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Everything posted by xxx
  1. Boldi, Yeah i know what your saying,lol. What i mean is i dont want to be paying out loads of money for faults that are caused just because the bike is made of paper,its no good having a bike that you bang about and it falls apart when youve just spent
  2. xxx

    Trials Shows

    Thats brilliant advice thanks ranger. This weekend,it would have to be the weekend iam at work and iam working late aswell. 1st July great iam not in this country. I am going to get myself down to a few trials and have a look. Ive had a look at the Man17 web. Thanks again
  3. So why dont all bikes last along time? Alot of people seem to have gasgas's but i dont want to get one of them if it breaks at the slightest knock. After all its gonna be bashed abit whilst iam learning,but in 4 years time i dont want to be buying a new bike.
  4. If something like that goes on a bike does it cost a lot to replace? And is there anything expensive that needs replacing? Is it necessery to change bikes? Can i not buy a bike that would last me along time instead of allways paying?
  5. Yeah sorry AFI i was after the 2007 one.Got the pic from Gas gas motors,maybe i should have looked there first,lol.
  6. No this is: Gas Gas raga rep Anyone know much about this Bike? Does this have the same problems with the other Gassers? Do gassers have a lot of problems with them? If they do then i dont understand why every picture i look at it seems to be Gas Gas.
  7. xxx

    Trials Shows

    Max,ive previously already said on the site that iam from manchester but nobody replied. i had a PM off a rider on here who was helpful but i couldnt make it to the trial. I am just looking at ACU now.Theres loads of info on there about clubs. Is anyone in Manchester 17 club?That looks like a local place,buxton,stockport etc. I have been looking at the observer part aswell,i wouldnt mind helping out.what does it consist of anyone know? This would give me info aswell i suspect. I dont think i will be giving it up.I didnt think there was much in the north west but looks like there is. I just wanted simple information to get me on the right track. The clubs are out there and they hold the trials but do they have like practice trials that you can go to or do you have to find them yourself?
  8. xxx

    Trials Shows

    ACU Ummmmm..................i didnt know about that. I dont watch it on TV as ive not got sky.I have bought a dvd. i bet the one in sheffield will be on this decmeber then. I will check out ACU site,thanks for that info mate.
  9. xxx

    My New Gasser

    Thats one nice GasGas mate.
  10. After a lot of thinking i have decided not to take up trials riding. I have not had luck in finding any clubs or any riders that would show me trials,which is a shame as i was genuinely interested in starting up. I understand why people would not want someone else having a go of there bike,but i suppose that comes at a later stage when you've got to know someone. I had lots of advice and help from the motorcross scene but only for motorcross which is not what i wanted to do,reason being as i had rode MX years ago. Anyway i will get to the point what ive put up as my Topic Title,when are the indoor trials at Birmingham NEC or other indoor shows? Thanks
  11. xxx


    Can you merge the other 2 with this one aswell please.there on general trials. Thanks
  12. xxx


    Sorry. I did reply. I had to post up again as my last topic got deleted!!!
  13. xxx


    Still cant find a place where i can go and have a go of a trials bike or somebody to let me have a go and have a chat with. Is trials riding not popular as i seem to see alot of motorcross about,on the internet,but not just that there seems to be alot of practice tracks about and not much in the way of trials. I have asked loads of questions on here but dont seem to get any answers.All i want to do is find out as much as i can and where the best places are to go,i dont want to be standing at a trial watching riders go up and down and over stuff because thats not going to learn me or help me understand trials.i need to know the basics first,whats the difference in bikes,cc's,what power is needed.Where are clubs in the north west. Anyone know of any places? I really want to find out as much as i can but iam not having much luck. Thanks
  14. xxx


    Any one know of any trials in the north west (BUXTON) that are on in the next couple of weeks.So i can have a chat with some riders? Post on here or PM me thanks.
  15. Ok, iam about 9/10ST About 5'5 and iam 24.Oh and i live North West.Will likely to be riding in Buxton area and surrounding areas. Thanks
  16. The reason iam posting loads is becuase i cant find a website that shows you things and explains stuff. Thats just incase anyone is wondering. And does anyone know of any websites?
  17. Do you have to have upper body strength to ride trials and is there any more things that are neede to ride trials.I have one skill which is balance so i suppose thats a good start. Do you get injured much doing trials?
  18. Can someone explain,what the difference of CC'S are in bikes EG: Is a 125 suitable for a small lightweight person and a 300 is for heavier people or is the fact that 125's dont pull up hills etc? I have been looking at Gas Gas,Scorpa,Beta and Montesa.When i watched my trials DVD that i bought,the Cota looks like they struggle up steep hills,boulders and this was lampkin riding it,BUT when you seen a Gas Gas it just flew up the hills and boulders.I am a bit confused to say the least. And also 2 0r 4 stroke,whats the difference anyone explain,advantages/disadvantages. Just trying to gather as much info as i can about trials before i decide to part with my cash. Thanks
  19. xxx


    Yeah been looking at the GASSERS.They are very nice looking bikes,there alot cheaper than other makes aswell.Ummmm i am unsure.i have just bought a trials dvd,not a tutorial one just a competition one from 2006. Anyone know of anywhere where i could have a try out of a trial bike?
  20. xxx

    I Wonder

    Hi all, I am wondering if there is anyone in the North West,possible Buxton area who would let me have a go on a trial bike one weekend. i would like to see if i take to trials before i spend my money. I was suppose to go up to Buxton this weekend to have a peak at some riders etc as eiga told me to go up,but couldnt get up there. Thanks
  21. xxx


  22. xxx


    Howdy All, I am new to the site and new to trials. I use to be into the Motorcross scene years ago,but i got bored of flying over jumps and going round the same track so i stopped. Anyway,i use to look on at the riders who trial ride and think to myself,how do they get up them vertical cliffs,lol. Just recently i have been looking into trial riding and want to get involved. First i need the equipment though,any bikes you can recommend? Been told that GAS GAS are good for high end competition but if you are a beginner then get a Montesa or scorpa or even a beta.I have heard that there is problems with Gas Gas after a short time and there not built to last,wonder if you can shed any light on this to see if it true. Any decent trials up and around the north west,buxton area. Thanks
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