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Posts posted by madcr500
  1. Top video. Thanks for doing it.

    Excellent music too.

    Have you been at my CD collection? Almost every song on there is one of my favorites.

    Who sings the two songs starting at 25 minutes? Its doing my head in. I know i have them on CD somewhere but can't think who it is?

  2. GREEN is the new RED!

    If you look in detail at GREEN policies they are all left wing, basically the more wealth you have the more carbon dioxide you produce and the more GREEN policies target you.

    Environmentalism is a godsend for socialist regimes like the current UK government who use legislation to restrict or ban any activity that isn't approved of by the state. They have the moral high ground because they are saving the planet.

    The whole foundation of 'man made global warming' came from a government desire, in the early 1980s, to gain public support for nuclear power and to provide an excuse for reducing coal usage as the UK was locked in a battle with the coal miners that threatened to bring the Thatcher government down, limitless funds were made available to scientists who could prove a link between man made carbon dioxide and global warming. Needless to say many scientists made their career and wealth out of this exercise. The dodgy science used was adopted by the EU (who are left of centre) who saw it as a green light for social control.

    Since global warming didn't actually happen as predicted it is now called climate change, it is too valuable an asset to governments to have it threatened by facts!!!

    However, there is a glimmer of hope, as time passes it will be increasingly difficult to hold onto the theory as more and more quantitative data shows it to be bogus.

    Someone give that man the "Well Informed Common Sense Award".

  3. You might get something from this rather attractive young lady


    Have a look at the bottom of the "Wonky Cars" gallery. Yes she's a commercial artist, but I know she's keen to get established so you might be able to strike a deal if her website URL or something was printed on the mugs along with whatever cartoon.

    If you don't ask you don't get :P

    Thanks for posting that link Andy.

    I have just received the first draft of the drawing she is doing for me of me on my CR500. (<---see my new AVATAR) I have just noticed that my AVATAR hasnt updated yet. Check back in an hour.

    Highly recomended.

  4. The answer depends on what you mean by making monoshock bikes. Yamaha made works monoshock trials bikes in the mid 1970s that were non-linkage (cantilever) type. These were not available for sale to the public.

    Yamaha started selling single shock trials bikes in 1984 but the design was nothing like the works bikes of ten years before and had a linkage type arrangement for the rear shock (monocross).

    Twinshock Yamaha trials bikes continued to be sold up until and probably even after 1984 (leftover unsold production) but while the graphics changed over time and were different in different markets around the world, were mechanically unchanged from the models first sold in 1976. 1973/74 and 1975 models are mechanically slightly different to the 1976 and later twinshock models.

    Thats great. Just the info i was after.

    So a twinshocker that is being sold as a 1985 is actually a bike produced in 1984 and only sold in 1985. Right?

    I am not concerned with the cantilever bikes.

  5. Good point, but look at the pic of the CAT, that tweel seems to wrap around those rocks pretty well. :P


    I see what you mean but thats a big heavy thing applying lots of weight to make them bend. I wonder whether they could be made with flexible enough spokes that are still durable enough for trials use.

    Its kind of beside the point though. A trials tyre will distort not just along the circumfrence of the tyre but also accross the width of the tyre.

    I havnt explained very well but imagine riding over a fist sized rock. the soft tyre will kind of wrap around it along both its length and width.

  6. Welcome. You'll find loads of help and advice here. Check out the trials training and techniques section.

    Youve bought a good bike as long as the electrics all work.

    I was in the same boat as you less than a year ago. Now i'm a world champion. . . Honest i am.


  7. Looks like the same tank to me. The transfer on the top tank is I think off a DT and makes it look misleading . :P

    Thanks for the replies.

    I have transposed one image over the other and the tank is definately different. It is taller and has a different curved shape at the front on the bottom.

    Any ideas? could this be a bigger tank like the ones added for the ssdt?

  8. Ello peeps.

    I have just watched this ty250 go through on ebay. The petrol tank looks different to all the others i have seen.

    Is it different? It looks to have a larger capacity.

    Or am I just an idiot who doesnt know what he's talking about?


  9. This guy on craigs list here in the states totally confused one of em.... Its long but extreemly funny reading...

    clicky here


    That was really REALLY funny. Gave my wife and I a really good laugh. Toptastic and while the nigerian was replying to all those emails it was time he wasnt spending trying to scam someone else.

    If I ever get another one, rather than just ignoring it i think i will do some time wasting of my own. I don't know if i will be as good at it as that bloke but i'll give it a go.

