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  1. Thanks so much guys all your info is spot on! Will get the bike sorted and enter my first trial very soon!! Thanks again!
  2. Hi guys, ive sold the enduro bike and got myself a 2000 montesa 315r! Went out on it yesterday for the first time and it was wicked! Got some probs with the old girl tho, its running like a bag of nails!?!? Its hunting on tick over and stalls, wont really rev either! Have taken the carb off and will give it a clean tomorrow, have cleaned the air filter to.. I no nothing about this bike, has anyone got any info on carb settings, what mixture to run it on, what gear oil to use and how much?? is there a manual i can download fom anywhere! Need a cheap helmet to if anyone knows where to get one?? I am lovin the trials my only regret s not selling the expensive KTM sooner! Everyone should have some trials iron in the garage! Thanks in advance!
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