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Everything posted by christoff
  1. Jimmy Trouble is that the ACU rules do say that the brakes have to work and chain guards must be fitted. These are probably two of the many things likely to cause injury. If you do examine the machine you must check these. I cant see you can get out of some responsibility if you examine.
  2. Scorpa 3 What level of event did the steward spot your lack of machine examiner? THe ACU trials risk assessment form states that for events of less than Continental Championship machine examination should be done by a "responsible person acting as the Machine Examiner" Therefore, I assume that as long as the person is "responsible" and have signed on as an official, any claims against them (unless they have been ridiculusly negligent) will be covered by the ACU's event insurance. I havnt got my rule book with me but I think transmission and chain guards are 2 different items. Transmission guards refer to primary transmissions and clearly state that you must not be able to touch mechanical parts. So if you can touch the chain, sprockets or gears then the guard isnt good enough. I cant remember the wording on chain (final drive) guards so I wont comment untill I have looked at the rules again. But I think it is safe to say that thet must be able to stop you putting your finger between the chain and sprockets where they meet. Let the debate continue!!!
  3. Frontroom Purely from a personal point I would go for the Beta. I bought an 03 Scorpa in late 03 and couldnt get on with it. Sold it Feb 04. Rode a Mont for a while and then just to make sure I bought an 04 Scorpa mid 05. Still couldnt quite get on with it but percivered for far too long. An injury to my right kneee wouldnt heal because of the long scorpa kickstart. So I swapped it for a 200 REV3. That was the best thing I ever did. Results and enjoyment factor improved immediately. The only bike I would sell my Beta for now would be another REV3.
  4. christoff

    Oil In Water ?

    Taylo63 I would be surprised if the seal wasnt your problem. If the case is OK there isnt much else. Seals can go very quickly on these, especially if left to stand for a while. Put a new seal in an change the box oil every ride or trial for the next 3 rides. That should sort it. good luck
  5. Mark Its a common 315 problem. Usually a change of oil helps. Try a very light motorcycle gearbox oil. ATF Dexron II or Ford MT 75 fluid. However dont expect perfection, they all drag to some extent. Its just a case of making it bearable.
  6. Hi all. I keep seeing an odd posting from CSMA members here and there. Just wondered how many trials riding CSMA members there are out there?
  7. Hi Ive had 2 315's and whilst the clutches have never been Scorpa or Beta light they have never been that heavy. I would check everything mechanically. Including checking for wear on the clutch basket where the plates slide and ensure that the release rod and ball mechanism works freely. You will need to take the slave cylinder off to do this. I that doesnt help and you have put fresh fluid right through it you could try a different master cylinder or lighter clutch springs. Someone might have fitted CR motocross springs to yours. Last resort, not recommended, but it worked on both of my monts, but i only ride easy routes. Remove 2 opposing clutch springs. This makes it really light and gives a smoother action. BUT IF YOU DO IT ITS AT YOUR OWN RISK.
  8. Congratulations to Iris. But what a bizzare situation. A world championship decided by a single section?
  9. try national tyres if you can live with dunlop's. shake your head and tell them there too dear. they usually come up with a half decent price. you dont need a bead breaker. buy 2, 6 inch g clamps from' local hardware store or B&Q. they've never failed me yet.
  10. Marcus Go to the trial with your bike and offer to observe. That way you can have a ride out to a section and a ride back (and I didnt say this, maybee a discreet practice whilst there are no riders to observe). That way you get a ride out, get a feel for whats going on and can ask about anything your not sure of. Your help will be appreciated, and observers get a free burger after the event. See you there. Christoff
  11. Sorry to say there is very little legal practice land round here. Dont go near the trough you'll end up being arrested. The only real answer is to go to organised trials and compete. There are plenty of clubs locally with easy trials within 25 miles. Lakes Grass Track have one on this Saturday. See events column on this site
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