Steve, you gave the game away, never mind the Slo-Mo, it's the Editing company editing all my crashes out in between that didnt look so good! Here is a Crash in Hong Kong while on Tour with Top Gear Live getting Chased by my Mate Ben Collins...(The Stig) Top Gear Purchased 2 Brand New 4RT Montesa's as that who I rode for then, and sprayed them green with Horns on the back, Garibaldi Made my One Piece Suit in green Lizard skin Material, there was a contraption I designed to catch the bike as I was launched over the top 20 feet into a hidden mat, Last Show I done before I retired!!
Come on boys....Ham2 (Wayne) when you land you should be slightly past "verticle balance" momentum moves the front wheel forward so you dont fall off the back and then flick the clutch again, if you land in the correct balance spot "Verticle Balance"your get faster and faster and lose the hops, It's hard to explain in text, just watch when he lands, the front wheel moves forward 6 inches "slowly" before he flick the clutch again! if the front wheel moves forward fast you have not gone past verticle balance!!
Zippy, I know what you mean about practise mate, life gets in the way when we get older, with passion and Perseverance your crack it guys, as bikes get more developed they are getting made to do this, I remember practising these back hops in 1989 on my Stripey 260 beta TR34 after moving from BMX Freestyle, and after a few weeks I cracked it, below is the bike I first done it on, Yes I know no Helmet, what an Idiot, mate asked to do a quick photo, so done it quick before putting helmet on"NEVER RIDE WITHOUT A HELMET"
Rear brake is as important as the Clutch
Zippy, The rear brake is as important as the clutch, Obviously modern bikes make it easy, everytime the wheel lands the brake is on, just letting the rear brake off when flicking the clutch!! Now get on and practise mate
-Jason Finn
Gilbo (David ) is correct this was a suit replica of Jordi Tarres suit, Jose had this suit spare in his office as they didn't make suits for anyone else, tony ended up giving this suit to Daryl, I had David's suits specially made for him in Tarres design but had no logos apart from team Jason Finn and garibaldi, so Davids suits were one offs! You should post some pics of your suits David, love and kisses Finny
Wayne, serious offer mate!! just send me a PM if your about!! Sorry about the lower case "G"
Yes thats their place/Office in barcelona, I went there many times, Ma luisa secretary, `jose Fernandez was the guy who produced Mine & Jordi's one piece suits, along with his wife, Garibaldi is owned By Isabella Garibaldi with help from her Daughter Georgina Garibaldi, they have another Warehouse were all the Garments are made, Jose had a little room at the top of the shop where all the sponsored riders stuff was measured, they really looked after me, trials has only ever been 7% of their turnover, they specialize in racing leathers.
Hey Wayne,
Spent a lot of time in Newcastle, had a geordie Girlfriend for 7 years, so being called a Cockney git is OK, I had to watch how I spoke when we went out while up there!!
Not a real footy fan, but I guess if I was it would have to be the gunners or Chelsea (Sorry Mate) although I knew a few of the Newcastle players.
If your ever down this neck of the woods, hit me up, pop in and I'll make you a cuppa!!
all the best
Actually the ebay suit was my 97' suit...well sort of, from the start of 96' I used a red JST JTR270 Gas Gas, the suit had white Gas Gas text, white FINN text on back and behind arms, then when the 97' model came out still in 96' I used a Silver Gasser, the suit was almost identicle to my 96' but Garibaldi changed the Gas Gas and Finn text from white to Electric Blue and added my "Key of life" logo in electric blue. so although it was my 97' suit it was still used in the end of "The Trick Wizard" filmed the end of 96!!
all the best
Jason Finn
Thanks guys!!! the truth is, if I could do a fraction of that now, I would be a happy man
All the best
Jason Finn
Cockney Git....That's too Funny I Cannot comment on that 95' bike because that was too many years ago, I'm guessing it would look huge in the flesh now.
All the Best
Jason Finn
Ah i didnt ride that bike that year, didnt it have a red tank and white fenders???
Colours of years
98 Carbon look tank Red fenders
99 back rear fender red front
2000 silver rear Mudguard
2001-2003 all red
2004 white mudguards red tank
thats by memory...99% sure?
I still own my 98' & 04' Mont 315's
They need a good hiding, I too had a 99' montesa 315 stolen from a secure compound at the British F1 at Silverstone where I was doing a Show, I had three Montesa's there and they stole my Number 1 bike, it even had Marc Colomers Factory Rear wheel in it (without the metal beading) as I kept snapping spokes!! and that bike has never popped up over the last 13 years, i thought it might have done because it had so many special parts on it, I think it went into some foriegn motorhome and went abroad???
Sorry for the bad pic of the bike
I lerk on this site in the background and am
Not here to judge anyone, but jumping on a guy that is already down is not a good thing in such a "small" sport!! Gardening as its been put as been going on for as long as I have been around the sport, I've seen riders/minders remove parts of sections at all levels, so if Shirty has been this bad why does all his bad doings over years have to be punished on the last round and on such an important section! Couldnt it have been done at the start! I personally think its a very very bad decision and timing! Changing of rules every 5 minutes don't help either, remember the importance of importers and what they all do for the sport!
