I had the same problems on mine when it came home. I drained the gearbox, flushed it with some premix and refilled with ATF. I saw an instant improvement and it seems to be getting better with frequent use and frequent oil changes. It still drags, but not enough to give me a problem these days. My next job will be to replace the clutch fluid as I've no idea when/if that was ever changed.
Well, in theory I'm off work for just 3 weeks..... as that is the time that I'm basically housebound and prohibited from driving. After that I should be able to walk unassisted and therefore could do an office job no worries.
However, I'm a building site worker. Sometimes I supervise, sometimes I drive the forktruck and sometimes I muck in with the gang fitting industrial windows and doors. All heavy stuff involving a lot of scaffolding and stairs etc.
So, to cut a long story short - I'm now out of work until I'm able to pull my weight on site, which taking into account the Christmas shutdown, means the first working week in January
As for the rehab, well thats a bit tricky too. Because my injury was so old I'd had a lot of muscle wastage on that leg. And because I'd not been able to jog, run, etc my entire adult life the good leg ain't really up to much either....
My physio has told me he expects it to take 3 months to bring the repaired leg back to where it was pre-op. Then another 3 months to balance both legs muscle-wise. Then up to another 3 months to bring both legs up to an acceptable level of strength/fitness. So it could potentially be 9 months all up, and by the end of that I should be waaayyyyy fitter than I am now.
He is happy for me to ride again after 3 months, a long as there's no MX.....
He has rather high hopes for me though, and has said he expects me to be fully fit sometime between the 6-9 months. Which sets me up nicely for the summer He seems to be hard taskmaster though, so I know he's going to be working me hard
Cheers buddy
yip, surgery has been and gone. Turned out to be quite a big deal the surgeon told me - he had to do a lot more trimming, tidying and smoothing down than he thought he would..... Good news is my new ACL is in and I'm regaining movement nicely so far. I've experienced very little pain and the physio is pleased with what she saw on her first assessment of me.
Bad news is that I've had some bone on bone action and that area is likely to attract some arthritis later on.....
But bugger that. I'll deal with that when the time comes. For now, it's all about rest, then exercise, then muscle building, then riding!!!
So, new ACL. Trimmed and smoothed both miniscus cartilages. Smoothed bones where damaged. Bloody good hoover and flush out. I've just sat and watched the video of it - it was definately a mess in there!
I'm housebound for the next couple of weeks, then I start walking for real, then it's the gym. I can't wait.
Look after your knees fellas
Fantastic. Thanks for that
Yeah the CTI and Asterisk braces have both been recommended to me by my physio. I will be getting a pair of before i ride again
That looks bloody perfect
I wish you all the best buddy. Keep on with the physio.
Starting the thing would be an issue..... Sher couldn't kick my tired old Mont over....
As for age groups, she's only going to ride recreationally to start with so it's no problem. But for the record, she's very close to Kylies age and almost as cute...
Thanks for all the replies, from what i've read so far I'd still be leaning toward an 80, but I know she'd prefer a 125 We'll see. Whats a sensible budget for an 80/125? secondhand of course.
A female friend of mine is interested in starting to ride trials. She is very wee though, 4'11" and 6.5/7 stone. She's a good rider but finds my 315r physically too big for her. I've suggested something like a Beta or Gasser 80 would suit her.
Your opinions please
Can any of you good fellows tell me how much oil and what grade should go in my 01 315r forks? I'm on the heavy side (15.5 stone), complete novice....
I'm assuming I check the level with the springs out and forks collapsed, is this right? If so, can anyone also tell me the correct level?
Not had a knee job, but I've had a few hand jobs in my time. Recovery not a problem
What's the knee replacement involve? What's the new bits made of?
There was talk of me having a partial replacement knee before the quack had seen the scans and x-rays...... apparently they're plastic..... but I'm led to believe that usually you're only offered them once you're getting on a bit - over 70 - that kind of age.
But, that's proper last resort stuff these days. They can do remarkable things with knees now. What were once career ending injuries for pro sportsmen are now fully repairable and recoverable within 6-9 months. I've been hobbling around for 25 years with a broken ACL (bad thing) but in that time technology has moved on so much, that the op is done and I get to walk out of the hozzy next day. No scar, no cast, all keyhole (good thing). Obviously there's a whole heap of physio to do - I'll be on crutches for a while and in the gym for a looooong time, but as long as I put the work in, i'll be better than new in the end (good thing).
The clock is ticking now.... 15th November is the day. Can't wait.
I found a Mont 315 for a grand (2001 model) and have had to spend another
Thanks for that
About the 10 year thing, for me it's all about the next ten years... I'm a BMX freestyler at heart, I've taken up trials after having two crossers stolen (I can't go through that crap again) and my plan is to ride trials when its too wet to ride BMX. I'm also a bit of a snowboarder and recently sold everything in this country and bought a little flat in Val D'Isere. Turns out there's some good trials riding to be had up in them mountains too My plan is to spend as much time over there as I can afford to - boarding in the winter season and riding in the summer.
