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Everything posted by manofsteele
  1. So my rear shock is broken across the lower mount. Can anyone out there help me out with a s/h shock, or let me know if there's an alternative to Sandifords? I'm guessing they're not cheap things to replace.... Cheers Rob
  2. Wouldn't it just.......... Shame we have to think this way nowaday, nothing seems to be safe anymore. Happy days on your cover though, jobs a good un
  3. See my reply in the other insurance thread.... should you loose your bike (god forbid), you will also have your car and/or van insurance loaded at renewal. Even thought it appears not to be, it is still treated as a motor vehicle policy in every sense of the word. This also means that they could argue you didn't show a duty of care should your bike be taken from you out on the trail.... bit like they do with confidence tricksters and opportunists.
  4. Can anyone help me out with these please. I'm doing a complete overhaul of the rear end of my 315, so am in need of every relevant torque setting. Cheers Rob
  5. A word of warning...... I've insured two bikes before, both with Carol Nash. I've suffered two thefts.....grrrr...... Anyhoo.. These are both recorded on the insurance database (one was their off road only policy), and as such have doubled my van insurance renewal this year. Still worthwhile overall, but renewing the van insurance stung a little bit. Might be worth checking out the bikers home insurance thats advertised in T&MX News. I don't know a thing about it, but might be good if its not part of the motor insurance database. www.mcebikershome.com I think its home insurance with a twist.
  6. I'm using a high grade ATF, bought in bulk from my local motor factor. It's getting changed very frequently (every couple of rides) and I've had no problems so far.
  7. Fair enough. There's a few engines to choose from, the basic 1.9td being the runt of the litter at 68bhp. The most sought after and most tuneable (if thats your thing) is the 2.5TDi, which comes in at 102bhp and drives very strongly indeed. My old T4 has the 2.4 naturally aspirated lump in it which is reasonably economical, but not so good on the motorways at speed....
  8. The only time my Mont failed to spark it turned out to be a dirty coil earth. Or at least that's what I believe it to have been. I looked at every electrical connection and earthing point etc, and cleaned the lot. The coil earth was quite trusty as it happens. Bike started first kick, and has continued to do so ever since. Worth checking out
  9. I have this job to do also. As I understand it, they're not the longest lasting things in the world
  10. .......and our gallon and the U.S. gallon are different sizes.......
  11. Jump in and get your knee sorted out. I'm recovering now from a full reconstruction, which I'd been ignoring for the past 25 years..... Ignoring it did me no favours and I've had some complications since the op which has set me back quite a few weeks. If your's is just a cartilage repair or tidy up and you've only recently done it, then my advice is to find yourself a sports surgeon and have it done privately. You won't regret it
  12. This mob? Only ones I've seen recently.... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/MONTESA-4RT-COTA-315...1QQcmdZViewItem
  13. That's a worry eh? Most people reckon the Berlingo ain't a bad van. Don't think I've ever actually seen a Kubistar...
  14. Ooops........... Sorry if I upset anyone with my remark about the Nissans..... When van hunting a while back I checked out pretty much every make before buying a T4. A good number of tradesmen I spoke to told me that Nissan put their own engines in their version of that van, and that they had some reliability issues, whereas the other two variants seemd to be trouble free. As a consequence, the secondhand values were lower than the Renault or Vauxhall versions. I would always consider this as well as everything else when choosing a van, or dishing out advise on t'interwebnet... It's not to say the Nissan is a bad van, just in my opinion it sits behind the other two. Of course I've only taken other peoples word for it, and I wasn't looking at new vans. It may be the case that they all share the same lumps now?
  15. I've had both, Vito and VW T4. I preferred the drive of the Vito, but the build quality of the T4 is definately better. I say this as a trained, qualified vehicle technician I'm told that the build quality of the new T5s is not up to the standard of the earlier T4s, and that the later Mercs are a better motor than the earlier ones. So if it's a very late or new vehicle you're after, then I'd say buy the one that you like the look of best and has the nearest dealer to you. If you're buying earlier, then I'd tip the scales in favour of the VW. They do seem to give better fuel economy, and the resale values seem to be a little better too. One more thought - very little wrong with a Renault Trafic from what I can see..... steer clear of the Nissan variant though. Hope that helps.
  16. Thats not far from me at all. I'm not going to be around for a while (still on crutches) but I'll take you up on that offer when I'm able. Cheers Rob
  17. I'm in Romford, currently recovering from knee surgery but I ride at Poles Wood normally. I'm a complete novice - clueless. but keen to learn. I'll give you a shout once I'm healthy if thats OK?
  18. Cheers bud, very kind. I'll take that email ,if I may... pm on its way. I've done a longer, older search since and I've found the same contradictory info in a few posts here. (going back a bit mind). Plus the fella who told me equal levels is actually a trials specialist..... Anyhoo..... I will measure what comes out too, just out of curiosity.. Thanks for the reply
  19. I've not actually done the job yet as I've now got two conflicting bits of info.... Obviously, I've got the link that 315rr gave me, but I've also been told summat different by someone I trust completely which suggest an equal amount of oil in both legs, contrary to the link... So, whilst I'm not physically able to do the job at the moment I'm going to keep gathering info. I wonder if equal oil levels is the real world fix and unequal levels as per the link is the factory ideal?
  20. I ride a fully legal, insured practice area up here in Essex (brentwood area). Too far for you to travel?
  21. I know that you can eliminate the calf muscle by pushing through your heel only. If you're pushing through your toes (or partially through em) you will bring the calf muscle into play, and no doubt pump it up. This was demonstrated to me by my physio when he did his pre-op assessment of me. So when I did my first leg press (flat footed, or so I thought) the result wasn't too bad. When he told me to push through my heel only, and concentrate on this especially, I had nowt! Weak as a kitten..... it felt completely different. A real eye opener as it happens. Also, I can feel my calf pumping up during the short walks I'm taking now, post-op. This happens when I'm being lazy and not making a concious effort to walk heel first. Again, your physio should be able to advise a bunch of exercises you could do that would help you to keep the calf muscle out of play.
  22. If its any help, I'm under very strict instructions that my workouts must not involve any pain whatsoever. Apparently this is to keep the chances of encouraging arthritis low. Perhaps you need to look again at your regime and perhaps try a new/different one that is a lot gentler on the leg in question. Your physio should be advising you on this really.... That aside, do you elevate and ice it after your workouts? If not, I'd give that a go if I were you Don't give up on it though bud. All the best.
  23. Yip. Scam. 100% scam. Plenty of fun to be had messing with them if you can be bothered
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