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Everything posted by finn
  1. Thanks Andy, Unfortunately I have a 10 year old to keep up with and to do that I need every advantage I can get, so it needs to be a modern bike. Thanks for the help, I'll give it a good service and get it on the market. Nick.
  2. I've had this bike from new, recently returned to trials after 20 years absence and found a 98 Montesa much more to my liking. I'm thinking of getting rid off the old Whitehawk plus the Montesa and upgrading to a 07/08 250 Sherco. So what's it worth, reasonable to good condition, upgraded exhaust, chrome frame and all up and running in original red colours? Thanks for any help. Nick.
  3. Hi Chippy, Did you ever get to the bottom of your intermittent running problem? I ask because I hand exactly the same problem on Sunday, mine ran fine 90% of the time then all of a sudden she ran flat, wouldn't accelerate, knocked and popped etc.. As soon as I stopped her and kicked her again she was fine? She did this about 5 times, usually during a section - very helpful! Any info would be of great help. Nick.
  4. Just for future reference, West country windings are excellent, I sent them the stator on a Friday night, they phoned me about midday on Monday to say they had found a fault with the coil suppling elec for the ignition side of the stator. They re-wound the suspect coil and popped it back in the post on Monday evening - I got it the next day, spent 20 mins putting it all back together gave it one good kick, it fired-up and ticked over lovely. What I have noticed is it had been breaking down for some while, sometimes the bike would die under heavy acceleration which I had put down to jetting, it doesn't do it anymore! I can't praise West country windings enough, a very professional service for a minimal cost compared to new. They also do a fault checking service for about a
  5. Thanks guy's, After many phone calls to dealers, mecanic's and GasGas UK, all of which were very helpful but had no idea what the problem was, I phoned Westcountry windings who explained my fault to a T, it seems that they get a lot of problems with the gasgas stator. Apparently when the coils starts to break down they do so under heat, so the first time you try it runs for a little while then stops. The second time it runs is shorter and so on until it won't start at all! Leave it 10 mins and it starts!!! I've sent it off and should get it back soon - working I hope........ Regards Nick.
  6. Hi there, I'm having a few problems here with the ignition on a 80cc, it has an intermittent spark! I've changed the plug, plug cap, HT lead, coil and ignition control unit (combo) and it still won't spark consistently. I've taken it off and checked all the wires and it looks fine and I've disconnected the kill switch! How does a stator work? where does the electronic eye pick up the correct timing from and can you have and faulty one? Any help greatly appreciated. Nick
  7. When I got mine the previous owner hadn't changed it for about a year! when I dropped it - it look ok, If your in a lot of water then maybe you should do it more offen although water shouldn't get in! One thing I have heard of is that if you leave your fuel tape on and for some reason the float sticks open fuel can seep into the sump and cause problems!! Don't forget this is the ever-reliable Honda lump, not a gasgas which is a little more temperamental (not that there is anything wrong with gasgas). Nick.
  8. Hi Ben, This really depends on how much you ride and how hard, I'm no expert but this is what I do... 1/ keep it clean, try not to use a pressure washer as it get's in everywhere (like wheel bearings) 2/ wipe it dry and oil it up, I use wd40 and get it everywhere EXCEPT the brakes 3/ change the air filter every couple of trials unless it's very dusty then every trial (have 2 one oiled and ready to go) 4/ keep your chain oiled, I soak mine in old engine oil when not in use 5/ gearbox oil after 5 trials 6/ Fork oil every 6 months More important that all this is to run your eye over the bike on a regular baisis, if you have wear on fork seals, grips or even play in the wheel bearings change them before it does more damage to something else or you! Good luck. Nick
  9. Ed I've just changed a set of fork seals on a sherco and montesa and all I have had to do is the seals and oil, my son's gasgas 80 is next but that will need the dust shields changing as well as they are cracking and letting water sit between the seal and the shield... Regards Nick.
  10. finn

    Taller Bars?

    Yes it was and he was giving me some good advice I believe about how to get to the top, unfortunately I didn't take it !!
  11. finn

    Taller Bars?

    Thanks Neil Never thought that it would move the bars back - that's the last thing I need - don't wan't to look like I'm on a mini moto. I will have a look for higher bars (ProTaper) and see how I get on. Sorry to hear about your tumble, we have a lot of mud over here so nice and soft landings! Regards Nick.
  12. finn

    Taller Bars?

    No I'm rather tall and have noticed that I'm looking at the floor when on the monty, I also have another bike that's taller at the front end and I feel it's more managable Nick.
  13. finn

    Sparking Problem

    Thanks, I've got a coil / regulator on order so hopefuly that will cure it Regards Nick
  14. finn

    Taller Bars?

