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Great news, hopefully that's the issue sorted then. The Ice Hell I've had for 2 weeks today and have done one trial and probably a couple of hours elsewhere. So far I'm very pleased I thought it would take much getting use to having had mostly Betas over the last 10 years but I seemed to do pretty well on it on my first ride. Build quality is superb, everything has been well thought out, the maps I do find make a massive difference and can see that I will be using these rather than sticking to leaving it in default map 1. As I said not rode it much yet so early days for me but impressed so far. Vertigo UK after sales service has been spot on, can't be faulted, they are there to help and I'm impressed just as much with the vertigo UK team as much as I am the bike, Nick especially. Anyone interested should book a test ride for sure.
Just to confirm, this is the exact same issue I had to the word, new plug should sort but phone vertigo as well as I did, they are more than helpful and will want to know, also I believe petrol oil ratio may need changing depending on whether you are running new maps or old, take there advise on that though before changing anything other than the plug. Your local garden machine store should have the correct plug as they are the same as some chainsaws, strimmers etc. As I said I changed my plug and ran for a good hour and it was perfect, got a trial this Sunday coming so will see how it goes.
Hi jj46, I had the exact same thing happen to me, mine was brand new ran perfect for a couple of hours then coughed and popped as you described, I had ran the bike in map 3 all the time, it cleared when I changed maps and was ok the rest of the ride (another hour or so) I had the same issue i washed the bike, then started it again it ran briefly then died and wouldn't start. I fitted a new plug as advised by vertigo who were very very helpful (perfect aftermarket help, these guys are the best) it's fine now I ran the bike for an hour and washed afterwards again and it's ok, think they can foul the plug easily, mines the ice hell model running the new mapping.
Thanks for the advise, haven't had a montesa before so didn't know there was a 2nd set of holes further back for the Allen snail cam bolts, I'll just move these back, thanks again for the help. really please with the 4rt had a beta rev 3 before and was worried I would find it hard to adjust to the 4 stroke but I found it pretty easy to ride from the off and have no regrets. Cheers iggy.
I own a 4rt which I bought brand new in Febuary, I seem to have nearly reach the end of adjustment on the snail cam adjusters which keep the chain tension correct, not sure why this is as there is still a fair amount of slot left behind the rear spindle for further adjustment but the snail cams will only take another couple of clicks before they are at full adjustment, the bike is completely standard with standard spockets and came with the snail cams adjusted more than half way when new, do montesa fit over long chains (Regina chains) do I need to get some larger snail cams so as to be able to move the rear wheel further back in the spindle slot as it does still have around half and inch to an inch at least of remaining adjustment which I can't adjust because the cams are nearly right round to full. any body else have this problem? Cheers iggy.
Sounds good Liam87, you have put my mind at rest, are you pretty much settled in on it now or do you think it will take a few weeks/months to feel comfortable, did you have the washer removed from the carb body hose or just the two exhaust restictors. mine should be with me in a couple of weeks, originally wanted the Repsol but none left, so going for the standard and just buying the carbon engine protectors etc.
Is the throttle restrictor washer i need to remove (or may well be removed in PDI) the piece pictured as item number 27 in the 2005 parts manual as of page E-1 cylinder head page which is called the insolate plate, i assume this is the piece as it sits in the hose between the throttle body and the barrel/cylinder block.
Thanks Jsp, i'll let you know if i need photo's cheers iggy
So do i need to do anything to the 08 or can i ride it straight out the crate as standard, wheres the big washer that you have taken out (rubber between ecu ? and engine, not sure what ecu stands for) i dont want to have my revs restricted but do want a nice smooth feel ? ideally i would like to keep completely standard but if i need to change things to get a softer and smoother pick up then i guess i'll have to.
I guess i should try it standard then after hearing the difference with the 2008 being much smoother this sounds more like what i want, i'll see how i get on, hopefully bike should be ready for collection in mid January, i'll let you know what i think, be interesting to see how i get on, having road beta's for the last few years and not owned a 4 stoke trials bike sine the mid 1980's, hopefully i'll get used to it O.K, cheers iggy.
Thanks leetrial, i've just printed out your info as i think this may well come in handy, i'll try the bike as standard once i have collected it, if i dont like it i will try the PTB with the settings you suggest, thanks for the info, all the best iggy.
Thanks, would prefer the prorgammable throttle body if its cheaper then, does this have a few different settings and what is the cost of one of these (roughly) Haven't collected the bike yet so will try standard and see what i think, spent the last 3 years on Beta Rev 3 250's which i have found to be an excellent bike for my style of riding, i like the soft engine but just fancied a change to a 4RT, hopefully i will not regret it, my main worry is whether the engine is smooth and easy to control as i prefer a soft setting with power if needed rather than something that is a bit of a handful to control. any tips wopuld be grateful.
Thanks for that, i'll try it as it is then, what no you mean by ptb ? cheers iggy
I know the Repsol 4rt bike comes with the carbon parts and Fat Bars etc, but does it include the laptop software etc for different engine settings, i believe the earlier year repsols did but want to know whether the 08 Repsol does and if not how much does this cost and is it worth buying, cheers iggy.
I repack my exhaust once every 6 moths or so and just use standard Roof Insulation Fibreglass it seems to work fine.