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Everything posted by spenser
  1. Two bits from a future competitor. I have since my youth wanted to ride the Sottish Six Days and am now putting together a group to do just that in 2011. I have never been to Scotland, but offer these thoughts: To move the centre on the event out of town would be a mistake, this has happened where I live, and it has only resulted in greatly diminshed spectator and participant numbers; spectators often being the future of the sport. What does Fort William think? Do they want the event moved out of town? Spencer
  2. Yes, the spark gap makes a difference, set to 0.5-0.6mm. Also set the idle mixture screw 1.5-2.0 turns out from bottom, these are good places to start. Spencer
  3. It's a common affliction called testosterone. Spencer
  4. Not to challenge Jon, but the pre-load is adjustable be turning the large nut inside the red ring (the one with the R on it). Don't overdue it either way as you can damage the internal stop if it is forced. Spencer
  5. The rear shock on the new EVO looks externally, identical to the Sachs on a Gasser, maybe you could find one a little stronger from a Gasgas dealer. Spencer
  6. spenser

    290 Beta Evo

    A frien of mine just sold his 2008 4rt and bought a 250 EVO; he has not looked back. Check out comments in the Beta area under a forum thread titled 290 EVO feedback.
  7. The Canadian Importer in Cascade Motorsports in British Columbia, go to trialscanada.com where you will find the link. Spencer
  8. The only excuse for that abomination is that Adam has felt the need for some "gold".
  9. This ahs been covered before but the short and sweet is Honda hasn't decided where to sell the bikes, in their Honda Superstores or in the traditional dealer network. You can buy bikes from Canada as we have an Importer and given your dollar strength, should be very well priced. Parts are probably still available from Lewisports. Spencer
  10. My 2008 plastic is o.k., and there is no white based Pro before 2009. Fit an earlier model fender and when you go to sell it, fit the original. Fix number two would be to have a white decal made that covers a 2008 fender. Spencer
  11. Drop the motor oil and go to the GM Auto Trac II as has been suggested, it is working well in all of the Canadian Bikes with initial advice from the GasGas USA importer; motor oil is not "slippery" enough. Spencer
  12. spenser

    Bad Starting

    I agree, a stab (fast) gets it going better than a push, the other important thing is the pilot mixture setting, too lean (in) can make it just that much harder to start as well. Spencer
  13. spenser

    Heavy Clutch

    The clutch may seem like it requires more effort to hold in, but as your muscles hold it, they tire; the only way to truly test effort is to attach a weight to string to the lever and add weight until the lever pulls in to the bar. Check your lever and it's pivot bushings, a hit can pinch the mount. Are you sure your forearm muscles haven't atrophied during the winter lay-off?
  14. My girlfriend and I have had a 2000 321 (really solid bike); a 2005 200 Pro, a 2005 280 Pro, a 2006 300 Pro, 2007 250 Pro, 2007 225 racing Pro, then a 2008 280 Pro. The 300 was a very tiring bike for me to ride and loved to be riden hard, I found the 280 to be more controllable for me (didn't try to tear my arms off all the time). If you are an expert rider, you could use what the 300 has to offer, but for a great all around trial/trail bike it's hard to beat the 321. The 300 is lighter, more reactive, and has a more capable suspension, but on the other hand I did have to replace the kickstart gear (I was careless), the transmissions have only given us one problem (after our 2005 200 Pro went sailing through the air and landed hard on the shift lever, we had to replace the shift shaft) Resale may be better for a bike that is 5 years newer but there always seems to be a good market for the 2001 bikes. Spencer
  15. We have found that going into neutral by shifting down from second, rather than up from first causes this to happen more often; don't know why, it just does. Spencer
  16. We had something similar and I tracked it to the small "pawls", one of which was slightly bent, that sit in the shift drum. Unfortunately, that means splitting the cases, not as bad as it sounds until you try to put the engine bad into the bike with the skid plate on. Spencer
  17. spenser

    Rear Brake

    I agree with everything said previously but had an interesting thing happen as well with a small stone getting kicked up and landing on the top of the brake arm in behind the frame, this caused the same problem as not having enough slack in the push rod in the master cylinder. Spencer
  18. That was 20 years ago, and with the passing of time we all laugh about it, victim included (he still maintains had he not been "lubricated" the injuries would have been much worse). Spencer
  19. We had finished an epic ride in Britannia Beach, tipped a couple of wobbly pops when a couple of us decided to go for a night ride. Up to the climbing area nearby (rock-climbing with ropes and stuff) they found a bench in the granite wall that we often dropped onto, turned on, then climbed back up from. Early aluminum bars were good for 12 months maximum and his were on month 13; he dropped onto the bench, promptly broke the bar at the right triple clamp which turned him right off the wall (40 feet down a 5-10 climbing pitch). Two broken feet, broken teeth and lots of lost skin. The buddy that was with him doubled him to the nearby hospital on his TY250 straight to the emergency entrance and checked him in. Forever known since as "Cliff". Spencer
  20. I didn't read your previous posts, but we had a batch of clutch master cylinders on mid-year 2007 bikes that weren't properly cleaned/deburred, this caused dragging and was repaired by replacing the master cylinders under warrantee. I disassembled the masters and found all sorts of filings etc. that scored the seals. Best of luck Spencer
  21. Hey Steve, I had read somewhere that Jordi Tarres was considered the GOAT (Greatest Of All Time) and could not carry on with the same moniker. I had originally chosen the Goat as I am a Capricorn and trials bikes are like goats. Thanks for noticing. As for Newfie jokes, they will never be out of bounds. Spencer
  22. I really hope that people don't take the forum thread too seriously, I am very entertained by the slang from your side of the pond, much more colourful than your average Canadian could ever be (without getting the post deleted). Keep it up Spencer
  23. So you got this posting past the gate keeper, I am not as partial to the 06 Gasser as the 05, I think that the Sachs rear shock is a bit softer and therefore better for us clubman. The Ohlins rear shock is great for bigger moves but is not as forgiving for mortals such as myself. The Beta suspension is very forgiving but you have to adapt to the way the engine delivers it's power. As said before, try as many as possible. Spencer
  24. I am not so sure what "water wetter" is but does it not say on the bottle? Are you adding it to straight water or to coolant? I usually run coolant mixed with water to get a freezing point of about -35 degrees C, always using a coolant formulated for light alloy engines (stops internal corrosion). Spencer
  25. GasGas makes a spiffy tool to remove the primary gear from the end of the crank, this saves the cases. Spencer
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