-Jason Finn
I now know why I have never listened to forums!!!! I heard you guys say the word "dull"which for me is the wrong word, if you think indoors is dull you should think of another sport to take up, and the laughable one "none stop" are you guys crazy? Maybe if you walked the sections you would realise none stop just don't mix with the technicle sections, none stop would make the sections a lot less entertaining for spectators! Indoors is about the glitz and what can be achieved on a trials bike, seem a lot of the blame is being pointed to bou for being so good, I always record the indoors and mostly fast forward to watch bou ride the sections, there is nothing wrong with indoors apart from the dominance of bou, if there is a decline in spectators this is most probably down to the economic situation, people don't have that sortof money to take the wife and kids to an indoor!!
The Montesa 4rt is the best built trials bike on the market, their sales decline compared to other makes (Not the economic situation) is there has been no devolpment to the standard bike! You can ride a World round on a raga replica, you have not got a hope in hell of riding a 4rt in one, fans watch bou and want to buy a bike like his, bou's bike is nothing like a production 4rt I heard that his bike is lighter than a raga rep, as for his very special rear shock and all the other parts... And Not one part being optional on a production bike is Hondas own downfall, the works team's bike are dressed like a production bike but I'm sure the most difficult thing for mint is keeping them looking the same! I've had both the mont and raga rep, just annoyed at Honda/montesa for not making the production bike just an tad better in weight and power, would not take a lot for them to do this, then the sales would certainly grow!! Mont listen to the people buying the bikes!!!
The Montessori 4rt is the best built trials bike on the market, their sales decline compared to other makes (Not the economic situation) is there has been no devolpment to the standard bike, you. Oils ride. World round on a raga replica, you have not got a hope in hell of riding a 4rt in one, fans watch bou and want to buy a bike like his, bou's bike is nothing like a production 4rt I heard that his bike is lighter than a raga rep, as for his very special rear shock and all the other parts... And Not one being optional on a production bike is Hondas own downfall, the works team's bike are dressed like a production bike but I'm sure the most difficult thing is keeping them looking the same! I've had both the mont and raga rep, just annoyed at Honda/montesa for not making the production bike just an tad better in weight and power, would take a lot for them to do this, then the sales would certainly grow!!
I come here from time to time and You know what, you guys are mad!!! does it matter if Bou fived it or not??? I know it amazing to think that King Bou fived a section, personally for indoors like the observer I dont think it was a five...did it matter?, look at Bou was it in madrid? on the big red skips....he fived but then he tried a few times and did it for himself and the fans....a true Champion, Thats what his Genius as resulted to, talking about Dabil wining a race against him lol, thats how good he is and wining a race against him is all anybody can do against him and hope to do at any indoor event to tell you the truth (Once and a While) Bou would still win having a bad ride!!
Jack Burnicle has a wealth of info regarding all aspects of Motorcycle Sports, at least Jack gets excited, dont go Jack or we'll have some old one toned cap wearer doing it.
This is more of Trials trying to do the Motorcross Freestyle....why not just do it on Motorcross Bikes? Trial Freestyle is about what the other comment stated, trials "Style" Tricks! I won my first Trial Freestyle Championship over 10 years ago without any jumps, the other catorgorys was Road Bikes and also Motorcross Bikes (jumping), we were all doing completly different stuff, maybe we'll start having Valentino Rossi Riding his GP bike in Trials Compititions?
-Jason Finn
I think I would have to agree with Atom Ant that Toni Bou has been the best Trials Rider Ever seen, and thats saying something when My hero Jordi tarres has just been knocked of "The Greatest Perch" by Toni..........However Doug has done the UK proud, and who is to say that he has passed it? we all know that it would take something special for Doug to win an 08 World championship round against the Likes of Raga, Cabestany, but then there is the biggest problem of all, and that's in the form of That Montesa Riding freak of nature Mr bou!
I wish all the best to Doug on his 08 campaign.
I would like to see Wiggy Ride at Sheffield, Maybe Bias because my envolvement with the Great "Simon Wigg" It all sounds great for the Rider whoever gets the chance to ride, However it could possibly be damaging to their 08' campaign, Riding in an Arena Trial against the Worlds best is a very different thing to what these riders have experienced, The "Wild card" Rider who gets the chance to ride have experienced some great results...giving them confidence up to date, Maybe thinking they are not a world apart from the best, Riding against them "Will" make them realise exactly how far away they are, Especially a World Class Indoor trial, resulting in a confidence loss, so I am on the fence really!!!
I know people will say, well how do you get experience, I would say move slowly for confidence, dont jump in with the lions. as you know the saying "Progression is somtimes a backward Step"
Jason Finn