Maybe it's just me, but the clutch seemed lighter to pull with about the same progression.
We have put the larger master cylinder onto one of our bikes as well and it has worked out for the better. I am not sure why (leverage, piston sizes, etc) . My question is: do you have to purge all of the mineral oil out before using DOT 5 silicone or can you add it to the system and bleed the mineral oil out from the slave bleed nipple?
Bob; I like what you said about the importance of setting the table for the younger riders to progress, that is very important. And the idea of Nationals held East one year, then West the next also bears consideration; has this been tried before? It would certainly keep the travelling costs down, unless sponsorship could be had. Another issue remains: how to decide the TDN members and coaches. I am in the camp of results based selection, not team manager selection. Any thoughts?
The most pending issue is of FIM affiliation so that riders could go to the TDN then. If I understand things, the FIM follows the riders, so the next thing to do would be for the WEC/MCC to mount a blitz for membership, starting with clubs then going to riders; this, along with people that have contacts within the FIM who could lobby on their behalf, and the coveted affiliation could be a reality.
I do have some questions as to how the the WEC/MCC National series was rolled out. If they were trying to get wide support, why wouldn't they have contacted the other clubs affected (at least their executive), so when the CMA came knocking looking for hosts for National events, appropriate responses could have been prepared? Of all of the riders that I have talked to that have riden Nationals, both Canadian and US, and riden internationally, none gave me any indication that they knew of this initiative; just hoping that the best riders will attend is not enough, they should be pursued, as their support gives credance to the series.
I observed at a World round held in Canada in 1990 and just last month had my calls questioned on a couple of riders where I had given three's instead of five's (Jordi Tarres), Memories can take a long time to fade, must have thick skin.
Is there anyone out there that would support the return of a true and balanced Canadian National trials series with the result being Canada sending it's best to the TDN? The rules seem a little cloudy on the subject of team selection but with some lobby work to the CMA (or MMC if they ever get FIM sanctioning) I would like to see if we could make this a reality. This is not meant to start forum for people to vent their spleens at the CMA; but rather to see if people want to see us move forward.
Spencer Fitschen
We may see some interesting things happen with pricing: Used bikes (1 to 2 years old) may hold there value well, and new bikes being offered at below MSRP as overall sales may be down and the orders for 2009 bikes will have been made to the factories and commitments by the importers will need to be filled. Time will tell.
Maybe Honda/Montesa have decided to properly price their 4rt rather than try to be competative with the offerings of other manufacturers. There will be buyers for a premium bike as there is a market for the "average" bike; Mercedes exists along with Audi and Ford. Luckily for us, the average bike is better than 95% of us riders and we don't need to spend the money for the Mercedes to get top performance. For a savings of over $4000.00 Canadian I can get a bike that is lighter, more powerful, easy to maintain and quieter: as John Shirt Jr. points out, it's the same decision being made by most competative enduro riders as well.
Using the current exchange rate of 2.0281 to 1 for Canadian dollar to UK pound, our cost would be $12168.60 for the standard and $13588.27 for the Repsol in Canada. I don't know what we will be charged but they won't be cheap. The 2009 Gassers are going to be close to $8000.00 so they have increased as well.
I think that you will find that the tapered end of the crank is smaller on the 125/200 and therefore the flywheels are not interchangeable. I would be surprised if the 250/280/300 Hebo flywheel weight fit the 125/200 flywheel but stranger things have happened.
I would think that "aftermarket" would mean anything bought for the bike that it wasn't originally marketted with. With the logic being put forth by you, none of the S3 parts could be considered aftermarket (bar-risers, pipes, pegs, etc).
Jon, that is the kit. We got the first one to hit North America and managed to con it out of Adrian. Lots of fun.
The engines on the 125cc Gassers are not subtle, that is why I suggested the upgrade to the larger bore. As others have noted, the response at higher rpm is fierce on the 125. You may also consider checking out the thread on this forum on upgrades to 225cc kit. We put the kit on a 2007 125 racing for my spouse-like partner girlfriend and it is a beautiful machine.
Adrian Lewis could give the best info on the reasons for there being no Montesas available but to my understanding it has to do with Honda USA/government off-road vehicle registration requirements. Ultimately I understand that Honda USA will have to make a decision as to who will import the bikes and the type of dealer network they would like to see. In North America Honda has been setting up "Superstores" where you can buy all of their products at one location (cars, trucks, generators, lawn mowers, motorcycles etc) and they may want to add the Trials motorcycle to the mix or stick with the established dealer network. All complicated I am afraid and not very helpfull to those in the USA that may want to get a Montesa "locally".
You can LEGALLY import a Montesa into the USA from Canada as eluded to in DonD's post.
The idea that cost is the final factor in why the bikes are not in the USA is bunk. I live in a small town (18 000 people) in Canada with people of average incomes where there are new 2008 Montesas and riders on 2006 Montesas'. We also have a local rental company with Montesas for clients. What really counts is dealer support. Honda/Montesa USA need to get their house in order and either supply the existing dealer network or sell the bikes in the Honda "Superstores"; their lack of attention to this issue speaks volumes on the commitment they have to the American niche trials market.
You may consider fitting a 200 cc (actually a 175cc) cylinder, the 125 doesn't develop a lot of torque so you need to use revs to get into the power.
The "wrong side" kick start was mentioned in jest people, kind of like commenting on Brits driving on the wrong side of the road.
It sure looks like the carb (if there is one) is easy to service, overall it is a rather awkward looking bike when compared to the 2008 Rev3 which I think is a very nice looking bike. No mention of total weight that I could make out, and they still haven't worked out the kick starter location issue.
The pink colour of your "oil" is water in the ATF that is most often used, and recommended by many for the gearbox/clutch. I have changed many of the seal/shaft assemblies on the Pro bikes as this would appear to be a weak point of the otherwise good engines.
It is most likely that you need to replace the water pump seal and shaft, if you replace only the seal, it will leak again in short order. (the shaft gets a groove worn in it where it spun in the seal).
Thanks for the thumbs up ranger17 and it is true that in this day of technology we can work together on solutions to our common problems from all corners of the world.
bigdamo: Yes we have riding areas in the wilderness, but the areas most heavily used are located with homes within 100 feet of our trails. We have partnered with the rock climbing community and the local trails society in the formation of a local municipal park in which we are legislated accepted users ,and in another area of town we have worked with the mountain biking community creating trails and play areas where we are now accepted users on the municipal land use plan. Both of these areas have residential areas up adjacent to them, just because its Canada, doesn't mean its a wide open playground.
It does pain me to hear of the problems faced by enthusiasts in other parts of the world, the only reason we have trials motorcycles is because of the size of the sport in the European countries. The sport here in North America is microscopic in comparison and therfore could not support manufacturers and deveolpment (I would guess less than 150 new bikes sold in Canada this year). To say categorically that a loss of riding areas can be partly responsible to the noise of four strokes is grossly inaccurate, the Beta 4t is a very quiet bike, a GasGas TXT 50 Boy is obnoxious and any two stroke with an inproperly maintained muffler is noisy.
Everyone in the sport must work to keep it alive; manufacturers must develop quiet, clean running bikes; clubs must create partnerships with other user groups (mountain bikers, hikers etc.) to lobby landowners and governing authorities for land use agreements; and riders must give back to their communities and ride responsibly. To carry on business as usual, ignoring the current social and political climate, will only result in off-road riding suffering death from a thousand cuts.
What happened with the 4t rollout, was it a well kept secret ?
We found out that Beta was working on a four stroke and then they announced: and by the way its on sale.