Thanks for the input to my question, im now inspired to get out in the garage and practice-practice -practise, i love the idea of pumping up the tires!! , Thank you all
Hi all,
This will probably sound like a silly question , but im fairly new to moto trials , so here goes........................
I live in a fairly congested (neighbors) residential area and to start the bike up after work to practice is proving not a real good idea ( probably fairly so)
so my question is is it a good idea to practice balancing the bike without it going as ive heard balance is better achieved with the use of clutch /throttle coordination ??
or should i wait until i can get the bike out and actually start it to practice ,
and by the way its great to find a forum where i can ask silly questions re trials riding , Thanks
Hi Bigdamo, sorry for the delay in replying ,
Im guessing that it would be a good starter for bike trials, although the fact that bike trials is powered by your legs rather than a motor will make a big difference in your transition , but you will love the weight factor of the pushy , so so light compared !!! im slowly getting the hang of the moto , although my wrists are paying the price ( but i remember that happening when i started on the pushy also !) hopped over my first log today on the moto , not huge , but it was a challenge .
Positive feedback !! I love it , Thanks
In reply to your question BIGDAMO . being new to mototrials its hard to compare to bike trials the biggest difference ive found is the weight factor with mototrials , its easy to throw a pushy around compared with a motorbike and i notice there is a big difference in the body language needed for the two also , i can balance my pushy in all kinds of conditions(without even thinking about it) but cant for the life of me balance the mc even under perfect conditions (yet) i think i would be better of answering this question a year or two down the track,
Hi all , my first real post in this forum,
I have nothing that special to say , but just wanted to share the start of my MC trials career of with u all , im 49 years old (ohhhhh that hurts saying that !! ) ive been riding trials 'push bikes" for quite a few years and still love it , but that is starting to hurt also ! so have bought a Scorpa tys 175 from South Australia from a gentleman who rides trials there (im unsure if he would appreciate me mentioning his name on here? so for now ill call him mr X) a genuine man who stuck to his word in every sence with the selling of the bike over the internet, the bike arrived in the very condition he said it was in , Near new in my opinion and i just love it !!! I added fuel -checked the oil , two kicks and off i went .
Im very new to MC trials (in fact i have no idea) its very different to what im use to ! but im enjoying what im learning , i have an awful long way to go , but from experience i will get better as im in no rush to be good , just enjoying the ride (so to speak )
I will keep you posted as to my progress, and im sure ill have loads of questions to ask on here.
Cheers for now
Hi There,
Im From Bunbury West Aus, New to this forum, Have been riding Pushy trials for quit a while now and have just bought a Second hand TY-S 175 Scorpa, Have quite a few years experience on motorbikes (but not Trials Motorbikes) but am looking forward to it very much , the scorpa is still in transit ( Never seen it , bought it from the net 'photos Only")
Thanks for having me here, and I look forward to meeting and chatting with you all , Cheers