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Everything posted by robm
  1. robm

    Rev 3 Coolant.

    When I bought my rev 3 from gordon farley, pro cool is what they gave me to put in mine. Rob
  2. robm

    Rev 3 Fork Seal

    Just changed the fork oil seal (spring side) Left the required 120mm air gap. Question is...are you supposed to purge that air out or leave it in ???? Rob
  3. robm

    Rev 3 250

    Cheers for the replies, will try the esso, followed by whipping the head off, and if its still doing it after that, i'll start on the carb! Rob
  4. I would go direct to beta (John Lampkin). Very helpfull and I'm sure they will tell you what bits you will need.
  5. robm

    Rev 3 250

    A couple of weeks ago the engine developed a knocking during the afternoon session after a fill up. I put it down to dodgy fuel so drained it all out and changed the plug. Next trial no knocking and allseemed well. Yesterday it started to do it again... after lunch, it also seemed to be hunting a bit on tickover, which I thought could mean she's running a bit lean, but it does seem to be one of the more 'smokey' bikes despite being run on EXACTLY 70:1 (use syringe to measure) Any thoughts guys ? Rob
  6. Having sold the road bike due to lack of use (the beta seems to have taken over!) I fancy a little off/on road jobby to play with on those trialless weekends. Quite fancy a tt or xt 350 cos they dont seem too expensive (compared to xr400 ) Anyone got any experience with either, whats the difference, the tt looks a bit more off roady to me. Any knowledge greatly appreciated Rob
  7. robm


    Sounds like it wants bleeding??
  8. robm


    Did my 1st "proper" trial this sunday, came 11th out of 14 in the novice group and loved every minute.....well almost.... was total pants on the 1st round of sections (sorry dont know what you call it) mainly cos I was almost in a state of panic!!! This happened on the weavers and wobblers I've done too. After going round once I calmed down and really started to enjoy myself and not doing too bad (my opinion only!). Anyone else experienced this? Is there a quick fix?? Cant afford to accumulate so many points on the 1st round!!! Cheers Rob
  9. Thanks for all of the replies chaps So if I've got it right, having joined worthing I can turn up and ride in any other of the amca clubs trials and, possibly acu clubs trials on the day by getting the acu membership there and then. That said is there any advantage in joining more than one club ? At this point I would like to say what a friendly and helpfull lot you all are Rob
  10. Thought some more practice was in order so spent the day piling up tree buts and working out how best to get over them. Only fell of three times and feeling much more confident now ! My mate, whose taking up trials with me fell off, engine still running, back wheel spinning, got in a bit of a kerfuffle, picked his little beta, and managed to screw the throttle open and got dragged 20 yards untill he and bike landed in the hedge ... Funny ? ...I'm still laughing now as I type this ! Still, a valuable lesson has been learnt ! Rob
  11. Can you just go to any club trial then? doyou not have to be a member? Excuse the stupid questions but totally new to this . Also whats the difference between a club and group trial ? Oh and what does it mean when you see "closed for club trial" ? Rob (totally green!)
  12. Next question.... does anyone know of anywhere else thats open for practice (maybe during the week) in the sussex area... I need all the help I can get ! Rob
  13. Have sent off my application for the worthing club....will deffo be at the w and w on the 1st ...cant wait ! Have to say after years of road bikes this little 2 stroke has rekindled all the excitement and got the old juices flowing again
  14. robm

    Txt Pro 2003

    Definately dont just use water. If you want to be really good, collect rain water in a plastic bucket to mix with the a/freeze. Sorry I think I've just entered the world of a sad muppet with that one !
  15. Welcome Rob,go on www.brdmcc.org/ all you need to know is on there,cheers Mick Thanks Mick... looks like its open on the third sunday then
  16. Hi all, I'm just about to take up trials.. got a beta 250.. joined a club ridden round and round the garden! and been to watch a few meets, and I NEED to practice! Does anyone know if the pit in Halnaker which is quite close to me still opens for practice and if so what days you can go there Cheers Rob
  17. robm

    280 Or300

    Well I took all your advice and headed of to my local dealers...... and bought a really nice 02 Beta 250 for less money than the private 280 gg ! Am now one happy bunny...roll on the weekend !
  18. robm

    280 Or300

    Thats helpfull !
  19. robm

    280 Or300

    Ok guys some expert advice needed here ! Tried the 280 last night it all seems good, but acouple of things concern me (apart from it being an 02 !) Its a bit of a job finding neutral when its cold (the guy reckons its better when she's warmed up cos of the clutch drag) and the adjusters on some of the spokes are a bit rusty. Might be being a bit fussy there but he's put a tube in the rear and I wondered if the rust could be the reason I assume it should be tubeless. What do you think would be a fair price... bearing in mind I cant seem to find owt much for sale down here and I am on a bit of a budget and I have absolutely no patience! The little 4 stroke scorpa road legal one is as sweet as a nut but I have to say lookwise it doesnt do much for me (shallow!) Ok waffle over now.. all input greatly appreciated Rob ps the guy selling the gasgas swears she has been 100% reliable and talking to some other club members I tend to believe him!
  20. robm

    280 Or300

    Ok guys tried a scorpa 125 4 stroke today which the guys at the meet said would be plenty for me... also tried the gas gas 280 which didnt seem too wild ! Any thoughts on this little yam engined 4 stroke ? Others at the meet reckon 2 stroke is the only way ?? I feel I could keep going round in circles deciding !! Have to say i would rather get one from a club rider than chance my luck on fleabay Thanks Rob
  21. robm

    280 Or300

    Thanks for reply biff I hope so ! Just a bit concerned that the 02 model seems a bit iffy
  22. robm

    280 Or300

    Hi all I'm new to this forum and trials riding and am going to look at acouple of bikes locally tomorrow...a 2002 txt280 and a 2004 300 Raga replica..Which one would you go for and what should I look out for Cheers ps I know they are both too big for a novice !
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