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  1. tt5th


    She's a beauty alright!
  2. Is the rim straight? Can be a bit tricky getting it seated properly over the rim lock, just keep trying till you get it right. I put a nut right on the end of the rim lock to stop it vanishing back inside the rim and then push it as far in as the nut allows to get the edges of the tyre right down either side of it.
  3. Cheers, I've stuck an ad. Fingers crossed.
  4. Where abouts would you put it on gumtree? Just in the bikes for sale section? Cheers.
  5. A mate of mine had a couple of bikes taken from the Reeth Road area of Richmond last night approx 3.30am the police reckon. The bikes were were last seen in the Skerne park part of Darlington,(According to Police) The bikes were taken from our garage in Richmond. What the police suspect is that they have been ridden from Richmond to Darlington at approx 3:40 (First hearing / sighting) to 4:20am roughly. They were spotted and chased near croft, but took to the fields / off road. Sherco Registration : YJ56 CVN
  6. Wow thats a hugely complicated solution to what seemed to be quite simple! Glad it's sorted but what were WCW people upto??
  7. No it was another site although the bike and promo video look the same. The site I found had prices and they offered to convert an existing bike or supply a 2010 gasgas ready converted.
  8. I seem to remember the price was about 7000 Euro for a full bike but i haven't checked for a while. Edit: I can't find the website at the moment so it might have been someone else, definately used a new GasGas though.
  9. It is a private company who do conversions on either your own bike or a brand spanking gas gas. The idea is good but in my opinion at the moment the price is too high to make it a realistic alternative.
  10. tt5th

    Fork Leg

    Managed to do this myself before i got a torque wrench! It will hold while cracked, or it seemed to for a while. In the end i got some 2nd hand fork bottoms from a breaker. Cost about
  11. Mine used to foul the plug regularly until I got the exhaust midbox repacked. Edit: that was after I had tried all the common things, carb settings, fuel mixture, plug type etc.
  12. me too, I use the front brake going down hills and thats about it. I balance the rear brake against the clutch but i'm only a mid table clubman rider so not sure if thats right or not. any advice from better riders welcome
  13. tt5th

    Cheeky !

    True enough, once vw took over skoda they never looked back. Good cars these days.
  14. tt5th

    Cheeky !

    No, talking out of his bottom. It's horses for courses.
  15. gutted for you! And very strange your mates stator worked but this rewound one doesn't. I personally always go by ohms readings with stators and they've not been wrong yet. As someone else said, the readings were closer before it got rewound! Good luck with your next bit of testing.
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