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bruce..... im in the same boat, looking for a monty or a beta ? be the 1st for me to own also.. can the trans case be welded back up ? or check to see about a used lower case ? weet
ladtrialer :::: ,,,, throw your self at it ? ,,, lol !!! that's what im afraid of !!! some of those rocks can make an owiee !!! yeppers... was on the pond dam, there at my house. leaned over on the 4-wheeler... and fell off the dang thing !!! skinned me hand up pretty good !! my dawg clyde thought it was funnie as heck !! randyrat... glad to hear your story !! cannot wait to give it a try myself ! weet
YIKES !!!!!! and here i was thinkin "/?? a chrome chain ? weet
wow... great pictures ! hummm ??? beta ? Montesa ? im looking around....... i'll buy one soon someday. i did ride a Montesa down at trial training, in jasper tenn, .. had a good two days on it, i liked it alot. but thats the only time i ever rode a trials bike. enjoyed the heck out of it. weet
ahh ?? is that the same steve saunders ? who runs the goldwing site ? now that would be interesting !! weet
i hope this helps, i know nothing about trials bikes.... but i do know tractors. my 1951 farmall (H) is only 18 horse-power, but can pull a two bottom 16'' plow. in hard ground. i love flying low n' slow !! weet
weelll duhh !!! if i had of just looked at barrys sig, ................... .............lol.. that one ol' boy is pretty good sized, looks like ''me'' ....hahahaah !!! nice bike barry ! weet
well... now.. i think i'll just use my goldwing and a harbor freight flatbed trailer. saw a picture on the web somewheres, a guy with same trailer and a wing, i thought !? hummm... i have a wing and a trailer...?? now all i need is a trials bike. weet
ok,ok,ok,....... what kind of bike does barry ride ??????/??????/??? thats the one i want !! weet !
i dunno........???? my pop used to say i could tear up a crowbar in a SANDBOX....!!!! thats not the 1st time i've heard that about the Montesa's..... ok,, i've got 2k saved up... still looking, and thinking.... hummmm ???? weet
im in the same boat, .. but im over here in missouri. i havent heard anything bad about any of the newer bikes. gasgas seems to be well liked. i'll be looking for one too in the same price range, and im also the same age as you.[46] friend of mine says to try and find a 03' or newer gasgas, soooo.. im still lookin. weet
hello, folks... im almost right smack dab center of the united states, ''missouri'' and in the center of that state too. pretty rual, where im from, ozarks mountians, rolling hills, and big lakes. gob's of hardwood trees. so, now i know what a stone is !! .. still looking at a few ad's on a bike or two. had a friend in springfield missouri tell me to try n' find a 03' or newer bike, [his opinion] soooo... anyhoo, still looking around, and having fun ! weet
mafferz'...... well howdy !!! no clue on what a ''stone'' is ??? but i will say this, ya'll from england crack me up !! in all my many travels to the middel-east, seems like i was always laying over @ gatwick, or heathrow.... many pints !!!! i absoluty just loved walking around town, [the cabbies scared me to death] ...lol !! they was on the WRONG SIDE !! OF THE ROAD !!! lol, but we all know that, but was interesting to see 1st hand...ha !! the people would just stare and the wimmin would just giggle, when i talked or walked..... and fer sum reason, kept calling me a ''yank''.....? one gal, said she could spot the american in me a mile away.......[sheesh ?], and everybod thought i wuz from texas..... lol !!! musta been my cowboy boots and pearl snap shirts ? and ''CAT'' baseball hat ? lol !!! super wonderfull !! fine folks !! my hat is off to you brits, i worked many hours in iraq, with ya'll and twice ya save me bacon. ''thank you'' cheers !!!! weet
[gasp !!] ohh my gosh !!! you look just like me !!!!!!!!! nice bike ! weet