I presume this is either 2 clutch springs so long as there are opposite ? and what effect does it achieve ... ? cheers Greg
Thanks for that guys , will start with Honda Uk and go from there !
As my 4rt is not registered for the road {i know its now a very long process} I need to contact "someone" for a Year of Manufacture certificate .... so guys whos that person ?
Bike is a 2008 ... cheers Greg
Superb , I think I may have done this by mistake and she fired-up !
Vapourblasting is too passive a process for power coat and even my local dry blaster now wont touch it !
Possibly , but a few companies are now "offering" powdercoated spokes ... personally not my thing ... hence the thread .
Yes would agree ... its a competition bike after all !
Hi Lee , sorry not looking to sell as it would cost me a fortune to buy new wheels to replace these , thanks Greg
as these have gottttttttt to go , way to much orange for me and more
than my five-a-day ... if anyones interested would do a swop for original plain ali rims ...other than that I'll be stripping the spokes out at least .... grrrrr hate 'em !
Oh what the heck , you all prob' need a laugh today ... here's the wheels
My 4rt powder coated wheels for swop standard NON painted ones !
Thanks guys , after a good nites sleep have just been looking over the bike and yes there are the usual suspects that will need replacing , so all points taken onboard thanks very much , was a bit of a pig to start from cold but maybe thats just me !.... one thing that HAS to go are the wheels , the guy was into a bit of "bling" and had the wheels powder coated the Repsol Orange , not just the rim and the hub , the wholeeeee thing ... sorry but thats way too much orange for me {more than my 5 a day} and wondering if there's anyone that wants to do a swop ???? ... before I start stripping them out ! ... can post pics for a topic ,,, cheers Greg
Cheers , nope not an HRC / Repsol ... just the back framed 4rt ... been going through the check-list and all is looking good for parts !
Hi Guys
Just treated myself to a used 2008 4rt and will be going through it before riding it ... so where should I start ... are there any "must do's" with older Montesa's and whos the people to get the parts from .
I've no manual but managed to download one for a 2005 ... ok ... yes/no ?
Oils , whats best and how much ...
Plus , one thing I never understand it has the black frame which is worn in several area's and overall makes the bike look a bit tatty ... I run a vapourblasting business and am considering getting rid of the black to leave a satin finished Ali' ... whats you're thoughts !
ANY information you can throw at me is appreciated and thanks in advance ...
Oh , last but no least IF I was to consider registering it for the road , who can provide proof of date {I guess the Uk importer at the time}
Thanks for that Ross , reliability & a fun bike to ride are key here , cheers Greg
sorry been a long day thats 4rt ... !
Hi guys , looking to buy a 2005/6 4TR {budget wont allow any newer} , so asking those who know this bike , what must I look out for apart from the usual.
Ok weekend report , for as much riding as I got the front end feels really well planted now and bike now goes where I want it too , pity the carb / spark / engining running rough ruined what should have been a good day !
Hi Tony , back from a test ride , forks feel good with the longer springs + 180ml 15wt oil ... bike feels a bit more balanced to the new rear shocks ... real test this weekend , but before then got to get the mid-range jetting sorted !
Hi Tony , the springs where c/o InMotion and are 500mm long , which means compressing them into the legs , Dave/Pete have told me to use 180ml of 15wht , also fitting new Newfren shoes and looking to see how I can move the foot pegs {without cutting into the frame} , lots to do but out again in a few weeks time and hoping the mod's make a difference.
Cheers Greg
Cheers for that Graham , will go for the same ... no worries on the temperature I don't ride the 'taco in the winter , I just put the fork cap on one leg and was prepared for a fight with compressing the longer spring , but was pleasantly surprised how well it went together and still have my front teeth ... proof will be the next classic in a few weeks time.
'will get there'
Guys , just received new {longer} springs for my forks from InMotion and just wanted to ask those who have gone down this route what wht and how much oil did you end up using !
'will get there in the end'
There is no point Monty , other than I do not own a fork seal puller but I do own a dremel , had 1/2hr to kill and did'nt damage the legs either ... just another way of achieving the same result !