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Everything posted by whizzy
  1. whizzy

    200 No Spark

    Flywheel fitted. Starts first kick cold or hot So even though the resistance readings were ok for the stator it seems the rewind has done the trick. It seems a little high geared, it has a a 51 thooth on the rear and i haven't checked the front sprocket yet. What does any body else run?
  2. whizzy

    200 No Spark

    Thanks for the great tip. I'm a builder so we have plenty sand, i thought i'd start with flooring grit and finsh with a nice soft sand
  3. whizzy

    200 No Spark

    Is that the thread on the shaft or the nut?
  4. whizzy

    200 No Spark

    cheers, i'll give it a bit more next time then.
  5. whizzy

    200 No Spark

    yep did all that as per the manual 5kg/m. Guess the key was just worn through all the on and off of the flywheel lately, it didn't protrude much above the shaft. I'll know more when the new one arrives.
  6. whizzy

    200 No Spark

    The saga continues, new flywheel fitted- no better. Although the resistances seem ok i decide to get the stator rewound. It arrived in the post yesterday and was duly fitted last night. Second prod on the kickstarter away she went Thirty seconds later whilst idling away she pops and bangs and stops The key on the flywheel had sheared Ah well i guess progress is being made. Watch this space for the next problem.
  7. The owners manual says Main jet 92, Slow jet 45, needle D33 at the third notch
  8. whizzy

    200 No Spark

    I've got the flywheel sorted out now but still no spark The black to red reads 380 ohms The black to green reads 43 ohms i assume this is ok. Should there be continuity between red to green? I have 423 ohms. Is there any connection with the lighting winding on stator? Is there any way to test the coil? it looks new ish. It's black plastic with four male spade terminals.
  9. whizzy

    200 No Spark

    The story contiues: although it would run fine it needed a gentle push to start. I decided to decrease the gap of the screw to the trigger. Of course i snapped the screw off I've locked the doors................for now.
  10. whizzy

    200 No Spark

    It turned out to be the screw in the flywheel/trigger. I just cleaned them and away she went This was after talking to Mike Hann.
  11. whizzy

    200 No Spark

    Many thanks for that Lee, i'll be trying it tomorrow evening.
  12. whizzy

    200 No Spark

    I have just finished screwing together my 200. It's been going on for around 2 years! I've replaced various bits, powder coated the frame, new ring, small end etc but done nothing to the bottom half of the engine. The bike ran ok prior to the strip down. Now i have no spark. I've checked the plug cap and replaced it also the plug. The coil is not orginal and is rewired as it came off. I've removed paint to ensure a good earth. Not sure of the make but it has markings for a red, green and white spade turminal plus a black cable. I haven't removed the fly wheel as i don't have the right puller. Any ideas what or how to test next?
  13. whizzy

    200 Frame Diagram

    Cheers for that Lee. I'm in email contact with Bas.
  14. whizzy

    200 Frame Diagram

    An exploded diagram like the engine one, only for the whole of rest of the bike.
  15. Does anyone have or know where i can obtain an exploded/parts diagram for the 200 frame. I have the engine diagram and the manual.
  16. I like the last one a lot more. I realy don't get this black n white thing.
  17. I did that before i asked the question and was unable to find anything specific to Fantic, I only spent about 2 hours at it so i might have missed something
  18. Does anyone no the RAL colour code i should use on 200 Fantic frame? Has anyone painted their tank on the 200? Any thoughts tips appreciated.
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