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Everything posted by yamahaty250xox
  1. alright you can tell im board, but here goes........ in your own opinion, what has been the best trialsbike ever? yamaha ty gets mt vote.
  2. go onto google and serch babel fish
  3. c cry but dont worry. there are allways engines around and it will be beta second time round dont dispear
  4. hi i have a 98 315r with a grimeca front brake. would an ajp lever fit this? thanks max
  5. what if you ride say an 03 or 02 you have to buy it yes? how much are they?
  6. thanks thats great, but i think the dates are a little messed up
  7. ive never tried riding one but i hope to next week! whats the back sus like then? all the linkage bearings went on my 315 and it was costly. so wouldent linkless be beter in the long run? max
  8. hi, does anyone have a link to a picture galery that shows all previos montesa models? thanks max
  9. hi all, im thinking about changing my bike in the not to near future, and i like the sy 250. im currently riding a montesa 315r and im rele impresed with that. what are the scorpas like? whats the build quality? how reliable are they? any help apprecited max
  10. he is lazy with the mantenance! i try to tell him that a 2005 bike doesnt stay nice for long if you dont maintane it!!!!!!!!!!!1 grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr thanks max
  11. right then.......... my mates sherco sems to munch sprokets (cheap 1s tho!) to try and same money in the long term what should he buy? renthal? or talon? max
  12. were do you get this 108 gas from?
  13. never had an aprilla but wow 30:1! thats far to rich shurey?!?!?!?!
  14. im willing to give it a go, and my bike is part of me so ................. i think il ask them for some help would a 98 315r be light anuf to do this move?
  15. i had it. dont ride for a week or two and the next time you get on your bike you should enjoy it.
  16. i have a 98 315r and mine does it. it is because of the octane in the fuel. montesa recomend running them on a mix of 98 octane and 105 octane race fuel. i dont think it harms the bike so id just leave it max
  17. a few guys in my club have been showing off on a BIG log. most of them just wheelie onto it but two of them seam to leap onto it (without a ramp). ive been trying this for weeks but cant do it. anyone kno how? thnaks max
  18. id say gasgas 200 or beta 200. light but powerfull
  19. montesa solid as a rock but i like betas too!
  20. who is this guy? hes amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. NICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 50 times beta than the gasgas look!
  22. thanks everyone, i tried to flush it through by changing the petrol in the tank, letting the carb run out of fuel and start again. but this didnt work
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