Chains are good but the cheapest 4 inch cordless angle grinder cuts through the most expensive.chain money can buy like butter. I always think your better spending your money on beefing up your.shed or garage security to keep scum from entering the building in the first place
I think the std spring is for about 11 12 stone rider you can add another stone with your riding gear . Buy an uprated spring from sxs and it will liven it up a good bit
I bought one last year 04 trafic 90000 miles one owner full service history only had light work thought I was onto a winner , couldnt fail three months later one gearbox rebuild, a turbo boost sensorand 2 crank sensors later and about £1000 light I cut my losses and bought a vito .ill never buy french again
If you install 2 spherical bearings on the same shaft it will stop the movement a spherical bearing gives as they will be fighting against each other on the same shaft . ? Have you tried simply bearings website ross
Have a look on ebay .you can buy complete fan units for not much money and they are not a million miles from a beta one .I think an aprilla sports bike one is almost identical I think
I had an 06 rev 3 and loved it but upgraded to an 11 250 evo and couldnt believe how much fiery it was took me about6 mths to get the hang of it soif it was me I would start out on a tidy rev 3 I
Buy a cheap pressure washer for washing your bike I would never use a steam cleaner as they are too powerful ive used a pressure washer on all my bikes for the last 30 years and not had any problems as long as your sensible with it i cant see how you would properly clean an off road bike without one
Remember your dads bikes almost new his one will sound the same in 7 years time .if your bikes running fine and reliable just forget about it and enjoy riding it
i always buy the cheapest and pack with grease everytime i take the wheels off .last well over a year .its false economy to buy expensive ones as they dont last any longer
thats not the drain bolt its the bolt that holds the leg and stantion together take them back apart and have a good look at how they go together and you will see where youve went wrong
put in a high bid for the items so you are guaranteed to win them and when it comes to paying for them tell him to ---- off and give him a taste of his own medicine.the worst he can do is give negative feedback .so what
replaced my sons bottom shock bearing with a nki1020 needle roller from simply bearings(£8.50) over a year ago and still as good as new only thing you have to do is pack the sleeve which comes with the bearing with a washer either side .certainly wont be buying a cylindrical bearing at £30+ again