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  1. i have wanted some 'factory wheels' (notched out ones) for my bike for ages, and i would like to know where i get them from! does any one know where i can get them?
  2. gasgas are the best bikes!!!! but there is a new thing out wich is great, recently i put a new chain tensioner block on which i got from the dirt bike show from and it is great!, it stops the tensioner arm from being bent/ being snapped as it has a chopped off corner on it, and looks great too!!!!
  3. gasgas are the best thing since sliced bread, ive had 5 not one major problems, that wasent infliced by a large fall off
  4. just buy a titanium rear silencer and they are as quiet as anything (4rt) everythingother 4t is 'silent'
  5. ive had 5 gassers 1 05, 2 06, 2 07s and ive had no real problems, just watch out for the gear lever as if you hit it 'funny' the gearbox selecter always chips and therefore will not change gear (ive only done it once big fall off)
  6. yes its the 06 300 raga replica
  7. the GP were great today great race unlucky rossi !
  8. as im sure you are aware, in briton we have generally two sets of rules to ride with stoping allowed and stoping not allowed-(personally i think worse) so im wondering why we have the no-stop rule as i can not figure out why? as basically if you follow no stop rules to the 'letter of the law' you either get a clean, or a 5 )or you keep it rolling using the spider technique!) Also i dont see any draw backs to stop one as when using this rule you still get marks for stopping so you try not to stop but if its necacery its only the one not a five and i never see this rule 'clogging up the sections' if any thing stop five would be worse as you tend to 'rush through' and five the section so more people havbe to push there bikes out but with a slight pause you can get lined up and go for a the one. to add to my opinon that stop one is better is that all world rounds, the brittish champion ship you can totally stop alsong with YMSA trials which is evan better but there is flaws in fully alowing stopping, but my point is that they alowing stopping so it must me better?! any way please tell me your point of view as i am a full beliver in stoping alowed (especialy stop, hop and reverse!) but please tell me the advantages of both rules. thanks jonny
  9. where has shaun morris got to in these last two rounds i haven't seen his name in any of the results?
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