I'm 41 years old now. So realistically I think I've got 10 more years of 'pushing it' before I need to start cruising a bit more. so, by that rationale getting a rebuild now sets me up nicely for the next 10 or so years.
I'm new to trials this year, but I've been carrying a knee injury for all of my adult life and am finally going in for a rebuild in a fortnights time. Looking forward to a new knee - not looking forward so much to the months of rehab....
Still, got my bike all fettled now so it's there ready for me next year
550ml. I flushed mine through with some petrol the first time I changed the oil, then started all over again using ATF. It's helped out my sticky draggy clutch a fair bit and I change it very frequently now, every couple of rides or so. No problems since.
That's what I'm hoping
I'll be getting kitted out with a couple of CTi kneebraces before I ride again, also the physio I'll be doing is very specific - should strengthen the old pins up no end....
I'd love to mate, but I'm going for a knee rebuild the week before that - I'll be out for at least three months......
I'll definately take you up on that though next spring!!
Hey YoYo, nice to see you. We know each other (twobobrob from visordown)......
I'm having great fun riding trials lately (i've got an old Montesa 315) we'll have to hook up for a ride sometime. It's very different to what we've done in the past, but I'm finding it very challenging and as the others have said, it's definately easier on the wallet...
Have fun
I've done exactly the same thing. Had a WR450, then a YZ250 crosser which was sadly stolen from me....grrrr.... so I've decided to try some trials and I've bought an 01 315r. Mine will only idle nicely with the screw turned out about 3 turns. I'm told this is too much, but it seems to suit my bike. Fuel/oil ratio for me is 70:1, seems about right. I took some advice about gear oil as mine suffers from a sticky, grabbing clutch. The majority of people told me to use ATF, which I did, and it has improved significantly. 550ml does the job.
Air filters are not dear, if yours doesn't clean up nicely then bin it for a new one. A new plug wouldn't hurt either. When you say it wont rev, if you mean it seems to pick up slowly then it may well be right. They have a huge flywheel compared to an enduro bike so will feel way different. I know mine does.
Hope that helps, enjoy your new ride
Another vote for M Sport in Stevenage. Top bloke, will look after you.
It will bodge on. Mine had an AJP lever on a Grimeca master when I bought it. Obviously not ideal......
Thanks for the replies. I am indeed running a resistor typre plug. Cheers for the manual also - that'll be a great help
Think I've cured it.... Short green wire from bottom of coil, an earth I presume, which loops round and connects to coil bracket. Had that off and cleaned up the faces and the loop connector. Started first kick.
Having read a few more old threads I then decide to check the carb settings and find the mixture screw at 3.5 turns out. Which to my reckoning is bloody rich. So i've wound that back in to 1.25 turns out and I've been out riding today for about 3 hours without a problem. Once in a blue moon the engine cuts out at idle but I'm putting that down to altitude and standard jetting (i'm at 3000 metres up).
So fingers crossed I'll get some more riding in before I come home at the weekend
Thanks again,
First of all, sorry for asking for help on my very first post.... I'm new to trials and have recently bought a 2001 315R which has conveniently broken down on me out here in the French Alps. I've been reading back through the forum and see that stator problems are not unknown to these bikes, and if I were a betting man I'd say this was my problem, but I'd like your thoughts please;
The bike started misbehaving the day before. It felt exactly like an oiled plug, which given the altittude up here wouldn't surprise me. So I got it home (it ran ok after a good gunning) and the following morning I fitted a new plug and she started up first kick, clean and crisp. Problem solved I thought... However, the bike stopped for good near the top of a very long climb, on my way to my favourite spot. Just went off. No peterring out or misfires, nowt. Up there I checked for a spark (it has one, but weak in my opinion), had the float bowl off and jets out (all super clean) and I had the kill button to bits just to eliminate it. So I coasted all the way down back to the van and looked some more. I had the carb off completely and stripped it; no issues there. I had the side cover off and the flywheel appears to be secure, the stator looks intact, as does the pickup. I've undone, cleaned and refitted every electrical multipug on the thing, all to no avail. I'm officially out of ideas. There was only one fault I found and that was on the carb; the two breather pipes had fused together on the exhaust and were full of fuel. Might be my problem I thought, but no. Fettled that but no change to the bike, still no fire up.
So, I have tools here including a multimeter, but no repair manual. Are there any tests I can make to the stator? Have I missed something? Right now with a week left of my hols I'm gagging to ride again and would appreciate any and all input from you fine fellows
Thanks in advance