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Everything posted by yamahaty250xox
  1. yes that was the section! his poor bike was reving its t*ts off! from what i saw it was one of the most chalanging section all day. max
  2. An amazing day out! i only stayed for the first lap but from what i saw, graham was on top form! michael was outstanding also as was morris. sampson had a bad off in the 10th but recoverd well. max
  3. suzuki ts50 19?? yamaha ty 250r 1988 montsa 315 1999 beta rev3 125 2007
  4. hi have found out this weekend that my shock on my 07 125 is leaking oil and lost damping. i know lampkins do an exchange service but are there any suspention specalists out there that would deal with this shock? and if so how much? looked through these forums and not to sure why but it looks like the shocks on betas are a week piont. bit gutted, love the bike but things just keep going wrong max
  5. fatbars and fatbar brakets. just replace the old brakets with the new ones. max
  6. hi thanks for all the replies i had the carb off and gave it another damn good clean. then i did as it stated on the delorto website to ajust the mixture screw. i ended up screwing it in 1/4 of a turn for the best response. its strange how such a little ajustmnet will drasticly change the running of the bike. it now runs sweet! i also had a look at the jetting, from all i could see the largest jet was a #60! probaly my eye sight as from what you have said this is way out. however im not to botherd now as the bike runs perfect! thanks max
  7. hi im having difficulty finding the correct mixture screw setting on my rev3 125 dellorto carb. does any one know what the best setting is please? thanks in advance max
  8. hi all i rode a trial earlier and when i got there my bike was flooded. took the plug out cleaned it, turned off the petrol and a few kicks and she was away. all trial it was fine until i got home and the damn thing did it again. could this possibly be because of the float tangs set incorrectly? as earlier on in the week i found some info on the delorto website about the float tangs having to be set perrelell to the carb body. i have checked this and it was slightly out so i have bent the tangs in a little. so this leads me to belive it is these set incorectly now? also what is the correct mixture screw setting for the delorto carb? any help would be appreciated max
  9. thanks mike ohh dear shame about your bike. how long do you think you will take to have it done? will you still be comming along on sunday? max
  10. hi thanks for all the help i have just taken the carb off and cleaned all the jets again but the problem still persists. when i first took my carb off i foolishly placed the floats in upside down thus not letting any fuel in. i realised i had done this so took it off again and truned them round. could this have bent the float tangs to a differnt place? max
  11. i think it looks nicer than the red frame
  12. i think you will need a proper grimeca one your best bet is to give BVM a call and state year and model of the bike they are bound to have some in stock BVM-01453 762743
  13. hi my 07 rev 3 125 has developed a bit of a splutter. it wont fully rev out and half way through the rev range it splutters. i had the carb off earlier this week and all is clean in there. although come to think off it the splutter started after i had it off. it does seam to get better if the petrol is turned off and run for a while. im using the recomended 70:1 petrol mix with castrol tts any help apprecated max
  14. could be wrong but i think it was either 1984 or 1985 dont quote me on that though max
  15. im fairly sure a bike will fit into a caddy we have had them in a peugot partner with room to spare before.
  16. my guess would be the thermo switch on the rad. if you remove the two connectors from the switch and then cross them over with a piece of wire, when the bike is running the fan should spin. however you must remove the conectors from the bike before you start otherwist it wont work. hope this helps max
  17. yamahaty250xox

    125 Reving

    hi all i have a beta rev 3 125 and when i start it from cold on the choke it revs up quite high with no throttle. is there something wrong or is all ok? thanks max
  18. i think there ment to be like it to make it stronger. i coluld be wrong though max
  19. hi all i have recently become the owner of a 07 rev3 125 and loving it it has a loads of power for a 125 (well i think so anyway!) i just have a few questions however; 1) in my haste to put the bike together (i had it shiped), i have sheared off one of the pinch bolts on the fork for the front wheel spindle. is it ok with just one bolt or will i need to get this sorted? 2) something creeks badly when i do a drop off of land hard. i think it is the bars however the mounts and yolks are as tight as they will go. 3) what is the recomended mixture? i am running it at 70:1 with castrol tts but it still smokes a tad. any help welcomed. max
  20. try your local bike shop my dads techno key went at the weekend so off to the shop i went and got a couple of them at
  21. http://www.motomerlin.co.uk/
  22. wash the bike with warm soapy water after use just clean and oil the filter after every use change the gear box oil regulary with good quality oil (every month) give the bike a good look over for any damage that might of happend if the bike needs a part replacing, replace it as soon as possible. hope this helps max
  23. i have a copy on pdf on my home computer if you pm me later with your email adress i will send it to you max
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