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  1. I've just bought a JTR270, to have a play a Trials. Obviously I should have posted here first before buying, but I didn't It seems in good condition albeit scruffy. I'm a complete novice at Trials and although experience for 4 strokes, I've never had a 2 stroke before. What do I need to know? Can I get a manual for it? I assume there is oil in the gearbox to change periodically? what other routine serving should I do the bloke got it from said a 60:1 mix - sound about right? Any help appriciated. Jim
  2. thanks for all the advice, although I suspect I've ignored most of it and done my own thing. Initially I got off to a bad start and bought a Pw 50 that turned out to be a Chinese copy Fortunately, the seller was a decent man (he bought it as a "Yamaha" with receipts and everything) and gave me all my money back. I've now got a proper PW 50 and my sons first event is on Sunday. I know he will grow out of it soon, but I still think its the best way for him to learn. there is the added bonus that everybody else can have a go on it cos its so easy to ride. I have already annoyed the next door neighours by riding it around the front lawn... I'm still grateful for the info on other bikes, because if he is still keen in a few months I'll start a slow trawl for a good replacement. As far as I can see there aren't many junior 50s around at any one time, so I may need to allow months to find the right on (whatever I decide that is). If I find the right bike I'll grab it and it will be there when he's ready for it. Cheers Jim.
  3. I've just registered, so I thought I'd say hello. I've just joined my son into the Surrey School Boys Club, so he can start riding. Until going along to a Trials for him, I've never been to one and I feel that I've lost many years, of having ago myself. Anyway this year, I'm going to get him going and maybe next year, I'll try it. So advice on first bike please, because I've had a lot of different opinions. He's 7, but small for his age. He's had a few goes on a PW50 and has got on fine. he sat on a GasGas 50 and his feet just touch the ground and he looked even smaller than he is. So: I think I should spend a couple of hundred quid on ebay and get him a PW50, although he's probably the max size for it, but its light for him to pick up and he'll gain bike skills and loads of confidence. Others have said get him a TY80, a proper trials bike - but I think the clutch will be far too much for him, so he won't be able to concentrate on riding. In a years time, i'll flog the PW and get him a GasGas (or something). This also means if he looses interest (I doubt it!), I will have only put in a couple of hundred, rather than the 1k odd required for a Gas gas. Given I think he'll only use it for a year, should I go for even cheaper Chinese PW copy? Any feedback very welcome.
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