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Posts posted by madcr500
  1. Please could somebody tell me which side of the steel top end gasket goes up?

    And is it a good idea to increase the compression ratio by installing the engine without the top end gasket? Does it make any harm to the engine?

    Not using the gasket would be disastrous for your engine. oil in your water and water in your cylinder. Probably wouldnt start due to lack of compression. Without seeing it i dont know which way up it goes but someone here will know.

  2. Hi, just for info as you do not say where you plan on using it, and I may be wrong, but doesn't the ACU handbook say something about not using power washers at ACU events, in line with their environmental policy?

    Even if not at an event, the issue outlined above of upsetting landowners is one that must be considered when doing this sort of thing. I would suggest trying to find some location where this activity would be approved of and acceptable to the landowner (although you may already have done so!).

    You could always just stop at the side of the road somewhere on the way home and wash it.

    I used to wash my motxer off at local garage with their car wash. They didnt appreciate it though.

  3. Forgive me for mentioning it but, a couple of years back there was a lot of trouble with one of our land owners after a trials rider jet washed his bike off at a venue. We came very close to loosing the land.

    It seems harmless enough but be aware of possible issues.

    A jerry can would hold 20L otherwise their are plenty of plastic barrel available, often at recycling centres or car breakers.

  4. Not been on here for a while and decided to check out the stolen bike thread, as I thought that trials bikes wouldn't be stolen as often as the MX and enduro bikes...but I'm wrong!

    It seems that the police seem to getting a real bad press on here too as regards their reaction to a stolen bike....I have been there too when I had my enduro bike stolen.

    Some of the conversations I had with the police after I found out whom stole my bike, where it was being kept, were so laughable, to the point of being just unbelieveable....

    " I have just seen my stolen bike"...

    "ooh, right thank you sir, we will get someone there this afternoon, goodbye sir"

    "ermm...don't you want to know where it is, it may be useful!?!"

    Also, when I was looking to buy my Monty I saw two for sale that had the frame and engine numbers ground off, one so fresh it still had clean burrs on the frame....yeah I grassed the guys up, I rung the police, never got a call back though....

    The "sir can't put anything 'in-place' as an anti-theft deterent that may cause distress or worse injury" conversation....

    This sort of thing really p*sses me off, the only contact I have with the police always seems to be negative....when I get a ticket for speeding, 82 in a 70 was the last.....yeah I think bit tight, but it's a fair cop and they have a job to do, and when I need them I'm sure they will be there for me...but I always feel so let down.... I wouldn't want to their do job but then they wouldn't want my job either I'm sure.

    Come, on some one must a good story to tell, it can't be all bad?

    Yes it can. The Police (in the UK anyway) are worse than useless. Even when we do their job for them by finding out who stole a bike and where it is being kept they dont want to know.

    I rang to report a neighbour (VERY wierd guy) who was creeping about taking pictures of children outside our house (and all around the local area, parks even outside the schools) the guy lived next door to me and all i expected them to do was to call in and tell him to stop. I called them twice a night for TWO WEEKS!! they did nothing. Eventually someone from his past (he was a teacher) apparently came forward with stories of abuse from when he was at school. By the time it came to trial there were 3 others who testified against him and he was sent to prison for 3 years (i think).

    Left to the police he would still be living next door and photographing my kids.

    They're not just incompetant, that would imply that they were incapable of doing the job. They can do the job, they just can't be bothered and that is criminal. ;)

  5. There a a few varieties. Petseal is probably the most common. It is basically the same as the resin used in fibre glass but is petrol resistant. You mix the resin and hardener then poor it into your tank and swill it around for a few minutes (use tape to seal the filler hole and petrol tap hole) so it covers all around the inside. Then leave it to harden. Although originally designed for rusty metal tanks, it is often used on plastic tanks when they are going to be painted as it stops the fuel evaporating through the plastic and making the paint "bubble" off.

    Their is some similar stuff on ebay here: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/BSA-TRIUMPH-AJS-NORT...1QQcmdZViewItem

    but if you do a google for petseal you should find some in your area.

    Hope this helps.

