Give chris a ring at classictrial or look at his spindle kit on e-bay, or his own website, (google search) no beraings just two bronze bushes and a grease nipple so it will never need changing again. the only moving part is the swingarm!
DON"T alter the swingarm at all, the oil seals will not fit, it will weaken it and only your custom bushes will fit
The kit i fitted to my bike was 55 plus p+p, you will need new seals also. this may be the easiest option.
did you buy a spindle and bush kit from e-bay - classic trial? the one with a grease nipple?
it does feel wrong hitting bits of bike with a hammer but i got mine perfectly aligned after a small beating!
such a relief to get sorted out, the bushes will wear in and all will be well so long as you keep it greased.
hi russell,
I had the same problem a couple of weeks ago with my 240.
when you replace the old bearings with bronze bushes there is far less tolerance, i put the old spindle through one side of the swingarm (with bush in place) as far as the second bush and hit the spindle with a plastic hammer until the allignment was perfect, do it from both sides so you are not just bending one side of the swingarm. you dont have to hit it very hard to get it perfect, you will be suprised how little force is needed!
If the bushes dont fit over the spindle just smooth the inside of them with some fine grade wet and dry.
I read it on here somewhere, it said sales were down by a massive 84% compared to the 08 bike.
Even if honda did force the bikes on to honda dealers they would have to retail them for so much more money than any other trials bike, who's gonna buy them? nobody bought 09 bikes, sandifords only just got in to double figures last year and i suspect thats why they dropped the brand!
Unless the pound suddenly rockets against the euro new monts are never going to come down to "normal money"
If the euro was the value it is now back in 2005 when 4rt's were new, they would have cost
There is no distributor for montesa bikes in the uk and who would step up to the plate so sell an overpriced overweight out of date bike?
Not me!
hey, shouldn't have asked which bike to buy, you will get many different answers.
do you have a budget? do you want a 2 stroke or 4 stroke?
my advice is to test ride as many bikes as you can, they all feel different!
good luck!
i have used jitsie filters since i bought my bike, just make sure you dont over oil the filter, just dab it dry with tissue paper.
you dont need the fire guard either.
you only seem to get problems with these bikes when you start mucking around with them, people take out exhaust restrictors, adjust the tick-over, change plugs, dont warm them up, start them in gear, that kind of thing.
my bike is standard apart from the air filter, and a larger rear sprocket to slow it down a bit (better than turning the tick-over down)
advertise it on here, i sold my gasser within 10 days, first person to view it bought it! and it was free to advertise!!!
hello, have you or anyone else adjusted the tick-over at any point, its crucial the tick-over is set properly as this can cause a whole host of problems including plug fouling, a lot of people turn it down a bit because it sounds very fast when you first get a 4 stroke having come from a 2 stroke.
hope this helps a bit.
hello, do you fit your handlebars and live with them as they come or do you cut a bit off each end?
yep con, i saw it on ebay a few weeks ago and it was way up north, now it's in slough????
thanks, i have had the flywheel off and cleaned everything in there, fitted a new spark plug and kill switch, still wont start so have ordered a new cdi and regulator at a cost of nearly 200 pounds?!?!?!??!?!!!!!!!!
i hope to god that it starts after all that!
i had the same problem the other day with my gasser, i put up a topic on here and have not had any response yet, i have ordered a flywheel puller today so will have the thing in bits tomorrow, i'm told there is probably water been getting in somewhere for sometime and its got corroded, not sure you will have the same problem with a brand new bike though!
Programable Throtle Bodie
the appleyard ad lists the reccomended prices on the 08 bikes, it says phone for best price....... on the older repsol the price is 4299 but they dont say what year it is!!!!
no, new
i'm looking at buying a new mont, but which would be a better buy? last years 07 repsol or a standard 2008 4rt....... and why?
hello, i have a 04 300 raga rep, just started it before a trial, rode about 200 yards and the thing just died.
i have checked the fuel flow, and the spark with 2 plugs, there is no spark, the earths are ok and i have removed the kill switch to eliminate that. it has a ducati ignition which explains a lot!!!!!
anyone had a similar problem? can anyone help?
in the end i sprayed a bit of chain lube in the back of the motor, it worked for the day but the fan does not cut out??? so i have ordered a new one at around
hello, i have taken the fan off the bike, when you spin the blades it seems to vibrate, the blades are not hitting anything, it seems like the motor shaft is vibrating at the fan end rather than the back end of the motor. it spins freely though......
thank you for that valuable advice.......
hello, the fan on my raga 300 has developed a noise a short time after a muddy trial and a good pressure washing, does it come apart? there are 3 screws holding the motor in the housing but the fan blades wont come out of the front??? can i fix it or will i have to buy a new one? any idea how much?
thanks, bingo
thanks, all done and back together, although it was a bitch to bleed the clutch, when you said just push the fluid up from the bottom you made it sound easy, it must have taken about an hour, i dont know if i managed to push any fluid up but i got some air to travel up whilst keeping pressure on the syringe and pumping the clutch lever.
thanks for all the help
ps i am also a berko member so say hello if you see me down there, i'm normally down there on sunday mornings now i have another bike
hello, i have an 04 300 and i have just done a strip down and rebuild, the radiator had ktm stamped on the side so i guess you could try ktm or gas gas for a new one and see who is cheaper!
as for the mix, i only got my gasser 10 days ago and mailed gas gas and they said 66:1 which is 75ml of oil, atf dextron 3 works great in the gearbox and is cheap enough!