mine does the same... quite embarrassing at the trials actually:L
cheers lads got it soughted without the drilling mod
When i flip the back wheel round while going down a hill my bike cuts out. is this normal? ( i presume not) and what can i do to stop it apart from reing it at the same time?
beta 125's may be notorious for bad carbs, stators but if you get a decent one then its as good if not betetr than any, personally i dont like the sherco and had problems with an old gas gas. cnt speak for scorpas but im sure there good.
all bikes can be reliable and unreliable. luck of the draw i think
final question
where would you need to be in a club trial if you wanted to ride b route, winning expert? or good clubman?
do they ride the same route in A & B
Im 15 and ride a beta 125. What class would i be able to ride in the national trials?
i want to try my first one soon as i hae been told i am good enough.
if you know its come from a good background and its well look after then thats a rare thing to know about a used bike,
if not by a 125, a beta or a gas gas probably, there hae enough power for the first few years of any beginner
get yourself a membership at earls shilton. They dont do specifically one on one but while your practising you can ask any one of the friendly bunch. They also do training days for beginners and the higher skilled. PM me for contact details or isit www.earlsshilton.co.uk
only rode the beta and the gas gas and its just what you like. Personally i prefer the beta but the gassers are great bikes too. Had a go on an 07 sherco at hawkstone and didnt like it at all if im honest
'Otherwise, IMHO, you couldn't go wrong with the Derby Pathfinders at Clifton, their Saturday night series starts a week on Sunday'
i agree. its great trial. its near the darley moor race course if i remember rightly. hae you got your ACU licence sorted because they're quite strict. Did you ride epert before?
Any of you gossipers got any info on when and where i can get a 250 raga rep. How much will they be? hope theyre not as epensie as the 300's
sorry to here it mate
keep checking on fleabay and, as silly as it may sound, the classified section on here.
ill keep a look out although i don't live close.
ive got an 07 beta 125, all its got is a few blue and orange repsol stickers and the black SXS sticker kit.
ive saved up to get my wheels done- i know a good place in walsall but im undecided on the colour. i wear the 08 xc-ting grey suit so would black be my best choice?
thanks in advance,
you can become an earls shilton member: www.estc.co.uk they have their own ground. its top draw ground. everything you could ask for and is changed quite often so it doesnt get boring.
theirs also a place in froghall, near stoke called hermitage farm. Type the name in on google for details.
firstly, dont get a 270... theres no need... at any level , especcially as a newbie, a 250 is more than enough.
i used to own a gas gas and i now own a beta... the reason i changed was for a change. to be honest they both have there faults and they both have the advantages. I would choose the beta becuase i think it looks better and the 250 sound great
hope this helps,
Post some pics up of your Monts so we can all decide whether it is better to keep them standard or trick them out.
personally i like to see a good modified trials bike of any type.
lets see what youve got
anyone got any info on the dates and where to stay at
Id like to get the wheels on my beta done. I live in the midlands so where would be the best value place for me to get them done. Is there a difference between powder coting and anodising? if so whats best?
The new future montesa....
and lovely in white it is too
how many 125's will they be producing?
Hi, Im 15 and can win a novice now quite comfortably in AMCA. Im just wondering what i could ride to see where im at at the moment. Ive only been riding for 1 and a half years. I know a National is too much and i am now starting to ride clubman but this is against adult riders all the time.
Out on my Beta 125 today, it started making a screching sound, it sounded like the fan was rubbing but it clearly wasn't that. Wondering if anyone could tell me whats the matter?