  6. Hi everybody, i've damaged my tank on my SY, where the kickstart sits in the re-cess. It happend about six months ago kicked the bike over & my foot slipped off, causing the kickstart to spring back & hit the tank. there must be a hair line crack from where the petrol is seeping out. I've tryed to re-pair it with a petrol patch but after a while it starts to leak again. I silacond a bit of rubber onto the re-paired patch for a bit more security in case it happens again but wondering if its causing a reaction & thats why its leaking again.Anybody had a similer problem & any other products i could try. I can get it plastic welded but dont know what type of plastic the tanks are made of & which rod to use. Thanks very much.

    Sounds like a job for some tank sealer to me.

  7. I bet that CR is a right animal on the road! Must be fun though :D

    Yep, animal indeed. Loads of fun though. A bit dear to run and its taken a long while to get it to where it is now but its all worth it when i'm leaving those race reps on a sunday.

    7-12mpg, 400 mile out of a rear tyre, 3000 mile out of a piston (if im lucky) but does the quarter in 10.52 and thanks to some recent mods now tops out at 130mph :guinness:

  8. Jep same bottle (different ratio; 65 cl to 5 liters)

    Hey Slack, Did you stop yer smoking?

    Hey gregg, yes stopped the smoking changed the crank seal,A mate did it for me for a small fee.I tried the bike on sunday & she seems to be running great,reving a lot cleaner & crisper.I thought the clutch seemed a bit noiser at idle but my mate says i was just hearing things because the engine had been interfeard with. i'm going too up the 2 stroke to 70ml instead of 65 mls. cheers & thanks.

    I use 90ml of silkolene comp 2 per 5 litres in my 97 scorpa 250. Smokes a bit (like it should) but runs just fine. Better to have a bit too much oil than too little.

  9. cheers madcr i did phone birketts and yes its a 98 so i bit the bullet and bought it!!! so i am now a proud owner of a 98 scorpa only needs a few odds and sods doing and she will be away so to speak. You wouldn't know where i could get a workshop manual for it would you, maybe on cd ??? or is this another one for Mr birkett thanks again for yo help

    Hi. I asked the same question when i got mine and i was given a link to 3 pdf files. I dont remember the link but if you give me your email i can send them to you.

  10. thanks for that i have not bought it yet as i don't know if its a 97 or earlier ? i have got the frame number if any one can help its!!!

    VMUSCR-249-SC298014 thanks for you help

    birketts will be able to tell you for sure but i think its a 98 (its in the chassis number where mine has 97) Is it blue or grey and yellow?

  11. hi guys i have to chance to buy a 1997 scorpa easy, but it needs a few things doing on it,e.g. plastics, chain tensioner ect not that much really.Are the parts available? and who sells them ? thanks for your time guys

    I have a 97 scorpa too and birketts motorsport have been able to supply me with everything i need.

    Find them here:


  12. My son is coming up to his 10th birthday, and just doing trials at weekends isn't enough, as he would like a trials game for the PC or playstation so that he can "practice" during the week.

    Does anyone know if there is such a thing as a trials game for the PC or playstation 2.

    I dont know of any computer games but you could always get him a trials bicycle to practice on in the week.

  13. Are you tired of those sissy "friendship" poems that always sound good, But never actually come close to reality?

    Well, here is a series of promises that actually speak of true friendship.

    You will see no cutesy little smiley faces on this card-

    Just the stone cold truth of our great friendship.

    1. When you are sad -- I will help you get drunk and plot revenge against

    the swine who made you sad.

    2. When you are blue -- I will try to dislodge whatever is choking you.

    3. When you smile -- I will know you got laid.

    4. When you are scared -- I will take the p**s out of you about it, every chance I get.

    5. When you are worried -- I will tell you horrible stories about how much worse it could be until you quit whinging.

    6. When you are confused -- I will use little words.

    7. When you are sick -- Stay away from me until you are well again. I don't want whatever you have.

    8. When you fall -- I will point and laugh at your clumsy ass.

    Friendship is like peeing your pants, everyone can see it, but only you can feel the true warmth.

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