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  1. stratford on avon mcc (stratfordmcc.co.uk) are hopefully running a training day soon aimed at youth and beginners.
  2. hi all, I have a set of gears for a f/b amc , my dad had many years ago a f/b scrambler which he converted to trials spec , he sold the bike but cant remember if he changed the gears back, as all this happened before I was born I am completely in the dark, he thinks he kept the trials gears so can anyone tell me which is which. the cogs have 14 . 18 . 24 . 24 32 . 27 . 22 . 18 teeth I don't know if this is the correct order as they have been loose in a tin full of oil for over 50 years , I would like to sell them but cant advertise them till I know if they are scrambles or trials , thankyou in advance
  3. I was in the same situation when I bought mine, have put on flywheel weight and now love it.
  4. auntie wainwright ( aka alan wright ) say's he is going to win this year , he is so confident of the fact he has got a bet on with two of us that if he dosen't win he will give us a new rear tyre each, and if he dose win we will buy a tyre from him !
  5. changing the spacers wont work as the distance between the sprocket and disc is 3mm differant.
  6. hi all i have changed bikes from an 07 sy250 to a 11 gg pro 250 and still have the spare wheel for the scorpa that does not fit the gg despite everyone i've spoken to saying it should. was the 07 on odd size? it measures 141mm between the sprocket and the disc the pro being 138mm as is the new scorpa, so what else will it fit?
  7. nothing wrong with white boots , you can blend in with the sheep better. now pink racing leathers are a differant matter,
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