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Everything posted by trialsboy48
  1. Does it matter if toms riding, isnt this Bikespaces finest hour, surly he is favourite on home ground!!
  2. Whats happened Gasser? Is there something going around with gas gas riders from wales getting injured?isnt sagar injured too?is he back riding yet
  3. excellent, sounds like its going to a good one. Whos riding?usual suspects thorpe, sager etc. Do you have an entry list?
  4. Is the new Novogar round in Wales on this weekend? Whats it like for spectating, Are many sections accessable for spectators? Cheers
  5. What was the outcome at the weekend regarding the Novogar for next year? Any good suggestions made?
  6. do we have any results off today? They were not using puch cards, tho they had to in novogar??
  7. My mate went said it was a hot one! Dont know clubman but he sent experts thro... Thorp 17 + 12 = 29, walker 9+ 22 =31, pearson 14 + 22 = 36, crinson 23 + 15 = 38, sunter 16 + 29 = 45
  8. well good luck to all competitors! Entry list anyone?
  9. done it before but missed last year, think they used a different format, old alan was a fair loop round and sections were not easy. I see it clashes with west of england championship so entries from the top boys will be affected. whos fav now...ORIGINAL??
  10. Brit champ gets underway this weekend, who going to win this year? Is Dougie or Jarvis riding? Has anyone got a entry list? Scottie said entries were low so some top boys must be missing?
  11. Dabster - 20:1, more like 50:1, he wins a national a week, sometimes two! Straightforward national sections no one can beat thorpe, put him in a stream and he will clean it 9/10, put him on big rocks and he simply doesnt produce, where jarvis, morris, baker come into their own, hence dan gets knowhere in wrld rounds. YOUNG DAN - ISNT HE ABOUT 27?!
  12. Experts thorpe 13 dabil 14 pearson 30 novogar sagar 14, shirt 20, crinson 24
  13. Was at Lomax today, early number didnt favour us. Not a bad trial though few muddy, streams etc Anyone got results??
  14. It looks like another mess by the ACU doesnt it? Master class was a good idea and maybe should be continued. There are many top names missing from the list - Thorp, Moorhouse, Ludgate sager etc - Surely they should be aiming higher and going to full championship rather than experts? At first ACU said they would run masters if they got 10 entries, they got them now they have changed again. Who decides this? Surely something needs to change at the top to bring on the top riders and encourage others to have a go and increase uk chances of more world riders and not add to a fading bunch
  15. Shame about masters, it was a good idea for a stepping stone but hasnt caught on, Who are the 15 championship riders, do you know?
  16. My Clice riding suit of three years is nearing its end and need some new clothing. Does anyone know if you can still buy Clice clothing. Their web page does not work and my local dealer hasnt heard of them for a while? Any info?
  17. anyone going to the vic brit on sun? does anyone know where there is an entry ist?
  18. What was the final decisoin at the acu meeting at the weekend? is there going to be a master class? Are all past winners in Experts allowed to score points? GG 4EVA
  19. Im a Int/Exp and like to ride the odd clubman national but thats as high as I go. I have a pro at the moment but I am thinking of a change. Is the Scorpa more of a clubmans bike eg slow response, dull power compared to others or does it have the 'go/response' of the other bike??
  20. This years trial was harder than previous I thought but still a good ride round. Anyone got a full set of results on internet because surprisingly I wasnt in the top 8!
  21. Can you definatley camp at the start area? Done trial last year and it was very good. 2 big laps this year I believe and a good quality entry list. See you all there.
  22. The 2004 Brit Champ is a close one to call at the moment. It looks like it will be between Colley and Morris with Connor out of it at the moment. Going to next round to watch these boys in action. Whats everybodys predictions for the top three in each class I think Champ - Colley,Morris,Jarvis Mast- Moorhouse,Ludgate, Sagar Exper-Brice-Lampkin-Nortons
  23. is there a full section breakdown anywhere?
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