in the freezer overnight and also the headstock. Warm up the bearing and also the frame head (dont blow yourself up) if poss before fitting together. Should help

  2. Now am really confused.For years I always thought that less oil in the mix meant a leaner running engine. Reading an off road site and talking to a colleague at work it seems the more oil the leaner the mix because the oil takes the place of some of the petrol. I can understand the theory but thought I'd ask for comments and also to make others aware. Have been running with 63ml in 5 litres.That is 80:1 I will now try a bit more oil in mix as plug still looks dark

  3. Just a couple of mad thoughts on this ever growing threat to lots of venues. I hope it never comes to this but what if 1000's of riders bought the hillside from Mr Fothergill and let him graze his sheep FOC in perpetuity???? How would a local authority charge each unique rider for riding on his land or on his mates square metre.Any legel types care to comment?

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