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  1. hi my mate has just bought a yamaha ty80 whitehawk and would like some info on the bikes, does anyone have any contacts for spares for the bikes and he was also wondering on how much the bike would be worth roughly thanks matty
  2. hi, im trying to get my rm125 road registered and iv contacted suzuki to get the date of manufacture and its
  3. i used to have the forma's and they just fell apart with me matty
  4. matty71


    matty coates pic of me on back wheel with beta
  5. i had the same problem with my beta and it turned out to be the rectifier matty
  6. its on at 9.00 pm pm the same night matty
  7. hi thers a few places around,warden law near seaham is
  8. hi i was wondering what the laws are in scotland (ayrshire) on trials bikes, is there any warning system or do they seige the bike etc. thanks matty
  9. hi all i was looking forward to waching the first round of the world indoor last night on eurosport at 10 30 but for some reason it was changed to football instead dose anyone no when it will be shown thanks matty
  10. hi i was wondering if any body knows were i would be able to ride in ayrshire scotland or nearbye thanks for any comments matty
  11. hi i was wondering if anyone knows any training areas around county durham thanks for any tips
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