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Everything posted by trials92
  1. This is how I carried out this procedure and it seemed to work well. Clutch Bleeding. 1. Removed slave cylinder from bike 2.Removed pipe union from slave cylinder. 3.Blew in hole to push slave cylinder out. 3.Used small syringe to fill slave cylinder. 4.Pushed slave cylinder in slowly, holding it upright, watching the air bubble out. 5.Reconnected pipe union 6. Cable tied clutch lever to bars. 7.Filled larrge syringe, with short lenght of pipe, with brake fluid, then point upwards to push out air. 8.Loosened slave cylinder bleed nipple and connected large syringe, via small length of pipe to nipple. 9.Held slave cylinder piston in position via mole grips or similar. 10.Steadily pushed fluid into bleed valve(say 50mm).You will see it coming out of the master cylinder along with any air 11.Tightened nipple. 12.Removed cable tie and pumped lever. 13.Held lever ,again, with a cable tie and left over night. 14 Finished. I hope this helps
  2. I will try the welded approach, as I do know someone who Ali welds, but as previously mentioned the Mag content may be too high! Would anyone know of any Brekers that may be able to oblige, or anyone else with a wheel to sell??
  3. The hub /sprocket mounting area has snapped off leaving only 4 bolt holes as opposed to the 6
  4. Now that I have resolved the clutch problem (used lighter oil, bled clutch using syringe and clamped leevr to bar overnight,using a cable tie) A more serious problem has arisen.The person i bought the bike from had recently replaced the rear sprocket...Good, Unfortunately he failed to tighten the sprocket holding bolts....BAD. As such the sporcket has sheered off the mounting on the HUB. As such I am now looking for a new rear wheel.Is there any alternative but to buy a complete wheel assembly from a Sherco specialist? Will any other make of rear wheel do? Bike is a 2003 series sherco 125.
  5. Thanks for that, will check the plates later today....
  6. New to this but here goes. I have a 125 Sherco.The clutch is not working correctly.I have bled the clutch through (I hope) and the slave cylinder is moving in and out as it should.I also removed the clutch inspection cover and can see the clutch plate moving around 1-2 mm.Could it be that either the master or slave cylinder seals are weak? I am at a bit of a loss (both mentaly and fiscally.. ! )
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