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  1. Just as an example, how silmilar are the TXT250 and the EC250? I would like an enduro bike that runs like a trials bike. Should I swap the motors or would I be able to just modify the enduro motor? Can any old MXer be made to run like a trials bike? Has this ever been done? Thanks!
  2. Hello all, Getting info on bikes can be a real pain so I've put together a collection of bike specifications using Google. It's kind of like Wikipedia since anyone can add to it. I figure if everyone adds 1 or 2 bikes it will be a pretty neat collection. MotoWiki If you want to add a bike go to the bottom where it says "edit this page". You must have a google account if you don't aready have one. Enjoy and please contribute!
  3. Why do trials bikes use straight pipes instead of a large chamber like on an MX bike?
  4. Anyone ever hear of running an automatic clutch, like a Rekluse, on a trials bike? Some enduro riders swear by them. Oh and nice forum you have here!
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