    Cheers, I'll give them a go. ps. thanks for the coil, unfortunatly it's a different type although I found one on ebay new so the gasgas should be going for the weekend. regards Nick.
  15. finn

    Taller Bars?

    Afternoon, Anyone know of any aftermarket way of lifting your handle bars on a 315r (1998)? It seems I'm always looking at the ground - or sitting on it but that's another story. Regards Nick.
  16. finn

    Sparking Problem

    Morning, I have a little problem with my son's 04/05 80cc Rookie, it will run for a couple of seconds then cuts out or sometimes run for 20 to 30 seconds. I have checked with a strobe light to make sure it is a spark and not a fuel problem, disconnected the kill switch and checked all wiring for nicks - all is good, I have also replaced plug and HT lead and cap with the same fault. I have checked the live feed from the stator to the fan and this is a constant 12v. Am I right in thinking that it's a coil / regulator problem? The bike is running a Ducati 32399010 (04 08) coil/regulator combo (black box with 4 wires in and green earth). Or could it be a stator problem and is there any way of checking? What are the symptoms of a fault stator or coil Thanks for any help. Nick.
  17. finn

    Running Problems

    Just to cap, I've had the carb apart about 10 times now adjusted to various settings and all to no avail, what I have found was the main jet was missing and the idle jet was clogged, then to cap it all I've just found that the atomizer tube has been snapped in half!! the last owner must have had boxing gloves on. I've ordered the tube plus various jets and will start from there, the fuel is clean and free flowing, the airbox is clean and there are no crack's in the rubbers so no air getting in from the carb side. Once this lot is done and if it still doesn't run I'll pull the flywheel off and check the crankshaft seals, or wheel it down the local dealer, or even just burn the lot. Thanks for all the help. Nick
  18. finn

    Running Problems

    I just rebuilt my mates 125cc carb and replaced all jets and the needle and the sod wont run right, it ticks over great but when you accelerate hard it die's I've put the needle in ALL poistions and adjusted the fuel air mix and no change. Is there anything I'm missing, or could I have the wrong main jet? it's a 120. This is the carb that was running real rough last week and had no main jet in it! Regards Nick.
  19. finn

    Running Problems

    I stripped down the offending item last night and found the pilot jet was clogged up and the choke was rusty, I cleaned and blew out every orifice I could find. The only damage I could find was up inside the main tube where the needle is, from the float bowl end it looks as if some of the brass has been snapped out. So I went looking for pic's this morning to see what it should look like and found a description of how to strip and clean on the sherco website, it doesn't have an image to show the innards but it shows a pic of the main jet in the float bowl bolt !!!! Now I'm either blind but this carb didn't have one - I've just pulled the plug out the bottom to check and nothing NO MAIN JET? how the hell did it run, my mates boy did a trial on it last weekend? So anyone know what size main jet should go in in 02 125cc Sherco, this should at leat go some way to sorting the problem of bad running.... Regards Nick. PS. definatley going to have a go at burning the patio furniture while cleaning the exhaust.... never liked it anyway
  20. I may be getting old but I find my 315R a little on the fast side in 1st, has anyone dabbled with a slower gear ratio. At present I have a 10 on the front and a 40 on the rear, looking at another bike at the weekend I noticed he had a 41 on the rear is this enough to make a difference or do I go for something smaller on the front? Regards Nick.
  21. finn

    Running Problems

    No I'm afraid I don't, I did have a quick look and there seems to be no way of splitting this one, can the packing still be changed?
  22. Does anyone know the name of a company selling modified dog bone links for 315R's on eday a couple of weeks ago, I have to replace some of the bearings and want to fit new links at the same time. Regards Nick.
  23. finn

    Running Problems

    I have a problem with a mates 02 125 Sherco and before I tear it apart I thought I ask... when hot it runs like it's lean, if you flip the choke on it runs much better, the carb has been apart resently and apparantly was clean. The exhaust note is very crackley and it's running out of puff on full throttle, if it cuts out it's a cow to start unless you use the choke or leave it for a while. I'm thinking it's a jeting problems but is there anything else I need to look for? Timming? Thanks for any help. Nick
  24. My boy's got an 80 Rookie, this too drips oil from the bottom of the silencer onto the swing arm. I think this is because he doesn't give it a big handfull of throttle, he potters around only using 3/4 revs thus it never gets blown through just collects in the silencer, every now again I get on it and it burns blue smoke for about 5 mins then clears. Nick.
  25. finn

    315r Knocking

    Thanks, i'll try all the above if I can get it to run.....
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