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Mid club level. I also am a maintenance fanatic. Simply relaying some stories to ease the worry.
Don't panic. I'll recount 2 situations that come to mind. My riding buddy for the last 10 years never, I say never oils his filter. He doesn't beleive in it. Don't ask why, but we ride every week and his bike is a 2006. He does wash the filter twice a year or so with soap and water. He has never had the bike apart and it runs fine. Next story. Another friend bought a used Beta and after 6 months of riding it stopped running one day. We pulled the carb off and found the boot was inside on the back side. The carb was so full of dirt and oily mud that all the passages were stopped. Disassembled, cleaned, reassembled. Ran fine for the next 2 years he had it. One last story. On one of my new bikes, I ran it for a few rides, dumped the oil then put it away drained and empty. Yep you guessed it, forgot to refill and went out riding with no oil. It was a short ride day, maybe only 2 hours. came home only to find the full bottle of oil on the bench. Filled it up, ran it, drained it, then refilled and almost no problems. The output shaft weeped oil and the clutch wore a little requiring a clutch shim endplay adjustment. Betas are built well. They aren't made with outsourced Chinese parts. This is why they last. You may pay a little more up front, but you get what you pay for.
Let it happen then pull the spark plug. If it's wet, its electrical. If its dry, then it's running out of fuel.
Sounds like the gas tank vent is blocked. Gas out air in. Could also be a bad fuel petcock.
Thanks for the help, Popped the tire off,not as bad as I remember, looked at the rubber band and saw it was lifted in one area. Pushed it down,remounted the tire, not as bad as I remember, aired it up, harder than I remember, and the problem is solved. Thanks again, 07beta
Thats a good tip. So your saying the leaking nipple problem is common. I was hoping to solve it with some goop or similar, Cheap and Easy. Just one more thing to think about.
jmurray, I was looking for something more cost effective. chewy, Sikaflex looks good but it seem very permanent. Have you tried it yourself? Can you still adjust the spokes after using it? I thought that there would be something that didn't cure and remained flexable.
My tire goes flat, only on the bottom. I aired it up and soap bathed it to see bubbles coming from the spoke nipples. Must be a leak around the band. The bike is brand new so the band isn't worn or dirty, probably just misfit at assembly. How do you correct this problem? I thought of using silicone or applying flat sealant to the band then reassembeling. I'm looking for the best fix cause I hate mounting and dismounting, the tire that is. Thanks
I'll probably catch a lot of air for this but penetrating oil,any type. doesn't work to loosen bolts and nuts. I use to sell them. What they do is make the removal easier once you've broken them loose. The problem here is galvanic corrosion. Aluminum against steel. Dissimilar metals,electrolysis. The only way to break this free is with heat. Heating the aluminum will work better than heating the bolt. The aluminum will expand away from the steel and break the bond. Then you can remove the bolt. Good luck. 07beta
You can try jetting richer. Go up one size on the pilot jet, then try it. Or, lower the clip on the needle 1 place to raise the needle. These adjustments will richen the lower to mid range mixture. The bike may not run as crisp but may have more grunt. Only do one change at a time so you can see what works for you. Don't bother with the main jet, thats only for 3/4 to full throttle. You can run the bike with no main jet at all if you don't open the throttle past 1/2 open. Good luck. 07beta
chewy, Could you post the specs on those 80% clutch springs. I'd like to give them a go. Do you notice any slipage, Is there a noticable difference at the lever, and do you think you could go lighter?
I had the same problem with my 07. Turned out to be that the drilled and tapped mounting hole in the center muffler, by your left leg when riding, wasn't deep enough and the exhaust was loose. The sound would transmit right up to the steering head. Drove me nuts, {short drive}. Put a washer under the bolt, problem solved. Good luck. did you look at the muffler bracket that i mentioned?
I had the same problem with my 07. Turned out to be that the drilled and tapped mounting hole in the center muffler, by your left leg when riding, wasn't deep enough and the exhaust was loose. The sound would transmit right up to the steering head. Drove me nuts, {short drive}. Put a washer under the bolt, problem solved. Good luck.