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  1. When you look back at certain points and certain bikes that were key then some generations will think differently to others, but for me, It was the 1983 Yamaha Monoshock. They didn't sell on world round results. It only won one in the hands of Thierry Girard (maybe 1988?), but when the bloke in your local club bought one, he became a whole level /class better overnight. At the next trial you tried his Mono Yam and .. WOW this is easy!!!!!.. you were ordering one on the Monday, or trying to get the money together for one. Were they £1850 back in the day? .. that's about £5900 in today's money according to those inflation calculator sites They sold by club rider results and then other riders trying them at the trial, not world trials results. The Yamaha had a soft torquey engine and had compliant suspension. Many people don't alter their suspension and they get on and ride the bike as they come. That is one reason why many A soft compliant bike is what 99% of riders need but probably what 1% of the riders actually WANT. Still, if a fire breathing 300 makes you happier than a nice 160 then buy it and enjoy it. As for the costs of 'factory bikes ( most bikes are made in a factory of some sort). I expect if you cost a few bits of carbon, titanium and unobtanium, plus a hell of a lot of man hours up you can arrive at fantasy numbers. What about all the specials made in sheds by enthusiasts? Cost them on a commercial basis and they'd be the same price.
  2. I've seen them use both bikes in the same British Champ trial, so clearly it makes sense to have 2 or more bikes!!!!
  3. rosey

    Gas Gas Future?

    I have not been paying too much attention as I don't recall the older ones breaking, but I thought the change to round section tubing was simply because it is cheaper. If it wasn't, I'm sure they would have stuck with elliptical, just painted it differently and fitted new stickers for that factory look. What's in it for the cynic?
  4. rosey

    Gas Gas Future?

    Maybe they've spent too much money on R+D? Their many model (sorry I mean colour) changes over the years and new rim sticker designs/anodising must cost a fortune :-)
  5. Back in the 80's most people put a smaller gearbox sprocket on. 13t is original, many went to 12t (as I did on the 300 Fantic I had in 1984) I seem to recall 11t being used too. I still have the standard gearing on the 300 Fantic that I now own, but I use the clutch a lot !!
  6. rosey


    Trials is such a minority market. Most manufacturers reach into the same parts bins, so a significant amount of stuff is the same across all the brands, or used on one brand then the other at different times. It seems that in almost every case the new models have problems (going back in time as far as I can recall) and need a few years to come to light and then be corrected. This is the same for a lot of products including motorcars. All are built to a cost. just like cars. Manufacturers will change component suppliers on cost/availability.. sometimes there are problems... just like with cars. Development costs are much higher in real automotive (Cars etc.), but per unit sold maybe not. One thing is for sure, failures on cars have much larger legal consequences and safety issues, though I'm told a motorcycle gearbox seizure on the road is no fun. There is now a large choice of bikes, so it's best to do your own research and pick what you think is best. They all respond to good maintenance ( that does not mean fitting rim stickers !) Whilst there are some failure patterns, in trials the bikes are subject to some fair prangs and crashes/drops/drowning etc.. Some of these crash acts/pantomimes are so bizarre that you couldn't script them if you tried. Add these unique scenarios and the on top of the normal failure patterns the potential failure modes are broadened. Realise they are built to a cost, enjoy the choice, make a selection, but whatever you do, maintain it well.
  7. So true! Many topics say get more riders into the sport etc. ... WHY? Where are they going to ride? There seems to be less and less land available.
  8. Ossa MAR and Pirelli tyres... that may have been twin shock back then! I think that as we've seen more recently some of the twin shock and pre 65 bikes are getting pretty modern! I'm awaiting the 2014 model range of pre65 bikes to be announced. Back to topic....I'd like to see Bou on a Honda (C50... OK C90 'cus he goes up big stuff).
  9. Mono yam was about £1850.. may have been cheaper in 1984 (although I'm convinced it first appeared in 1983?). They did tweak it over the years, engine cases changed extra engine mounts, stronger footrest mounts.... etc. etc. .. all tweaks then the front disc (radical change). It may have finished up at £2500. It never struck me as being that well made until I had Spanish bikes and I realised that the Yam was well made! I'm not sure how well made the Honda is now. I'm sure times have changed. Not so many people used to change bikes every year. Also bikes looked the same year on year. The Yam sold in tonnes in the early years as it was miles better than the rest to ride. It never really had any significant victories either. TYZ was erm different. The Scorpa with TYZ Yam engine was a great bike. Well suited to most riders requirements... didn't sell that many though. One thing that seems to be true of the more recent scene is that if there was a low cost bike, nobody would want it. Everyone now wants the bike the stars are riding then spends money calming down the power delivery to make it rideable for normal riders
  10. Lampkin's results say all you need to know about how good he's been and still is! Jarvis had, and probably still has, more natural ability, but on it's own that is not enough. There is that something extra that enables a rider to make the extra few steps to the top of the podium and we know that generally Lampkin has done this (but not in this event) Still if the problem is the press release only, then at least Jarvis gets a mention. I recall that some of the Montesa or Gas Gas factory releases have not even mentioned the other riders or certainly do not highlight the bikes they are riding. This behaviour is so childlike and pathetic it's laughable.
  11. Looks like a 1994 model to me. Pics suggest its not seen much trialing action, but seem to show its not seen much maintenance either. Might be a good bike? They rode really nice these. I recall the brakes are not on par with later models, but still OK.
  12. The bike will not be a limiting factor. The 'pre- pro' models are probably a bit stronger in general, but there was a frame design fault on a model around 97-99 ish and the front down bits (can't really call them tubes) were cracking. I can't recall which year it was but somebody will know.
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