It has a sight glass but wanted to be more precise, otherwise you're relying on ground to be level etc, and you never know if youve over filled it.
thanks Benbeta
i use putoline light gear oil
Hi, Quick question, how much gear oil is recommended for a beta evo 250 2013 model. I tried looking through the forums but couldnt find it.
I think Beta reckon 550ml but im sure someone told me 500ml
Can anyone suggest a good trials training dvd for a clubman rider. I was looking at Dan Thorpe 'Basic Trials Techniques. Has anyone got it? Would anyone recomend? or suggest another?
Dabill, brown, challoner, shep
My Beta got stolen a while back and I have now replaced it and don't want the same to happen twice. I regulary see on this forum bikes getting stolen.
I was wondering what people do as their best line of defence. I have been looking at ground anchors, different types of alarms, chains, locks and even a doberman......
Any suggestions?
I have just sold my gasser and bought a new Beta (which is an awesome machine by the way). On the right hand side of the radiator there is a box thing with a black and yellow button on it.
Does anyone know what they do?
Also, is there any trick bits worth buying?
Hi all,
Im going to treat myself to a brand new bike this year. I currently ride a 2008 250 Gasser but fancy a change and i'm going to go for one of the new Betas, probably a 250.
I know this is premature, but when will the 2014 model be available? I know they generally come out late summer/autumn. I not sure whether to go get the 2013 model (which looks awesome) now or wait 6/8 months for the latest and greatest.
Cheers in advance.....
Hi I have a 2008 gas gas, i have never changed the chain and sprokets but the chain is super slack and the cam things on the back wheel spindle are on max so can push back wheel any further back
is there a standar chain length i can bu that will fit straight on or will i have to buy a chain tool and adjust the length myself.
I plan to put new sporckets on as well, same size as before, think its a 10 tooth on the front but cant remember the back size.
bargain........might get a spare too
How nice are those new beta's
Anyone know what the list price is? kinda lost touch on the price of new bikes
Why wasnt Wiggy riding? is he still injured?
An mate reckons trials cant be an extreme sport as its slow and must be boring........ baring in mind he has never seen it at all.
Does anyone have a link to a cool as F*** extreme video clip either off you tube or elsewhere that will show him how he is talking out of his fart pipe
Just noticed Wiggy isn't in the top 10 as it stands........... Why do you think he is struggling this year? Bike?
I thought he might be 7/8th sort of place
There doesnt seem to be any NE trials events listed from April onwards? I use TC as my primary source for finding when and where events are on.
Will they be posted soon or have they stopped? Where else will i find them?
not ridden trials for a few years and dusting the bike off.... i have forgetten the fuel/oil ratio for 2 stroke - 60:1 rings a bell, does that sounds about right?
Im Looking at buying a van, spotted a CITROEN BERLINGO 800 LX 1.9D. Anyone know if a gasgas will fit in the back? does anyone own one? Are they any good?
I', looking to buy a van too. Where is the best place to look? I use van trader& ebay, are there better places. cant seem to find many van dealers in the north east?
Shirty made a comment that he thought the sherco didnt suit browny's riding style........ Whys that? why will the gasgas be better?
Does the sherco suit Wiggys riding?
how much are they? and how available are they? Saw one at the weekend and they look cool as....
Not sure if there has been a topic on this before but i couldnt find one anyways so...............
Just wondering, went to nord vue yesterday, apart from cabestany, the sherco and beta riders were on 2 strokes. Just wondering why dougie, brown, wigg and all the others dont ride the 4 strokes. obvioulsy the gasgas and montesa riders dont get a choice
also in club trials, most people seem to still buy 2 strokes, maybe due to cost? I dunno
when the gasgas 4 stroke comes out, will raga ride it, or stick with the 2 stroke?
Whats your thoughts?
Just wondering what people thought about Nord Vue. is it the 1st time world trials has been held there?
I have never been there but I am going up to watch this weekend. I have been to hawkstone before, how does nord vue compare and what type of sections are we likely too see.
I have some people from work coming with me who have never seen trials before and asking what type of terrain it is. They are a little scepticle with it being a slow motorsport but im sure they will be amazed with what they see
I want a new pair of boots for xmas, only ever had Hebo before and have been pretty happy with them but fancy a change.
Any suggestions, good value for money, pro/cons ?
I have been riding trials for 12 years. I am a design engineer in the uk, for an automotive type (ish) application, done some work on chassis's, but now in the powertrain design team.
I'm want to work for a trials bike company as a design engineer but cant find where they advertise their jobs (apart from beta-website)
Any ideas?
Does anyone know if you can get kickstart on DVD?