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Everything posted by franticfantic
  1. Did anyone else know that Fantic made a road bike with exacly the same engine that was in the 240 but it was water cooled.? And i have also been told it will fit into the trials frame. although brackets will need to be made to fit the radiator. Just unsure what the road bike is called and how many of them are about,? Might be worth while doing a bit of research and someone can have a water cooled 240.
  2. Cheers for that lee i thought this could be the case.
  3. Is there a specific Ducati coil for the Section ? i have seen many for sale for Vespas, Lambrettas etc and all other bikes and a big price difference between them too
  4. franticfantic


    I have just bought a section of a nice chap from France and it came with a Vee Rubber front and back, I have not tested them but he gave a good report and said they were a good tyre and recommended them, I have also heard good reports from other people too but i guess everyone has there own preference some will perform better than others but I guess it will also depend on conditions, suspension set up, Tyre PSI etc etc.
  5. Does anyone know of anywhere in the UK to Buy a trials related calendar.? Does Trials Central Produce One? I have seen loads for classic road bikes etc but nothing for trials? It would be nice to see a trials calendar hanging up in my office for a change instead of my free carole Nash road bike one i have every year.
  6. To late for that already bought the paint and painted the tank. However i did find a petrol resistant lacquer in Halfords so going to give that a go. If all else fails it looks like I will be stripping it all down and starting again.
  7. Im not talking about fantic's but petrol tanks in general, as when your filling a tank there will be times when the petrol will spill on the tank do you need special paints to provent the paint reacting with the petrol and stripping it off.?
  8. Hi all im looking at painting a tank up but whats the correct paint to use to ensure that petrol is not going to strip it straight back off again. will lacquer protect it or will it react whatever the paint.?
  9. franticfantic


    first off im looking for a wiring diagram for my 95 section can anyone help.? Secondly does anyone know anyone breaking a section i am after a few parts.?
  10. or you can try and bleed it off using a syringe and some pipe, thats how i do it for my clutch and brakes works everytime (be sure to use a big syringe so you can flush the whole system in one go) fill the syringe up and make sure there is no air in there, attach the pipe onto the syringe and then onto the bleed nipple, (use the same size pipe like whats going from your carb to you petrol tank) loosen off the nipple and take the cap of the clutch leaver and force it back over slowly. Should do the trick and you wont have to wait long to see if it has worked. Which it will do.
  11. Does anyone know when scorpa changed the engine from rotex to yamaha.? what did the 2000 have?
  12. The splines on my mates 2000 scorpa are shot and needs replacing can this be done without busting the whole engine, all i know about is fantics so dont have a clue on this. And does anyone know a price for the part at a guess.?
  13. franticfantic


    I got a piston for my 250 section of Frankfield Fantic (bill pye) round the corner from me for
  14. franticfantic


    i have just had my section engine fully rebuilt your looking at around
  15. A friend of mine is currently restoring his cub with a few mods if you like, one of his friends near by is pretty much known as the cub man now. You want it he will have or machine it, from engine casings for PVL's to widening the trials swinging arms an extra 10mm to modified oil tanks to go under your Fuel tanks etc, He is currently building him a rear wheel with a bantam hub not sure if its something do with the spacing due to the widening of the swinging arm, As the bantam hub is apparently wider and will look astatically better than a cub one or for the chain issue as mentioned above im unsure but im sure someone on here could elaborate on this more than myself,
  16. can anyone suggest some sites where i cam get some fork stickers from e.g. michelin etc
  17. There was a chap selling brand new pistons on ebay for fantics around
  18. I had the same problem with mine, all i did was bleed it off about 4 times and that seamed to do the trick, you can try and bleed it off using a syringe and some pipe, fill the syringe up and make sure there is no air in there, attach the pipe onto the syringe and on the bleed nipple loosen off the nipple and take the cap of the clutch leaver and force it back over slowly.
  19. Im looking for advise on what chain to buy i dont have a clue at what all the sizes mean 520 etc can anyone recommend what i should be looking at.
  20. I received a phone call of a mate of mine on Thursday morning someone tried to have his bike away on Wednesday 17th. He lives in Igleby Barwick (thornaby) they smashed his van window and pushed his van forward to tackle his garage door once they managed to get through the lock on the door the house alarm went off so they left. Both were on the same system luckily. When he rang the police and they eventually turned up they commented on the this was the forth one tonight... and they think its a group from hemlington.. So just a word of warning to the local riders of Middlesbrough / Stockton area.
  21. A friend of mine has a AJS rigid like the one in the picture, he started at the owners club got everyting he needed to know there.
  22. There are plenty of a parts available her in the Uk but the prices can be pricey for new old stock as they say, I have two 95 sections one just for parts. Have you got any pictures of your bike you could post.?
  23. The right hand casing has been damaged in the usual way and the piece that broke off is missing it was like this when i bought the bike so unfortunately I can
  24. I have been looking for a crank case for my section i have been told that i need to buy them in a pair something to do with the machining of the internals of them is this true.?
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