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  1. Hey there yamahamer..I Know that bike... you picked it up @ THE RIDGE from The Whites.. I found it for them a while back (the guy who had it previously belonged to our trials club/STRA). Its a good first trials machine. You and SWAMP should get together with us(local' trials guys) and ride. were always looking for more folks to ride with. Were riding this coming Sunday at the ridge. PM me a phone number if you're interested. Chad
  2. Hey SWAMP.. welcome the trials world. I live in Bham and ride w the other guys who posted here also. Pm me with a number and we can get in contact with you to come ride. We have awesome stuff at THE RIDGE in springville.and just as awesome stuff at "wrenchbender"s place (top secret spot !!) Look forward to riding , CHAD
  3. Thanks .. They seem like they ought to fit ! Are you the sam elaser from the TT trials foum ?? I go there also... Chad
  4. hello ??? Is there ANYBODY here ???
  5. Hello all ! I have been pondering an update of my 2005 300 pro , and was wondering if anyone knows if 2009 pro plastics will fit on a 2005 300 pro ?? They look like they would to me , I have looked at them in person and they look the same. I appreciate any help in advance ! Chad
  6. Thanks !! I was beginning to think it was me !! It was very strange for sure !! Ill call tomorrow...CJ
  7. Hello all ! Im sort of confused.. I am trying to call some trials shops in the UK to purchase a new helmet( as we dont have much selection here ) and I cannot get ahold of ANYBODY ?? I called 5-6 different well known shops 5 or 6 times each and was not able to reach anyone ?? At first i thought maybe they are closed on mondays (most shops here in the us close on mon.) But that is not the case per the websites ?? I have ordered from there before and never had trouble reaching anybody ? Is there something im missing , is it a holiday ?? Any help appreciated CJ
  8. polarity3232

    Bearing ?

    Hey all ! Anyone out there know what (number) bearing for a 2000 GG 280 R wheel ? Thanks in advance, any help appreciated ! CJ
  9. polarity3232

    Ty Pegs ?

    Hey everyone, I am building a 74 TY250a and wondering if anyone has found a crossover footpeg from another bike that works on a TY(The stock pegs are teeny tiny things !) I have seen some at some vintage trials sites , but very expensive.. I have considered some weld on extesions... this could work and the price is right, But i did a search on e-bay and saw tons of pegs for all sorts of dirt bikes for like twenty bucks (some look like they would work , not sure though ?) Let me know if you know or have heard of anything ! I am ready for this project to be done , and the end is in sight!! thanks Chad
  10. Has anyone ever used a non ty silencer on 74-77 ty ?? what was it? and did it work (what mods had to be done to make it fit ?) etc.. im having trouble finding a ty silencer here in the us, i could get a new aftermarket one , but im too cheap !! thats a last resort !! thanks cj
  11. Sorry I know this isnt trials, BUT im sure someone here can help !! I have an opportunity to get this bike for free or very near to it ! an old friend has it in her basement , it was her dads(passed 20 yrs ago) I think its an mv agusta, but not sure what ?? I may be wrong , also i would guess it to be 65-69 ish ?? any help is greatly appreciated !! cj OH and this pic is from 1975 !!
  12. Thanks for all your help, BUT my buddy did not get the bike . The guy who was selling it flaked and said he couldn't let it go ! So back to the drawing board !! Anyone in the S.E usa have something for sale , he has a 2k budget ! we're in Birmingham AL , USA. Thanks , Chad
  13. Hello all, A friend is picking up a 1998 gg270 (his first trials bike) and I was wondering where one might download an owners manual /parts list for this model ?? I looked @ GG USA , and they only go back to 2001. Also looked @ GG spain same story ?? Any help appreciated. Chad
  14. Hello all ,i have a ty 250 (74) and i am having trouble finding a fuel tank . So i was looking around on ebay and saw some dt tanks that look identical , size shape , mounting etc.. ! has anyone ever seen one or done this before ? Im sure the ty175 tank will work but they are rare here as well , will the ty 80 tank fit ?? thaks any help appreciated ! CJ
  15. Thanks, kinda what i was thinking , I will certainly play on it , may do some itsa ??I'm sure I will be contacting b&j regularly for parts, and I live close to sturtevant , for help with all the mechanicals and what not !! Looking forward to getting into it (I think ??) LOL , thanks for the reply, and im sure i will have tons of questions upcoming !! CHAD
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