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Everything posted by cota315r
  1. cota315r


    Hi My mate has a Montesa Honda MH200 (circa 84-85) and the gearbox is noisy and difficult to get into gear. We wanted to drain the oil and refill but don't know how much oil it should have. I assume it uses light oil like most trials/moto-x bikes? Cheers Stumpy
  2. Hi I have what appears to be a mostly complete lighting kit for my tesa 315R. Only I ain't the best as far as wiring is concerned unless of course I have good instructions to follow. Anybody know a site where somebody has detailed how to do it with pictures? (ohh errr missus!) Cheers John
  3. Hi Some good news. I put posters in all the local bike shops offering a reward and the greedy little toe rags only turned up with it. "oihhh mister this your bike wot got nicked? Does it run? Only we tried to start it but we couldn't so we brought it back". Managed to get the plod to come out and apprehend said lads who of course insisted "they found it in a bush down the park". So all that is wrong is the throttle cable has snapped and they have ripped the numberplate and headlight off it. Nice one. John
  4. Hi Stolen sometime during the night of 1st/2nd August. There can't be that many of these old crossers around. It was set up as an enduro when it was stolen and had a Q plate on it. I have a frame number if needed. It has a few identifying features. It has the bore and stroke scratched onto the cylinder from when I got it re-bored. Also it has a swing arm from a later husky that required some modification to get it to fit. It had to had a bar welded onto the end of the wheel bolt. Anybody with info please contact me or West Midlands police. I am fairly certain it was locals as unless you know the area its fairly impossible to get into my garden. Police are not doing anything about it. Never even came out to have a look at the gaping hole they smashed through the neighbors fence. Cheers John
  5. I looked at the MOT testers manual and it says that all you need is a horn and if you have no lights then - "If this situation occurs the vehicle presenter should be issued with an advisory notice recording the above and it should also be recorded on the carbon copy of the VT20" I was told it is illegal for the MOT station to "deface" the MOT certificate by writing anything on it like "For Use During daylight hours only" and that you can actually insist that a new certificate be issued if this is the case. But the above seems to contradict that (assuming of course that the "carbon copy" is the one we receive? I've seen a few MOT certificates in my time but I'd not realized they were carbon copies! I loved reading the following as well - "A motor bicycle is only required to have a dipped-beam headlamp (but may also have a main beam) if it: . was first used on or after 1st May 1995 and cannot exceed 30 mph / 50 kph with an engine capacity not exceeding 50cc. or . was first used before 1 January 1972 and with an engine capacity of less than 50cc. . any machine having a maximum speed not exceeding 50km/h/30mph" Love it that rules out everything bar mopeds! Don't know how true this is. Its like all information received from others (it may or may not be true and could be any shade in between!)
  6. Hi Thanks chaps thats cleared it up for me! Its roughly half what I put in my crosser. Think I need to get a measuring jug to make sure I get it right and than have 2 separate cans of premix! Cheers John
  7. Hi Just bought a Cota 315R and according to the manual the mix should be 80:1. I think that is 80 parts of petrol (in UK liters) to 1 part of oil (it gives the oil in cm cubed). First I don't know how to work out what 1cm cubed is in plain English. Is it 1ml? Also my brain hurts when I try and work out how much 80 parts of 1 liter is! Is it 800ml? If this is correct , and I really doubt it is, then for every 800ml of petrol I should put 1ml of oil. So for a 5litre can of petrol I should put in 6.25ml right? Seems a bit on the weak side to me. My crosser has nearly double this. Guess I got my math wrong right? Can somebody correct me and explain to me how I work out what I should actually put in a 5litre can of petrol please! Cheers John
  8. Hi Might try and get down there then. I pick the bike up Saturday. But doubt I'll be back in time to go play with it until midweek. Might contact ESTC and see if any of them lot are going there in the near future. I can then provide some cheap entertainment (hey watch the new boy fall off his shiny new bike - talk about got all the gear but not got a clue :-) Thanks for the info. Cheers John
  9. Hi Yes Tom's farm is still going and yes it is the same as it ever was! I have heard of top farm as I saw it mentioned on another site. So I might hunt down details for that. I am thinking of joining ESTC as it seems it would give me some good opportunities to get out on the Monty and get a feel for what I've gotten myself into. I have found all the people we have been in contact with have been really friendly and helpful. The trouble is the moto-x scene does not seem to be as well organized at local level. Unless I'm missing a trick there does not seem to be as many local clubs with access to places to ride for novices as there are for trials. This was part of the reason why I got the Monty. Is top farm suitable for crossers as well or is it only for trials bikes? Would be great if i can find somewhere local that I can take the Swedish Satan. Cheers John
  10. Hi Thanks for the replies they were useful. Am I right in understanding then that - 1) I must fit a horn 2) if I have lights then I must also fit indicators and also a brake light Does anybody know what exactly should be in a lighting kit for a Montesa? Cheers John
  11. Hi I have just bought a Montesa Cota 315R and want to get it road registered so I can legally use it on green lanes. I've seen several advertised with log books and T&T so it must be possible. At the moment I've yet to collect the bike. It does not have any lights on it. But does come with a "lighting kit". I don't know what's in the kit (if its complete or not). What modifications does one have to do to a bike such as this to get an MOT. I assume one does not even technically have to fit lights for the old "daytime MOT" as its so-called! But I may do this anyway as lights might be useful. Obviously I'd like to get an age related plate (in this case it would be a R plate). How does one convince the old DVLA on this score? Is there an owners club or some such thing that will write a letter confirming the year of manufacture if you supply them with engine and frame numbers? Cheers Stumpy
  12. Hi Just bought a Montesa Cota 315R. Not sure yet how far I want to go with it. Realistically I'll probably just use it for the odd day out at Tom's farm and anywhere else I can find at first and then when its road registered will probably use it for green laning. Might like to get good enough to join a club but we will have to see how I get on with it! Been into Moto-x prior to this and have a Husqvarna CR430 (Aka the Swedish Satan) but at the moment I'm not riding it much as I am really struggling to find places in the midlands to ride it as I'm not into big jumps and tabletops etc and the only enduro track I know of is only open on Sunday and I can't do Sundays :-( BTW I'm from Birmingham UK. Longbridge to be exact. Anyway thats me. I'll most likely pop up around this site :-) Cheers John
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