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  1. davross

    Not Happy With Beta

    SNAP ! and the rear subframe which had snapped!
  2. davross

    Rev 3 Coolant.

    Your right it is a long term test. My Rev 3 is an '04 so it took 4 years for the casing to corrode. I only intend to keep it 2 years max so hopfully i wont matter to me! RobM did you get your bike new? have you had aby corrosion problems? Thanks for the replies lads.
  3. davross

    Rev 3 Coolant.

    Does or has anyone used Silkoline pro cool coolant in their rev 3? I cant seem to find the recommended "Bardahl Long Life" anywhere I have had the usual Beta waterpump corrosion problems so i choose pro cool because it seemed to be the least reactive. It says its safe to use with any metal or alloys. What do you think.
  4. davross

    Beta 270 Help

    Thanks r2wtrials, I have ordered the bits from lampkins (Very helpful) Not as pocket damaging as i thought. Thanks again.
  5. davross

    Beta 270 Help

    Yep, it's ****ed. I took the pump housing off last night just to check, found the casings all corroded. The corrosion has also locked up the pump impellor and its spun on it's shaft. Bummer dude! Does anyone know where i could get the bits from? Im glad i found out this way and not whilst riding the bike. Cheers for the replies
  6. davross

    Beta 270 Help

    How do you cure it? Im assuming that because you have said corrosion that just replacing the o ring is not enough?
  7. davross

    Beta 270 Help

    Its used, an '04. I really struggled to see the coolant level as its in a crap place, it's inside the frame. Would the fan cut in if there was no coolant in it? I hope i hav'nt boiled my new bike up.
  8. davross

    Beta 270 Help

    I have just bought a 270 beta and today I ran it up to temp for the first time. It was stood ticking over and it spat some coolant out of the radiator cap overflow, It did it twice and then the fan cut in and it ran fine after that. Has anyone got any idea what might have caused it? could the coolant have been overfilled and its just found it normal level. Please help. Cheers, Dave.
  9. davross

    Ty 250 Mono

    Ive got one! I like it. I think its fair to say the later TYs ( pre TYZ's) were out of date when they were new look at a '91 Gas Gas and a '91 pinky! But compared to a proper twin shock trials bike like a Bullet or Tiger cub they where miles ahead. Just my thoughts Dave
  10. On closer inspection you are dead right! 2 broken bolts that have been powdercoated over. Thanks very much for the help. Cheers, Dave.
  11. Could anyone whip one out and post a picture of it please? I tried an M8 bolt and it was too small so i tried an M10 and it seemed too big. Help
  12. Does anyone know what length/thread size the bolts are for the sidestand on a ty250 mono? I have managed to find a S/H one complete less bolts. Thanks, Dave.
  13. I've seen trials on eurosport, normally really late at night. Shame really, trials is a great spectators sport and should get more coverage. I think its because it's not socially acceptable to ride off road bikes anymore. Bring back junior kickstart!
  14. davross

    Pinky Plug

    No probs mate, mine came with the wrong plug in it and ran like a bag of poo. How are you getting on with your TY? How do you rate it? Cheers Dave.
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