Have done a couple of dusty trials lately and have noticed very fine dust in the carb throat. Am I under oiling the filter or is this normal. Thanks.
It's called a practice day with mates. Get some markers and do it. No organisation needed
Think mine is the same. Probably the momentum of the first part of the kick allows the bart simpson to unload and therefore release back to rest. Apparently the kickstart hitting the footpeg is part of the design as well.Never sounds good though
Sorry guys but this feels like chatboard overeaction. How many of these posters have a gasser? There are a few topics on here already about the rattle. - When I got my first gasser I too was worried but read up on it.I ran that gasser twice a week for three years with no issues apart from chewing up a bart simpson .Bought a new one six months back and this is just the same. So does most of the noise go away when the clutch is pulled in, I bet it does. Hold a rag over the exhaust for a few seconds, any nasty noises,probably not. Black sludge on the magnetic sump plug is from clutch and bedding in. Larger bits would be from Bart Simpson. Find someone else with a newish gasser and listen to theirs, it'll probably be the same. Total cost so far £0. Let us know how you get on
The clip wouldn't stop that , as you braked the pads will want to move forward. If disc is in they cannot come out
Familiarity is the cheapest and most fun. The throttle can be as wild as you like it's clutch control that wins the day. One thing i have played with is the richness of fuel/air. This has calmed my bike down. Try various settings on the same obstacles. A bit of water in the carb will also make acceleration curves erratic...... I learnt that too. Good luck
Turning petrol to electric and trials into enduro !!! If this is the future i'm off.
Me too. Took it off 3 months back, brakes are better for some reason but it was with new pads.
Have been doing oil change on my gas gas tech forks tonight. Measuring is just about impossible as both legs have a spring (thought it was supposed to be the left leg)and also a wide piece like a spacer at the top of each spring. Anyway by trial and error I finally came to the following fill amounts by filling gradually and compressing until travel and rebound felt right . My results are LH fork leg140ml and RH fork leg 230ml. Has anyone any views. Seems to ride better than before so happy really.
Id try Korkys they have lots of SH bikes
Hi there are a few shops. B and B in Barnsley, trials UK at Horsforth, RAS sport in Brighouse. There's a newish startup in Thornhill called Korky's. I know people who have had work done by them and they sell second hand bikes. Good luck. Parkwood off road at Tong is THE place to practice. Good luck
Thanks for the replies so far. I think the "tails" of the spring force the pads apart and therefore the pistons to a small extent at one end at least. This affects braking I feel. Would love to know how it's supposed to work though.
Has anyone ridden without the spring. I can't see what it does. Current pads are curved at the ends and this holds them in. The spring is very fiddly and I think it helps the pads to wear slightly unevenly as I've had an issue with this.Maybe It's been in the wrong way round. Any help appreciated
Variable transmission - infinate choice of gearing
Hydraulic drive somehow - no chain
Good point Baldilocks. Muck after the filter anyone ?? I think not. My rev 3's were more worrying
evoalien. It's a 2 second job, not a disaster. Most of mine i suspect is from the wash off and fire up at end of day. Need to check this beforehand really.No bike is perfect. The betas wide engine stops any muck hitting rider or air intake, smashing !!
If you tape up the hole where the airbox lid fits. Then punch through to be able to fit the allen bolt this stops a lot of crap dropping onto the top of the shock and then gets sucked in.
Lots of comments over a short period, we must all be old on here !!! I use varifocals all the time except for trials. Even the helmet affects position of your specs. I use contacts and they are great and have advantages in rain or when you get hot and steam up your glasses. I'd suggest you give them a try, might even make you look younger - bonus
Sad news. Condolences to Sam and Ben. Penny was always a cheery face at Yorkshire trials, a charitable lady giving up much of her time to observing in all weathers.
The size looks to be only 10mm in length. Have you used two in each location?
Not holes but areas of graphite I think'self lubricating. Does that size fit gasser dogbones.
I think a few of us would do this if they are available for the Gasser. Roller bearings that hardly roll and in water is not good.
This dealer sells lots of trials bikes but is not on the trials scene, unlike most dealers around here. See it in the flesh and ask for its history.
On second Gas Gas now and have again cut the tab off, no issues to report apart from much easier to refit after carb work.
Mine is the same it looks odd but they should both point to one side of the bike