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Fun Trial - Gate Style Format in MI on 11/7/10
kjax replied to kjax's topic in USA Trials Reviews & Previews
It was a great day made for a great event. Sunny, dry and 50-60 degrees! Perfect weather and riding conditions. We had 30 riders in five classes. We also had at least that many spectators (many of whom normally ride). It seems that many guys are getting new bikes and have sold theirs already- and are "in between". It also looks like we will have a few new trials riders in 2011 as "crossover guys" from the world of off road. Some of our riders made the trip from IN, western MI and southern MI. Jim Gawne was our grand champ with 1950 points. Hope you got to see him ride the big rock section, it was great! For his efforts he received a set of "Beer Goggles" courtesy of Dan Janette. All other class winners received a can of chain lube, courtesy of Jeff Pollack. The fun trial format is so cool, low pressure with all of the fun. A few burgers and brats were consumed afterwards and as far as I can tell, more than a few beers were enjoyed by the masses. There were some photos taken....hope to have them soon to post. Hope everyone had a great time..... see ya next year. Same time- same place! Results: NOVICE Dan Brendell Mark Dorner Tim Logan Dan Janette Alan Eiscle Ed Logan Larry Corbin Jim McVicar VINTAGE Cal Crum INTERMEDIATE Don Keener Cam McGee Craig Bordman Jeff Pollack Jeff McGee Chuck Jones Deb Boardman Travis Howard Don Tudethout Chuck Howard Mont Annis Bob Watson Dick DeBolt ADVANCED Josh Mohre Daryl Gans Randy Arndt Jordan Peters EXPERT Jim Gawne Joe Mason Mason DeBolt Grey Howard -
Hi all, Announcing the second annual "Scot Hop" Gate Trial on November 7, 2010 in Oxford, MI. It is a fun trial, with no cost to ride and no series points in the MOTA schedule. It will use the Gate Trial Format which is blast for anyone who has not ridden that style of event. It's all about trying to get as many points as possible! Great opportunity for riders of any caliber to excel. A work day is set for Sunday 10/31 to set up and ride. The sections are reallly all cut in, so it's mostly riding actually. That's so we can establish the various gates for the gate trial format. Unless someone gets the idea to hack in a new section.....hmmmmm. Some serious BS might be exchanged- don't miss it. Event is set for Sunday 11/7/10 at 11:00am. (it gets dark early!) Will keep Saturday 11/6/10 as potential alternate if weather looks like a big issue as we get closer. Final ribbon hanging will happen on Saturday 11/6/10. Classes are Vintage, Novice, Int, Advanced, Expert. (possible extra class called "Stupid - Go Big" may be added) Eight Sections - 3 laps (?) Some things needed; Jim Gawne has designed a great new scorecard for the Gate trial format. On event day, we need someone to bring punches - at least eight so we can hang one at each section. It will be peer style scoring. On the work weekend before the event, some wooden stakes (thin and light will work best)will help. Blue and white ribbon is also needed for perimeter marking. I have other various colors for the different gates. No concerns with pre-riding/working and actually riding the event- it's all for fun. Anyone can ride/work/compete/sign-up/win/loose/fall/quit/or put their feet down in any combination they choose. I am thinking there will be awards after all...... a cold beer for the winner of each class. Let's see, if everyone donates one beer at sign up that might just do it. Let me count......uggghhh, now I am confused. The hell with it, PBR for everyone...... Nothin' but the best! E-mail Keith at kja5705@gmail.com for address and phone number if needed. Plenty of parking, bring anything you want. Bonfire will be there if someone wants to torch it. Grill for you gourmet types too. Heated garage if needed. Can even work out a restroom arrangement for the ladies. Last years event was full month later (in December) it was cold, so that's why we went a bit earlier this year. Here is link to some photos from last year. http://www.motatrials.com/gallery/category/11-funfest.html http://www.motatrials.com/gallery/11-funfest/detail/410-dsc01940.html?tmpl=component
