Yes Addict your right I do ride with the ball of my foot on the peg so I have to move to touch the brake. I was hoping to get a larger lever so it is easier to hit. I don't fancy changing my riding style so may have to bodge something up. Got a couple of ideas. Now where is my hammer?
Cheers for your replys guys
Hi guys, I'm still quite new to this trialing and find that I am forever missing the back brake pedal
Is there a replacement for the lever that is longer that the standard one. So I will be able to brake without going over the handlebars !!(Can only use the front one) Lol.
p.s. Am i the only one who has this problem?
Hi everyone. Ian the idiot here! Jetwashed my bike the other day after a trial and I think I may have got water up the exhaust. The bike now wont start and the spark plug is all black and oily when I took it out. It's a new one that I only put in a week ago. When I cleaned it up and put it back in the bike started first kick then died 3 seconds later and wouldnt start again.
Is this water in the engine? If so what should I do about it?
Thanks guys