Keep us up to date on the progress, working out these problems helps all of us here on the interweb.
We have had a few of the 2007 and 2008 bikes that needed a new crank bearing that made similar sounds from the front (cylinder) of the engine. The chipped idler gear problem just starts making noise, it does not start softly and get worse over time as you have described.
We are running 90-100 to 1 oil mix and have had no problems. Long runs up mountain sides: check. Sea level riding with wide open throttle (short bursts): check. By looking at the discolouration of my ti pipe compared to other riders with the same bikes mine gets a lot hotter because of the big mountain pulls. 100:1, no problem.
The most common place for the water to get into the oil is past the water pump seal. The seal may look fine, but the seal wears a groove in the shaft at the point of contact, making the shaft smaller at that point resulting in a loose seal. I have yet to see a Gas Gas Pro where this didn't happen, so it would be good to replace the seal and shaft at regular intervals (annually) just to be on the safe side.
Of all the discussion that I have read on this thread, the one thing that stands out is the general feeling that "it is broken" and it needs fixing. Nowhere have I read a reasoned argument as to what is actually wrong. To some it is the overall lack of entries, others a lack of entries in the top class, media coverage, youth entry, rider risk in sections, checkers, spectators etc. Until the problem has been identified no one should be playing with the formula, that is only asking for discontent from within the community.
Within the posts there are many solutions to some of the above listed issues that have been brought up, and if taken to an end, there are likely several different problems that need to be addressed individually. What appears to have happened is that a Hail Mary pass was thrown in a desperate attempt to save a sport, but the team are all blnd to where the end zone is.
It has been said clearly that there is no plan for how the success of this rule change will be measured. So a rule change took place for nebulous reasons with no way to measure if it did any good.
I hope for all of our sakes that something starts to stick, because our market over here in Canada can't support the factories and I still need my annual crate from the Italians.
Looks like Gas Gas swallowed their pride and changed to the Tech fork for their top of the line Raga. Makes me wonder about Dougie Lampkin's influence in the bikes; Beta changed to a new linked suspension when Dougie came on board, now Gas Gas is changing to a suspension that feels closer to the Beta and new Sherco....just thinking out loud.
My apologies for not running a spell check, Nigel has it figured out....although with one g as the link correctly shows.
We have had two bikes, a 2011 and a 2012 where small pieces form the milling process came to be lodged on the sealing surface of the master cyclinder pressure seal. Pull the piston from the master cylinder and do a quick inspection of the internals to make sure it is all clean. (This is after yo have done the check recommended by Stork955).
If they set it up anything like the Tech on the 2012 Sherco, I believe that would be a good thing. The Marzocchi has never been my favorite fork, but I know some self fragellation practitioners will miss them.
The last time a read an article that compared the weights of the bikes, the EVO and the Gas Gas were the same. Claimed weights by the manufacturers are not to be trusted, although the claimed weight of the Beta was found to be the most accurate.
Without concentrating on published specs, just get out and try the different bikes because each feels differently, and what you really need to go for is the one that feels best. They are all good bikes, just different.
On a more subjective note, it is very hard to beat the Beta build quality, except maybe with a Montesa.
This topic has been informative for many of us in trials land, but I would like to just mention one thing. The Marzocchi fork is not a "better fork", it is only different; many people prefer the Showa/Paioli/Ceriani/Tech etc over the Marzocchi. As well it is worth noting that the Marzocchi feels different on the Gas Gas than it does on a Scorpa or an Ossa.
Thanks to all that have contributed.
I would tend to agree with totalshell. The difficulty of our club trials has steadily increased, with the "fun factor" and attendance decreasing. It is pretty discouraging when intermediate and advanced riders take 60 plus points in 2nd place, and are beat up to boot! Other than the already regulated minimum weight and materials requirements of the bikes, there is no need to change any additional regulations as they relate to the machine.
We have installed a Keihin on a EVO 200, and on 250cc Gas Gas bikes. Additional maintenance is marginal, smoother bottom end with more revs up top; great for smaller rider. The 250 in my opinion feels better with the Dellorto if you are a larger rider as it gives a bit more torque in the bottom of the rev range, yet still maintains a good top end.
The supplied Owners Manual covers the breakin procedures well. It is also available on the UK Beta website and the Betamotor factory site. Generally it is something like 8 hours, avoid excessive use of throttle over 3/4, vary the rpm, 1.5% fuel mix, check all fasteners etc.
I have been doing that Jon for just the reasons that you point out. I have yet to take one apart that hadn't damaged the ground surfaces of the floating gear and the shaft.
I am working on the third transmission from friends bikes in the past 6 months. The split needle bearing in the transmission is coming apart causing all sorts of havoc; if I have seen three in a few months, how often is this happening in other areas? This is on top of the usual kick start pawl/idler, and shift drum follower issues. I guess the fix is a three month warrantee!
No mention of Jack Sheppard in the official announcement as being a supported rider, or part of a supported team. Is TTT the only official Beta supported team?
Get a 200 Beta EVO, add a Keihin carb, and you have the best, all around bike to be found!
Once the bike has been started from cold, I have never had to use the hot start. As you kick the bike over to start, open the throttle to 3/4 at the same time; works every time.
I don't think it is powder coated or anodized; I think it is a more specialized low friction coating. We normally file or hone the high spots down and fill the small scratch with Superglu; work like a charm. You can file or use a fine stone on the glu to smooth it out.
I rode a 2010 EVO 300 for a week last year and found it one of the best "trail" trials bike that I have ridden; another friend that owns one calls it the fat-ski of trials bikes. Give it a little time, you will learn to love it.
I have done the Terra Nova and can't wait to do it again...good luck.
On another related note, the lack of new riders may also be a result of the introduction of the mountain bike.
This is a very interesting discussion, and I don't think that it can be solved by choosing non-stop, or stop allowed. Other forms of motorsport have handicapped the machines to try to even things out, some by adding weight of machind and driver, others by design changes to the machines; the common thread is to make the sport less predictable for the viewer, and increase the entry numbers at the top of the sport. For a start, the WTC should use bikes with a suitable production run (min 200?) thereby reducing the power of the bank account.
The new bikes are very suited to hopping, with most club members being able to hop to varying degrees in the advanced to expert classes; on that note, the one dab given while a bike gets shuffled around for 30 seconds seems ridiculous to me. Maybe we should go back to only being allowed to dab while moving.
Just some thoughts