Hello all, Things have come together very well for our best event EVER! Some killer new sections, and lots of restructuring of the old ones. There are 5 sections in the big ravine , three run on each day. One will be used both days and it is a new natural terrain section that runs upstream over rocks, roots, turns, trees in the water.....reminds me of TN kinda riding. This is a section that has never been ridden before. Not dangerous- but long and very challenging for ALL classes. Another brand new section is a stadium style where we are riding on, around and over 2 semi loads of long 12' treated timbers still banded and stacked together. (pile is approx 70ft long and 4 ft high) Something for everyone here too. The upper classes can really show off on this exhibition style section. INT and NOV/BEG classes are up on the wood too, but no big splatters or drop offs for them. This is the perfect spectator section in the grass right near the barn. 4 sections are within site of the barn for an easy walk. Two weekends have been spent with a loader moving rocks into many other sections. We are ready for GREAT event- don't miss this trial. A lot of effort has gone into setup options in case it rains. Most sections will be run as they are even if rains, they are run in such way to avoid the "mudfest" as best as we can. Camping is welcome, lots of room, potable water on site. Pit toilets, and clean fresh porta potties and wash station. There are a limited number of electrical hookups for $10 night. Event Flyer/MOTA website link http://motatrials.com/ Hotels in Rose City are already full, but MIO is only 20 minutes to the north and west Branch is about the same to the west. Here are two links for hotels in MIO and West Branch. http://www.google.com/#hl=en&source=hp...7efa91857cb74f0 http://www.google.com/#hl=en&q=west+br...7efa91857cb74f0 Remember that this is a great area where you can legally ride out to the state trails from the campground and trials area. So bring family bikes, quads etc for fun after the daily events. Sorry, no trail riding on the Bent Wheels property during the event. Moto guys contact Keith directly- for some possible local MX action if wanted.
I would ride the Cota in at least one event, since I never make enough events to chase points in the SR class. I'm always in it for the fun. I think there a few more regular MOTA riders that own vintage bikes, but do not sign up with them since they would be giving up potential points toward their year end position in their regular class. Windsor had trophies for Vintage in 2009. No special line- I rode the novice line as vintage in that event. I was the only rider signed up in Vintage. I can see the need to have some split for rider ability (perhaps A/:biggrinsanta: but there I go spending more money and making it complicated. No matter what- it would be great to have more vintage bikes particpating in the MOTA series.
Mota Area Fun Trials - Scottish Gate Trial Format
kjax replied to kjax's topic in USA Trials Reviews & Previews
Great day- Lots of fun for all who showed up and also to those who helped to set up! Special thanks to Bob W. and Paul Z. Lots of others helped too - even some who didn't even come to ride on Sat!. Here a few pics- Gary W. took over 100 pics hope to have a link soon. Summary of the top rides! Nov 1st Jim McVicar Int 1st Keith Dunlop Adv 1st Kunio Watanabe Exp 1st Scott DeBolt -
As a lifelong go fast and go slow rider. I have tried numerous full coverage helmets and all that are made for off road motorcycles restrict vison. The simpson pit helmet sure looks like it may be a great improvement in that department, but the proof will be in the wearing. Personally I will stick with a traditional trials style helmet as (like Cope), as I now avoid those aggessive sections as an old guy who "ustacould" the bigger stuff. Knee protection is mandatory in my book. Elbow pads might even be an option for some. I do not wear chest protectors, kidney belt and neck braces for trials but do for my off road stuff. As a card carrying "frequent flyer" to the ortho doctor, proper protection is important. I have never had a major injury due to a trials induced injury. (major is defined as something that required treatment by a professional) I wish I could say the same for enduro side of my riding (ribs, collar bone, legs, knees, hands, kidney, and head- boy did that full coverage helmet pay off on that one!) Wait, I did actually break a rib this last summer on the Sherco- no treatment though.
A great move in my opinion. As an enduro rider of course I'm all for it, but I really think the crossover marketing will help the publication to grow and bring more riders to both venues.