  10. Has anyone tried to get insurance for a vehicle carrying 275l of fuel?

    This is the problem surely.

    If one of the vans is involved in a crash, not that unlikely rushing to get to a refuelling spot when late how many would want to be driving that van?

    If no extra licensing is required then surely your normal insurance would be sufficient but as i said earlier, i dont know anything about anything, I am just trying to be helpful (probably failing miserably).

  11. The fan is a DC motor and if the bikes rectifier is shot, you can have AC volts applied and the fan will not run! :D

    You can jump the switch to find out, but if it still does not work, try the rectifier! B)

    Cheers copemech. I have sent that to him.

    I'll let you all know how he solves it.

  12. What's the point in bending the rules? Granted, the HSE are not likely to drain vehicles but what would be disastrous is if the HSE took a draconian attitude because of rule bending.

    In my experience you need to be absolutely water tight on these types of issues and keep governing bodies such as the HSE on side, that is achieved by working with them rather than against them, for example by deliberately ignoring regulations. There seems no point in tackling the issues at stake here with quick fixes just to get another year out of the trial, what's needed is a long term solution.

    Your right but the regulations for diesel seem to be seperate due to the higher flash point of it so like i say it may not enter into the equation.

  13. My mate has a problem i am hoping you can help with.

    His fan is not coming on. He has tested the fan with a car battery and it spins fine. he decided to wire the fan with a switch but when he connects the live (which he has checked IS a live) to the fan and the other fan wire to earth the fan wont work. The fan motor is fine and the live is live. The earth is good so why on earth wont it spin???????

  14. Upto 275 litres is exempt from licensing.

    See here:


    5 The Petroleum-Spirit (Motor Vehicles etc.) Regulations 1929 exempt certain quantities of petrol kept in metal containers from licensing requirements. The petrol must only be kept for the purposes of refuelling internal combustion engines and must not be for sale.

    6 Up to 275 litres of petrol can be kept in any one storage place without a licence. The allowable quantity is reduced when the petrol is kept in or near buildings, or near public thoroughfares or other flammable substances (see below). In calculating the 275 litre limit, the petrol in the fuel tanks of vehicles in the storage area is included in the total.

    7 Metal containers must be constructed so as to be reasonably secure against breakage and to prevent leakage of liquid or vapour. They should be marked with the words "petroleum-spirit" and "highly flammable".

    from here: http://www.hse.gov.uk/lau/lacs/65-9.htm

  15. just an idea but...

    could the trials community collectively come up with enough volunteers to run the service for the week ?

    I'm thinking you need enough people so that on the longer days people can catch an early or late group of sections to spectate and man a fuel check at some other point in the day or have a rota system so that people get 3 days off and 3 days on the fuel service. In return the club has to organise training as required by the HSE (whatever that might be) and subsidise accomodation. These costs are added to the entry fee along with the hire of vehicles and the fuel itself. This may not at first glance have so much appeal for the spectator but please bear in mind there will be NOTHING to watch without a fuel service.

    A number of people have mentioned contacts in the oil industry and I have a friend who works for Shell although not in the uk. I'll ask who actually trains the staff that work for the oil company's like the petrol tanker drivers, perhaps Shell or somebody else would provide discounted fuel and training if they wont provide the full service ?

    I don't know anything about anything whatsoever but that seems to make a lot of sense to me.

  16. :D What a Crock !!! Why won't the world see thru these " Fund my cause , so I can get rich w/ my charitable deductions " manipulators and look at the reality of their claims ! I have heard and read repetedly articles and studies dating back many years by some of the most renowned archioligsts in the world ... The planet we call home heats up and cools down in a never ending cycle !!!! just look at our fairly recent history... The USA wouldn't have the fertile farmland we do if glaciers hadn't formed at one time and scrubbed what is now canada clean, and then receded to where they are now and deposited all the top soil in our midwest ! Acording to most who deeply study these things the oceans have been 15 feet or so deeper several differant times in the last few million years ... More than once in our past a volcano has blackened the sky over 75% of the planet for years ! And she recovers ...

    If they need a cause why don't they get going on something us mere mortals can effect ? Clean the plastic crap out of the ocean ! That is affecting the eco system of the world more than just about anything else .

    OK , I'm off my soapbox for now !


    Hear Hear!

    If you really want to annoy the greens then do what ive done and get your nasty, hi-polluting, gas guzzling, noisy 500 motocrosser road registered and ride it through town as often as you can. You can even save up and ride back again. B);):rotfl::moon:

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