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Everything posted by ty250henry
  1. I have a aprilia climber 280r. its got a few problems i am justs trying to sort out. One of them is the engine cooling system, under the fuel tank there is a little tank that i asume holds the anti freeze because it conects up to the line of the radiator at the front? The problem i am having is that i keep filling the tank up with antifreeze and it keeps draing out and it doesnt apear to be leaking out the bottem???? can anyone tell me the problem i have or is it suposed to happen? Many Thanks Henry
  2. I have just bought a 1992 model for
  3. I was told not to use a pressure washer as it can reck all the seals etc on the engine!!!!!!!! But is this really true? Many thanks Henry
  4. I have finally collected the bike it is really nice and i love ridding it i am going to try it out today properly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks Henry
  5. I have just bought this bike and its really nice the only thing is that the fuel mixture??? He said 25 to 1 useing castrol TT does that sound ok????????? Does it really matter what 2 stroke oil you use he just said it runs best on Castrol TT??? Thanks Henry
  6. Thanks i am going to get my helmet soon hopfully the problem is i have spent all my money on the bike Thanks henry
  7. I bought last night an aprilla climber 280r its a 1992 model and i am picking the bike up on saturday. I have riden a montesa trials bike a few times and really liked it. It also comes with a towball atached motorbike holder so that should be really usfull. All i need now is a helmet. What does every one think of an aprilla for a first bike? Thanks Henry
  8. Thanks guys for all the help i have had a look at them and like them all but will have to buy the one i like the best i cant spend to much now because i have goon for a bike that is more expencive than i planned. But still want to get a high qaulity one because its esential when riding a motorbike. Many Thanks Henry
  9. I have talked to the guy a bit more about the bike and its not in as good condition as i thought! and he wouldnt come down on the price so i am now looking for a diffrent bike and am looking for a newer model than the ty. so if any one has any more sugestions on a good bike then i would be greatful for your opinion. Thanks Henry Hi Henry, It depends on your budget... you only get what you pay for. Obviously the newer the better, however a well looked after old bike is a likely to be a better bet than an abused new bike for similar money. If you can stretch to
  10. I have talked to the guy a bit more about the bike and its not in as good condition as i thought! and he wouldnt come down on the price so i am now looking for a diffrent bike and am looking for a newer model than the ty. so if any one has any more sugestions on a good bike then i would be greatful for your opinion. Thanks Henry
  11. I am new to trials riding and i have been looking for a trials helmet! what sort of makes would you recomend and my price range is around
  12. I am just in the process of buying my first bike its a Yamaha TY250 What does every one think of that as a first bike? Thanks Henry
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