Mota Area Fun Trials - Scottish Gate Trial Format
kjax replied to kjax's topic in USA Trials Reviews & Previews
FINAL UPDATE! The "Scot Hop" Gate Trial is on! Weather forecast looks cold but dry for Sat 12/12. Original plan was to start early at 10:00am but the revised forcast calls for colder overnight temps, so we'll push back to noon to start. Will have a big bonfire (I mean big!) to stay warm. Garage is heated too. We have 8 or 9 sections planned. There will be 3 (or possibly 4) loops, depending on the weather. Most have an easy "escape route" that keeps you in the section for points but allows for options to ride numerous gates for more points. Only 4 classes (Nov-Int-Adv-Ex) Remember this is a Gate Trial- where you are looking to get as many points as possible. I have attached a list of the Gate Trial rules. Looks like we might have some people to check, but also planning on peer scoring for any sections that don't have an observer. We even have 4 first place awards! I'll have a grill to throw on whatever you bring. PM - e-mail - call for an address. My cell # is 248-860-8832. kja5705@hotmail.com If you get a minute, (e-mail or phone) to let me if you are coming. Looking forward to ypu guys making the trip Sam! It looks like a pretty good turnout from the people I have heard from. First Annual Scot Hop Gate Trial Rules The following are what I got from the Oklahoma gang using Ahvala Rules for a gate trial. I modified them a bit to fit our program. Rules synopsis: High score wins. One rider in a section at a time and you receive 30 bonus points when your back axle clears the entrance gate plane. So, you begin each section with 30 points. All sections have -
Mota Area Fun Trials - Scottish Gate Trial Format
kjax replied to kjax's topic in USA Trials Reviews & Previews
UPDATE! Sections complete- 9 total - many very cool options, this Gate Trial thing is great once you get the hang of it! They are set up to allow lower classes to still get some very decent scores, and it allows the experts to higher scores by going around for more gates by hopping. There is an easy out of most sections in case of really slippery conditions. We have had all skill levels try out various parts of the sections. We now will have a first place award for each class- A CD of all of the pics taken by Gary Wilkerson at 4 or 5 MOTA events in the last two years. I think there is at least one or two shots of almost everyone who rides MOTA events there - kinda cool to see actually. If someone wants to volunteer to help create the score cards, it would be appreciated. This is still a $0. fun event. It's still based on 2" of snow or less- hopefully the weather gods will smile on us! Conditions have been perfect up until now. -
Mota Area Fun Trials - Scottish Gate Trial Format
kjax replied to kjax's topic in USA Trials Reviews & Previews
UPDATE! We had a nice crew over the weekend. Got 6 sections set up by Sunday pm. Should be 3 more by the time we are finished. I was gonna take some pics- forgot to do that...again. Two of the six are brand new- never ridden until yesterday. One is all logs and the other is a nice fence row with rocks set up for some great gates. The skid steer loader sure makes for great boulder placement. Paul Z got in his favorite section in the creek. It's series of up and down over the roots and the banks. Now just picture that with some ice and snow. We got a better feel for the gate concept as we laid them out and rode the sections. Some allow for scores as high as 90 points or more if a rider is good enough to come back and pick up more of the 5 & 10 point gates. Since traction could really be an issue in mid December we laid out with easier ride outs where possible. The sections have no less than 2 gates of each level of difficulty, but some have as many as 4 of the same skill level. -
Mota Area Fun Trials - Scottish Gate Trial Format
kjax replied to kjax's topic in USA Trials Reviews & Previews
I thought I was a proper Scotsman??!!?? On second thought, unless we want to redefine the word "proper", I will take that back. If you are offering to come- we would love to have ya! Besides I want to see how a "proper Scotsman" looks and behaves! -
Mota Area Fun Trials - Scottish Gate Trial Format
kjax replied to kjax's topic in USA Trials Reviews & Previews
