It is definetely a team effort!!!! I was there, I was minding. We had four minders at every section, sometimes five. You are on a major time crunch and we would not have made without the help from all the minders. In one section I know I plugged three tires, getting one rider in the section, and another to follow without letting other teams cut in front of you. Sure some of you are saying wooohooo plug three tires. Find the holes, plug the tire, 1minute and half. start on another so we dont loose a spot. Most sections Two minders were a must!!!! Some teams had Eight minders just for the men. I can speak for every minder there, WE ALL HELPED EACH RIDER EQUALLY AND ALOT. Ted was keeping an eye on the pits and preparing lunch. A gourmet peanut butter and jelly, or ham and cheese with all 2 minutes to eat it. Ted was helping fill up the bikes as well. Minders are there for the passion of the sport and to help. Each minder paid their way, except me. I have nothing to hide CHRIS FLORIN paid my way. That was his choice, if he doesnt make the team and I get picked to do it again and have to pay, I will be there for the team. The riders still had to come out of pocket for the trip is the bottom line!!!!!!!
Now with the Dedication of Kip Webb, Bill Ibsen and others there is a lot of activity in raising money for the team. I encourage everyone to help get the word out in local clubs, bike shops etc.