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  1. Richard Allen spares 07917 406313
  2. hillary


    Have just got myself a pair of the new Wulf hi line boots. Really comfortable - NOT waterproof but really good value for money when they are around £80 cheaper than other makes.
  3. Speedway use speedway tyres, not trials tyres and all trials tyres these days are 18inch.
  4. Yes, I'm going with two pals by road bike and there's at least four others i know of.
  5. You need to register first then it all becomes very easy, just follow the form.
  6. If you are making an entry into a trial, the name and address is for insurance purposes, whilst the bike details are to ensure you are entered into the appropriate class. As a club secretary, we have decided that entry details should be kept secure as per GDPR and we will destroy them in the year following the year they were taken. They are kept until the end of the year in which they are taken to provide information with regard to club championship positions etc. ACU kept details via the ACU licencing system are on a secure system as per GDPR. I can't speak for other clubs, but my club has a notification on every entry form explaining the club policy which is also explained on the club website. However, as a regular rider myself, I do feel clubs where I ride have not taken this requirement seriously.
  7. Yes, Neil was at Sheffield this year and we spent quite some time chatting as we did every year at the same time. We've known each other since 1972 when we both rode the SSDT of that year. Ironically I finished 62nd on 234 marks lost and Neil finished one place behind me losing 239 marks. We were 40 numbers apart (92 and 50) so I guess we probably didn't meet, but we both knew that we had ridden that year so it was a common point of interest. I travelled with him and Martin to Spain many years ago for a Gas Gas function and I remember that we travelled around a bit to look at the area and ended up having lunch on the beach at Lloret de Mar enjoying freshly caught sardines, barbecued on the cafe frontage. He didn't give any indication of not being well at Sheffield, in fact he seemed just as he has always been so to learn of his passing came as something of a shock. A very nice guy and his drive together with Martin Lampkin and more recently Dougie to promote Sheffield brought a wonderful indoor entertainment to the UK. So sorry to hear the sad news and of course condolences to Sue, Martin, Tina and to all those guys and gals who were more than happy to work with him to bring the success to Sheffield's trial.
  8. Personal opinion. The whole world trial situation has got totally out of hand in recent years and is financially unsustainable. Several years ago at Penrith (Nord Vue) it was intimated to me that the cost of organising the trial then (now some six years ago) was around £35,000 and to meet that figure everything had to be pared right down to the bone costs wise. Obviously any organisation that wishes to promote a world trial needs to not only cover their costs but to make a profit, so to achieve that it meant having a two day event, a decent turn out of spectators all paying to get in and pray for decent weather. Unfortunately, it's very difficult to attract a decent crowd to a trial which is just one of many reasons why Dirt Bike Action pulled out of their planned second running at Tong in 2017. That was the first year of Sport7's involvement and DBA realised that the demanded extra costs just couldn't be justified. All that has changed since then is that costs have increased with no guarantee whatsoever that the spectator attendance could fund the expense and allow the promotor to make a profit. All the weasly words about Britain being the home of trials, we don't make trials bikes any more etc etc etc mean nothing. It has all got out of hand. Despite what some folks would say, there is no need to have hard standing, a mass of generators, fancy press facilities, electronic timing, dozens of officials throwing their weight around and annoying everybody. A world trial could be held just as it was 10-20 years ago, using a decent venue with reasonable parking, a PA system, a press facility in a caravan. Indeed, a return to a trial that matched Hawkstone in its premium years is what is needed. It would still cost a lot but the public, knowing that the "feeling" they enjoyed those years ago would return, would encourage them to attend. I would even go as far to suggest that if you asked Bou,Raga, Dabill, Fujinami if they would still ride if the sport went back ten years, then I think they would. They may well enjoy having an artic full of bikes,mechanics and caterers, but equally it would still be done at a less ostentacious way. I could go on, but I guess you get my point. The organisation excess has effectively contributed to the sport's downfall at World Championship level.
  9. Us Brits believe that Crocs are endemic everywhere out your way. Take a look at the 2018 Scott on You Tube, who needs crocs with that amount of water!!
  10. Very disappointing, no crocs when you get a five!!
  11. As is so often the case, people get the wrong end of the stick. The suggestion is that the age limit for B class be lowered to 12 which will allow 12 year olds to ride 125cc machines which would bring the UK regulation into line with the European trials regulations. There is definitely NOT any suggestion that B class youths be moved into A class any earlier than they do now.
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