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Everything posted by technowaldo
  1. technowaldo

    Engine Paint

    2k car paint better than all that heat resistant stuff even for exhaust Down pipes doesn't burn off and a great long lasting finish
  2. Rub it down as best you can then prime it with plastic primer and then 2 or 3 coats of 2k paint and it will look better than new remember to paint the insides of the mudguards first or it will look s-- t when you build it up
  3. technowaldo

    Engine paint

    Just use normal 2k car paint it doesn't burn off I've used it on 2 and 4 stroke engines even the exhaust manifold and it lasts for years
  4. Think they are meant to stay dry it looks like a chromed finish on the bearing surface
  5. Don't rely on chains and ground anchors too heavily. a cordless 4 inch disc cutter with a 1mm disc cuts through them like butter . Frightning
  6. Believe it or not but you can get Chinese copies of a Chinese copy oko .if you got one of the cheapest ones it will never run right .i got one and it had no pilot circuit cast in it
  7. Hi the Cush drives in the back wheel hub of my tlr 200 are shot and wondering if its better to replace them with the original bushes or is it better to make them solid with alli bushes
  8. Realistically needs 2 tyres,rear shocks and other miscellaneous bits and bobs which will equate to £300 why not spend the money on a decent fantic
  9. Just bite the bullet and buy a complete new master cylinder 90% of brake faults stem from the m c
  10. Dont rely on a chain through the frame a 18v cordless grinder with a 1mm disc will go through the very best chain you can buy like butter, spend your time and money on beefing up your shed security i.e. Metal door and bars etc
  11. Watch what oko you buy there is a lot of cheap copy's on eBay .i couldn't get my 200 to carburate right even with a new delarotto and I bought a oko from classic trials and it's been like a Swiss watch ever since
  12. More likely your crank seal on the clutch side try giving the bike a good roasting to clean it out before you start stripping it
  13. Just keep the earth clamp right next to the job and it will be ok
  14. Say what you like you can see from the pictures that the Down tubes are replaced with a thin tin structure bolted on to the head with 2 bolts transforming the engine into a stressed member even if the tin survived a jump which I doubt it would your relying on the engine to take it and as hank said they are just cheap junk
  15. Take a closer look at it .the Down tubes have been cut and replaced with thin tin bolted on to the head and there's no bash plate as such .the first time you come off a decent jump it will bend its self like a banana .waste of a good bike why would you .
  16. forget the inline filter there is already one fitted in the tank at the tap
  17. My advice would be buy the 2012
  18. Just bite the bullet and buy a new master cylinder 80%of the time its the cylinder that's causing the bother not sure if the newer evo one with built in resevoir fits yours
  19. I've got a pair of riding trousers that have removable knee pads in them that work well cant mind the maker tho
  20. I've ran 70 to 1 fully synthetic in my evo, fantic ,still saw ,law mower ,strimmer, and everything else that's 2stroke for years with no problems and sometimes in 4 strokes too if I've no straight petrol lying about so I don't think it matters as much as most people think
  21. Your waterpump casing is pourous £85 to replace
  22. Bite the bullet and Buy a decent fantic 200 for about 2000 ish and you will not lose a penny on it if you decide to cash in on it
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