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  1. These guys might be able to help : https://www.BLOCKED LINK.com/new-sherco-organisation-in-united-kingdom/
  2. Parts list sent, hope it helps.🤗
  3. https://www.yamahaty.com/english/serieen.html
  4. majesty

    ty175 id

  5. Welcome aboard mate.
  6. I would replace the points if you haven't done so already, they have a habit of going on strike even though they look OK. This generic fault finding chart may help : Fault Finding Chart for Motorcycle Electrical Systems.pdf
  7. Hi Jamie, Welcome to the forum. That's a nice project you've got. These guys should be able to help with parts/info : https://johnshirtmotorcycles.com/ If you would like to PM me your direct e mail address I can send you an owners manual and parts list which should help with the rebuild.
  8. Good luck and keep up the good work
  9. Hi, welcome Tezza It's a bit difficult to help without seeing the problem, it might help if you can post some photo's.
  10. https://www.trialscentral.com/forums/topic/67374-ossa-mar-steering-bearing-felt-seal-and-cover/
  11. Hi Jeff, Welcome to the forum. This site should help : https://cybermotorcycle.com/marques/montesa/montesa-numbers.htm
  12. If you can't source replacement stanchions, these guys seem to do a good job : https://www.brooksuspension.co.uk/motorcycle-fork-rechroming-service-for-stanchions-both-legs?gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI8J2GouiFhAMVFpRQBh1qgggNEAQYASABEgLBn_D_BwE
  13. https://www.inmotiontrials.com/product-category/parts/twinshock/bultaco/
  14. Thanks Genuine Seeley, it even came with a nice authorisation letter from Colin Seeley. I painted the tank cover and fitted genuine Seeley stickers and made a neat sidestand from a pair of Renthals, and generally tarted it up. Made a neater silencer It rode very well.
  15. Or one of the many variations 😑
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