Thanks Cope- Since we are complete newbies at this- input is greatly appreciated. We are gonna simplify the classes. and reduce from 7 down to 4. (Novice- Int- Advanced-Expert) One question...do you make the 15 point gates "killer" as in only the best should even try, or do we make them mid level expert difficulty? Still sorting out the rest of it- we are actually having a few people over to ride/work on the layout of at least some of them, this Sunday11/8/09. So anyone interested can e-mail me or call me. - or just show up if you already know where. Supposed to be perfect weather this Sunday- 60's and sun. The pond is back up- so I am gonna try to pump it down- do I need to consult with the Army Corp of Engineers for that? Still hoping for some ideas on a name for this shindig!!!!! C'mon guys jump in . I had an idea for one. I had a guy pull up next to me recently at a traffic light when I had the Sherco in the back and he asked if that was one of those "rock hoppers". So I had the idea of the name "Scottish Rock Hopper" . Problem is there is only one real rock section on my property, hoping for the other long rock fence row- but it's not confirmed. It's really more of "Log Hopper" kinda trial. Hmmmm.... "The First Annual Scot Hop" -
Mota Area Fun Trials - Scottish Gate Trial Format
kjax replied to kjax's topic in USA Trials Reviews & Previews
Me thinks the rules for a "5" would be the same as we all know and understand. Stop, hop, backup (with no support other than your tires) to your hearts content! What I don't have figured out yet are the classes. I am thinking of going old school with Novice, Intermediate, Advanced and Expert only. Wait a minute...if you wear a kilt will that be an unfair advantage since your wife is scoring???? -
Mota Area Fun Trials - Scottish Gate Trial Format
kjax replied to kjax's topic in USA Trials Reviews & Previews
Hi all, Seems like (weather permitting) this will be a great time! Lots of interest. On the "Scottish" part of Gate Trial, I just adopted the title and format from the Texhoma Club in OK. Our plans are to use the Tommi Ahvala rules from the following summary- once again from our friends in Oklahoma. Oh yes, the other reason for the "Scottish" name is the fact that I am a SCOT! (my dad's name was Finis McLean Alexander...) http://www.geocities.com/clarkp4/ScotTISH_08_flyer.pdf Hey Deb, You can score on the uphill rock section..... Scott, you won't have to wash the bike until spring (that's also part of the new "Scottish" rule book) Hey Sam- bring the gang! And your warm gloves.... New challange- we need to name this thing... Any ideas???? Does anyone have any extra scorecards they can donate ? We will most likley not use a punchcard- just a simple grid that will allow us to write in the score for each section. The total number of loops will be decided at the event- based on difficulty, weather etc. All sections are close so there will be easy loops back and forth to warmth! The whole property is only 23 acres. I am working on the neighbor to see if we can ride a "killer" rock fenceline (300-400' long) - that will be a longer trail ride out and back if it happens. Here are the rules: Tommi Ahvala Gate Trial Rules The following are what we in Oklahoma call the Ahvala Rules for a gate trial. Several club gate trials have been run using this scoring method and so far everyone prefers these rules over the gate trial rules that have been used in the past. For more information on Two-Time World Champion Tommi Ahvala, go to supertrial.com. Rules synopsis: High score wins. One rider in a section at a time and you receive 30 bonus points when your back axle clears the entrance gate plane. So, you begin each section with 30 points. All sections have -
Mota Area Fun Trials - Scottish Gate Trial Format
kjax replied to kjax's topic in USA Trials Reviews & Previews
Hi all, Looks like the Thanksgiving holiday and deer hunting have most people bunched up in back half of November. I talked to quite a few people as well. So we are gonna shoot for Sat 12/12 with a back up date of Sunday 12/13. It may be cold, but frozen might be actually make it better. Snow could be a little tricky- but after all this is test of skill and traction????? The garage is heated, so in the tradition of motorcycles, beer and bench racing, a garage party will follow. Maybe even a bonfire??? Whatever- it's all good. Bring something to throw on the grill. (or in the microwave) It's on! Rain, Snow or Shine. (If we have really deep snow- we may have to reconsider) PM or e-mail me for details of my address and such. Hey Jim, hope Doc P. will let you out to at least hobble around ....you are more than welcome, can always use help- you can drive close to a lot of the sections. Will be messing around with sections over the next few weeks.... as always - come on over to ride if the mood strikes- bring your pruners! Kilt's are optional, but may earn a bonus on any section that is being scored by a female.